Mysterious Portal

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Dungeon Location 8B03
Coordinates: 7.2S 75.0W
Map Files: Wiki Map
Nearest Town: Fort Tethana
Nearest LS: 1.0N 70.7W
Route: Run south form Fort Tethana or use Gear Knight Recall.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: 150+
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Quest Flag: Speak to Emissary of Asheron (Gear Knight Camp) at 12.3S 75.0W.
Related Articles
Introduced In: Plans Within Plans
Related Quests: Apostate Finale

Map Dereth Point


Inside the Gear Hunter Dungeon at 7.2S, 75.0W. From entrance stick left until you come to a room with hallways leading down to the north and south. Go north and down, at the next intersection go east (left). Soon after you'll come to a 4 way intersection, go north (left). Stick left until you come to a six-sided room to the Mysterious Portal.

Once you complete the quest you lose your flag to enter this dungeon (so you can't help others on this quest if you've done it in the past month).

NOTE: There is also a portal by this name on freebooter inside a cave at 54.0S 97.6E which is part of the Empyrean Rescue Quest.


  • Wiki Map:


  • None





Items and Objects


  • Surface Portal - Behind the drop into the dungeon, drops at 7.0S 74.9W and is not recallable/tiable.


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