Offering Plate with Offerings

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Introduced:  Across the Vast Divide Related Quests:  The Temple of Ixir Zi
Offering Plate with Offerings
Value: 0
10 Burden Units

A simple plate used to present offerings to the High Matriarch. There is one gem in the plate.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

Add gems to this plate to appease the restless spirits of the dead.

This item cannot be sold.

Offering Plate with Offerings
Value: 0
10 Burden Units

A simple plate used to present offerings to the High Matriarch. There is two gems in the plate.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

Add gems to this plate to appease the restless spirits of the dead.

This item cannot be sold.

Offering Plate with Offerings
Value: 0
10 Burden Units

A simple plate used to present offerings to the High Matriarch. There is three gems in the plate.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

Add gems to this plate to appease the restless spirits of the dead.

This item cannot be sold.

Offering Plate with Offerings
Value: 0
10 Burden Units

A simple plate used to present offerings to the High Matriarch. There is four gems in the plate.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded

Add gems to this plate to appease the restless spirits of the dead.

This item cannot be sold.
