Oil of Nullification

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Introduced:  Hidden Vein Related Quests:  Isparian Weapons Quest Updated:  Heart of Woe
Oil of Nullification
Value: 0
150 Burden Units

A decanter of heavy chorizite oil.

Apply this item to a diamond heart.

This item cannot be sold.



  • Difficulty: 200 (50% chance of success)
  • Tools:
Mortar and Pestle
  • Ingredients:
1 Decanter of Essence, 1 Refined Medium-Grade Chorizite
  • Result:
1 Oil of Nullification
  • Steps:
  1. Use Mortar and Pestle on Refined Medium-Grade Chorizite to create Ground Chorizite
    • + =
  2. Use Decanter of Essence on Ground Chorizite to create Oil of Nullification
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