Orphanage Wing

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Dungeon Location
Coordinates: Random on Caul, from The Orphanage
Map Files: Wiki Map
Nearest Town: None
Route: Find a random portal to the Orphanage on Singularity Caul and give a Pulsating Bony Lump from the Artifex Collegium to the black statue of Bael'Zharon in the same room as the exit portal at the bottom.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: 140+
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Quest Flag: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Dark Materials
Related Quests: Aerbax's Prodigal Shadow

Map Dereth Point


Using the BZ statue (instead of giving it a lump) will cause vita. The portal at the end of the Orphanage Wing flags you for entrance to the Prodigal Shadow Child's Lair. For two hours after passing through this portal you can use the statue at the drop of Singularity Caul to regain direct access to the Lair. Using the statue while not flagged spawns several high level shadows.

Once inside the Lair, fight through two massive spawns of creatures and then two boss shadows, and finally the NPC Kirienne Palacost will become a killable creature.

The dungeon also holds a "library" where all sorts of shadow lore can be found.







Misc. Creature Class

Items and Objects



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