Prismatic Amuli Coat

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Introduced:  A Change in Tactics Related Quests:  Prismatic Shadow Armor Quest
Prismatic Amuli Coat
Value: 8,000
1,600 Burden Units

An Amuli Coat infused with the power of the Elments. A soft glow surrounds the coat and storms can be seen waxing and waning within the crystal surface.

Special Properties: Bonded

Armor Level: 330 (550)
Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms

You must be at least level 100 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Web of Deflection, Major Frost Ward, Major Storm Ward, Brogard's Defiance

Armor Level: 330 (550)
Slashing: Below Average (165) (275)
Piercing: Below Average (165) (275)
Bludgeoning: Below Average (165) (275)
Fire: Unparalleled (660) (1100)
Cold: Unparalleled (660) (1100)
Acid: Unparalleled (660) (1100)
Electric: Unparalleled (660) (1100)
Nether: Average (330) (550)

Activation Requirements: Melee Defense: 380

Spellcraft: 310
Mana: 2400
Mana Cost: 1 point per 12 seconds.

Screenshot of Prismatic Amuli Coat
