Reflective Shard

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Introduced:  Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Related Quests:  Weakened Harbinger Quest
Reflective Shard
Value: 0
80 Burden Units

A small reflective shard dropped by the Reflection of the Harbinger.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded


You give Ciandra, Arcanum Alchemist Reflective Shard.
Ciandra takes the shard and examines its reflective surface with a satisfied look.
Ciandra, Arcanum Alchemist tells you, "I take it the Nullification Barrier held. I knew it would! The Harbinger should be severely weakened as long as the field holds. I would suggest attacking him soon if you haven't already."
Ciandra, Arcanum Alchemist tells you, "Here's a small token of my gratitude. You've really come through for the Arcanum."
You've earned 7,500,000 experience.

Retired Text

You give Ciandra, Arcanum Alchemist Reflective Shard.
Ciandra takes the shard. Peering closely at it's reflective surface, she looks deep in thought.
Ciandra, Arcanum Alchemist tells you, "It troubles me that the Harbinger made such easy work of the Nullification Barrier. This just proves what I feared though. The Harbinger is drawing the Essences to itself."
Ciandra, Arcanum Alchemist tells you, "It was a lucky thing you were able to bring this shard back to me though. With this I may be able to devise some other means of preventing the Harbinger from amassing more power. Here's a small token of my gratitude. You've really come through for the Arcanum."
You've earned 7,500,000 experience.