Rift Orb (Umbral Rift)

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See also Rift Orb (Tenebrous Rift)

Introduced:  Dark Materials Related Quests:  Umbral Rift Kill Task
Rift Orb
Value: 17,000
50 Burden Units

Special Properties: Pierce Rending, Biting Strike
This item cannot be further imbued.

Bonus to Melee Defense: +10%
Bonus to Mana Conversion: +10%

Casts the following spells: Tattercoat, Celcynd's Boon, Major Item Enchantment Aptitude, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect, Nuhmudira's Boon

Activation Requirements: Item Enchantment: 350

Spellcraft: 425
Mana: 2000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.

Rift Orb (Umbral Rift)
