Sacrificial Dagger (Retired)

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Introduced:  To Raise a Banner of Flame Related Quests:  Lady Aerfalle Quest Updated:  From the Darkness Born, Master of Arms
Current Version:  Sacrificial Dagger
Sacrificial Dagger
Value: 2,500
120 Burden Units

A vicious looking dagger of Dericostian design, with a cruel serrated edge. There is old, dark blood on its blade. Found in the reservoir on Aerlinthe Island. This weapon is unenchantable and ignores modified armor and protection values.

Special Properties: Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable

Skill: Finesse Weapons (Dagger)
Damage: 21 - 42, Slashing/Piercing
Speed: 15

Sacrificial Dagger (Retired)
