Shifting Tactics

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January 2009 - Announcements Page

Turbine Announcements

Teaser Images

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Release Notes


Town Crier Rumors

Free Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "It seems people have been purchasing some new and interesting things off the exclusive vendors who don't accept pyreal. I never really understood how anyone could live without pyreal but from what I hear two of these vendors aren't even alive..."
Town Crier tells you, "News! The Dereth Explorers Society has embarked on a great mapping project of the island and invites all adventurers to participate!"
Town Crier tells you, "News! There is a new hunter who is studying the fauna of Dereth. He's looking for adventurers to collect tokens from various creatures that he's tagged."
Town Crier tells you, "News! Owners of Runed Weapons can turn them in for practical training in the relevant skill!"
Town Crier tells you, "The Societies are training their members in the arts of war! They've developed some great big simulation to hone the tactical skills of their recruits."

Pyreal Rumors:

Town Crier tells you, "I've just been waiting for someone to give me some of those Olthoi venom sacs so I can go buy some protective clothing before the Olthoi make a comeback. We town criers really have to be prepared for anything!"
Town Crier tells you, "If you are a member of a Society, you may want to report to your stronghold for tactical training. I'm told the Tactical Officers of the Societies have developed a fascinating new method of war simulation."
Town Crier tells you, "If you have a Runed Weapon that you no longer need, you can turn it in to the Yaraq weaponsmith Bhravarn ibn Salizim for training in the relevant skill. How handy!"
Town Crier tells you, "The cartographers of the Dereth Explorers Society have announced a challenge to all exploration-minded adventurers in Dereth! Speak to Sean the Speedy in Holtburg for details."
Town Crier tells you, "The Hunter Rand in Holtburg seeks the help of adventurers comfortable with hunting in the wilderness. He has a variety of creature bounties to offer."
Town Crier tells you, "Well, I'm sure glad that awful T'thuun-thing was defeated, but it was kinda nice when his ambient magical corruption was keeping the weather warm."

Ulgrim Rumors

Free Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've been thinking of starting up my own shop where I sell things for ale. One can never have enough ale. And when one has ale, who has need for pyreal?"
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I've tossed back a couple of mugs with that Rand character who's sending people out on hunting expeditions. Nice guy, but he was way too interested in examining me for identifying marks."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, I finally got off my duff and sent that T'thuun screaming down to his own private abyss again. But not a word of thanks, or even a mug of stout bought for me by a grateful populace, eh? See if I defeat a demon lord of the cosmic chaos that lurks at the center of the planet again for you ingrates."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Tactical Defense? Please. More like worst drinking game ever."

Stout Rumors:

Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "The Dereth Explorers Society is marking the island for map-toting adventurers, eh? I've marked parts of Dereth, too. I figure old Berkholt's stout has seen most of this island, one way or the other."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "I hope you got all the Sclavus trophies you wanted. Clever creatures, those Sclavus. Able to adapt to stop dropping those bits that people like to make trophies out of. If I could adapt like that I'd grow a second liver and a third bladder."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Ho ho ho, the snows came after the demon went howling down to defeat. No justice in this world, I tell ya. As a wise man once said, we are slowly being digested by an amoral universe. Some of us more slowly than others, naturally."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Oh yeah, I saw Speedy Sean coming through here, marking targets for his map quest. I'll let you in on a secret, since you were so obliging with this mug of stout. He marked the back of Claude's mask. Yep, you're going to have to scalp that old trickster to finish the task."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Tactical Defense was so easy I beat it with one eye shut... Maybe it was both eyes. Actually I think I was passed out."
Ulgrim the Unpleasant tells you, "Thanks for the mug, friend. Hey, you didn't drop one of Rand's hunting tags in here, did you? I don't want to be trussed up and delivered to him for one of his weird little collection projects."

New Quests

Live Events

New NPCs

He awards 1 Adventurer's Token every 24 hours upon completion of 1 (of 5) kill tasks. 10 tokens give a Mana Forge Key.
Starts the Dereth Exploration quest.

Updated NPCs

New Locations

New Items

Dereth Exploration
Exploration Marker

Monthly Game Hunter
Adventurer's Token

Tactical Defense Game
Tactical Defense Coin
Archer Tower Token
Flame Bolt Tower Token
Ring Tower Token
Trap Tower Token
Uber Tower Token
First Upgrade Token
Second Upgrade Token
Third Upgrade Token

Gladiatorial Clothing Set
Gladiatorial Leggings
Gladiatorial Tunic

Protective Clothing Set
Protective Leggings
Protective Tunic

Ceremonial Clothing Set
Ceremonial Leggings
Ceremonial Tunic

Colosseum Update
Empyrean Crystal
Enhanced Blue Empyrean Ring
Enhanced Green Empyrean Ring
Enhanced Red Empyrean Ring
Enhanced White Empyrean Ring
Enhanced Yellow Empyrean Ring

Updated Items

  • Loot profiles improved.
    • All armor sets now have the same chance of appearing (previously, some sets were more common than others.) In addition, sets, as a whole, are now more common.
    • Chalices, Bowls, Goblets, etc. removed from weapon chest loot (but still occur in other chests such as Advanced Equipment).
    • New max wield weapons are now more common, as well as 400 wield weapons with 420 wield stats.
  • Granite Key - Trade value has increased.
  • Marble Key - Trade value has increased.
  • Sturdy Steel Key - Trade value has increased.

New Titles


New Creatures














Hollow Minion





Misc. Creature Class








Phyntos Wasp















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Known Issues

  • The "Failed to enter chat room" bug persists.
  • Some players still see black dome at Monster Fights.
  • Zongo's Fist is still surpassed by Strength of Diemos.
  • Tusker spells (i.e. Tusker Leap) still have an inflated difficulty.
  • The cleanup NPC in the Tower Defense minigame is cleaning up monsters too early, counting them against the player. This occurs at the third turn from the end. Monsters that make it to this point will likely count against you.
  • Can not apply dye to Protective Clothing Set. Confirmed bug by Django on Turbine forums.
*Django has reviewed the set clothing items, and has made some changes to the sets that will be effective in February's patch.[1]


  • The Tanada Nanjou Shou-jen and Bane Grievver creatures in the Tactics game are misnamed, and should be Mini Tanada Nanjou Shou-jen, or Mini Nanjou Shou-jen, and Mini Bane Grievver.
  • The Tactical Officer says he takes non-existent Slow Tower tokens.

Splash Screen