Shikken Moriyaki

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Introduced:  Soulless Sisters Related Quests:  Serpent Burial Grounds Quest
Shikken Moriyaki

Undead Level

Strength ??
Endurance ??
Coordination ??
Quickness ??
Focus ??
Self ??
Health 150,000
Stamina ??
Mana ??

XP ??
Luminance ??
Loot Tier ??
Bone Fragment from Shikken Moriyaki 
Commonly Wielded Items
Spectral Frost Nodachi 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Frost (Twohanded cleaver) ??
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D

Lore & Dialog

Shikken Moriyaki ceases his ritual when he notices you approaching.
Shikken Moriyaki says, "What is this? She will have her followers. I will deliver the serpents to her, this is their fate."
Shikken Moriyaki tells you, "One with such raw power would make an excellent addition to her army, yes."
