Sir Tenshin's Letter to Dame Tsaya

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Sir Tenshin's Letter to Dame Tsaya
A letter from Sir Tenshin to Dame Tsaya, in Yaraq.

Dame Tsaya,

You cannot imagine the state of apprehension I find myself in. I write to update you on the latest developments here in Shoushi as well as Holtburg. I have had reports that a farmer living on the outskirts of town had recently been acting extremely strangely-acting genially towards his customers one minute, then shouting and berating them in the next. What's more, he claimed to have come into a large inheritance-which is odd, because everyone in town knows his parents remained in Ispar.

After interviewing the farmer, the bearer of this message found a trap door towards the rear of his house, leading down to a seeminly innocuous cellar. However, a large cache of weapons was found behind a hidden doorway as well as stacks of Guard uniforms.

Now I ask you, Tsaya, how could this farmer store such a large arsenal and obtain these obviously stolen uniforms? There must be breach in our security-above all, I fear for our Queen.

What's more, Sir Rylanan has just sent me a letter of recent events in Holtburg. In my present nervous state I do not trust myself to summarize his words correctly, so I will add his words below.

I believe we and the citizens of New Aluvia may be in danger, Tsaya. The Queen must be notified at once.  

-- Tenshin