Skeletal Helm

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Introduced:  Visions in the Darkness
Skeletal Helm
Value: 2,500
350 Burden Units

A skull, treated and properly cleaned, crafted to defend one's head from deadly blows.

Armor Level: 220
Covers Head

Armor Level: 220
Slashing: (396)
Piercing: (330)
Bludgeoning: (132)
Fire: (176)
Cold: (130)
Acid: (132)
Electric: (330)
Nether: Average (220)

Skeletal Helm


Original Palette for Skeletal Helm
ACID Name Sample Hex
5697 SkeleHelm AF4943
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.