Squalid Coat

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Introduced:  Friend and Foe Related Quests:  The Hunt for Muldaveus, Squalid Armor
Squalid Coat
Value: 8,500
1,600 Burden Units

Special Properties: Dyeable

Armor Level: 280 (480)
Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Abdomen

Your base Melee Defense must be at least 270 to wield this item.

Casts the following spells: Impenetrability VI, Bludgeoning Protection Other VI, Magic Resistance Self VI, Minor Bludgeoning Ward

Armor Level: 280 (480)
Slashing: Average (280) (480)
Piercing: Average (280) (480)
Bludgeoning: Above Average (336) (576)
Fire: Above Average (336) (576)
Cold: Average (224) (384)
Acid: Average (280) (480)
Electric: Average (224) (384)
Nether: Average (280) (480)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 120

Spellcraft: 300
Mana: 2500
Mana Cost: 1 point per 20 seconds.

Squalid Coat


  • This coat is the reward from The Hunt for Muldaveus quest.
  • When dyeing, the whole coat takes on different shades of the dye. Fail-dyeing results in orange.
Dyed Squalid Coat

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Known Palettes for dyed Squalid Coat
ACID Name Sample Hex Sample Hex
7754 SqualidLapyan 00BED4 (007D8C) 048A96 (02464C)
7756 SqualidColban 0055D4 (003688) 043E96 (02204C)
7749 SqualidVerdalim 00900A (004405) 005800 (000C00)
7753 SqualidMinalim 00D27C (00864F) 049656 (024C2C)
7755 SqualidRelanim 4E00D0 (320084) 350490 (1A0246)
7746 SqualidThananim 393939 (131313) 262626 (000000)
7748 SqualidHennacin D40000 (870000) 980404 (4D0202)
7752 SqualidArgenory 959595 (6F6F6F) 6C6C6C (464646)
7747 SqualidBerimphur 908400 (443E00) 585100 (0C0B00)
7750 SqualidFail FF690F (C24900) B64500 (6A2800)
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
  • Note: Color samples represent the VT-Hex with +38 Lightness added to better represent the colors ingame. Original VT-Hexes in brackets