Suikan Item Apprentice Robe

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Introduced:  Dark Thaw
Suikan Item Apprentice Robe
Value: 1,120
200 Burden Units

A finely tailored Sho robe for inexperienced mages.

Armor Level: 0
Covers Chest, Upper Arms, Lower Arms, Hands, Abdomen, Upper Legs, Lower Legs, Feet

Casts the following spells: Willpower Other I, Item Enchantment Mastery Other I

Armor Level: 0
Slashing: Average (0) [0.8]
Piercing: Average (0) [0.8]
Bludgeoning: Average (0) [1.0]
Fire: Poor (0) [0.2]
Cold: Poor (0) [0.2]
Acid: Poor (0) [0.1]
Electric: Poor (0) [0.2]
Nether: Average (0)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 20, Sho, Item Enchantment: 70

Spellcraft: 270
Mana: 250
Mana Cost: 1 point per 67 seconds.

Suikan Item Apprentice Robe


Palettes for Suikan Item Apprentice Robe
ACID Name Description Sample Hex
3861 OlafsunOrange Main FF7213
1456 Kahki Trim 7B6734
1162 Iron Belt 8A8A8A
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.