Thaumaturgic Plate Leggings

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Introduced:  Lonely in the World Related Quests:  Hieromancer's Armor
Thaumaturgic Plate Leggings
Value: 8,000
100 Burden Units

A heavily enchanted set of crystalline leggins, of the type once worn into battle by mages of the Yalaini Order of Hieromancers.

Armor Level: 0 - (170) - (390)
Covers Upper Legs, Lower Legs

This item can only be activated by <Character>.

Casts the following spells: Beast Whisper, Hieromancer's Ward, Greater Decay Durance, Greater Consumption Durance, Greater Stasis Durance, Greater Stimulation Durance, Lesser Piercing Durance, Lesser Slashing Durance, Lesser Bludgeoning Durance, Strength Other VI

Armor Level: 0 - (170) - (390)
Slashing: No (0) - (43) - (761)
Piercing: No (0) - (43) - (761)
Bludgeoning: No (0) - (43) - (761)
Fire: No (0) - (170) - (780)
Cold: No (0) - (170) - (780)
Acid: No (0) - (170) - (780)
Electric: No (0) - (170) - (780)
Nether: Average (0 - (170) -) (390)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 50, War Magic: 270

Spellcraft: 270
Mana: 2000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 8 seconds.

This item cannot be sold.


Thaumaturgic Plate Leggings Colors


Sea Grey

Sea Blue
Palettes for Thaumaturgic Plate Leggings
ACID Name Sample Hex
4266 KindledSilver 505050
4267 KindledSeaGrey 414F60
4268 KindledSeaBlue 105295
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.