The Royal Bull of Sanamar

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Introduced:  Dance of the Dead Related Quests:  Heritage Masks
The Royal Bull of Sanamar
Value: 8,000
800 Burden Units

An ornate representation of the heraldic bull of King Varicci II of Sanamar, King of New Viamont and Protector of the Halatean Isles.

Armor Level: 300 (500)
Covers Head

Casts the following spells: Armor Tinkering Expertise Self VI, Impenetrability VI, Armor Self VI, Minor Armor Tinkering Expertise, Minor Fealty, Fealty Self VI, Invulnerability Self VI, Moderate Invulnerability.

Armor Level: 300 (500)
Slashing: Above Average (420) (700)
Piercing: Above Average (360) (600)
Bludgeoning: Above Average (420) (700)
Fire: Above Average (360) (600)
Cold: Above Average (360) (600)
Acid: Above Average (420) (700)
Electric: Average (300) (500)
Nether: Average (300) (500)

Activation Requirements: Arcane Lore: 220, Viamontian

Spellcraft: 325
Mana: 800
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.

The Royal Bull of Sanamar


You give Trilaine di Ricard Virindi Consul Mask.
Trilaine di Ricard tells you, "Ahhh. This material is exquisite. With such beautiful materials at my disposal, I shall create for you a most honored Regalia, the Royal Bull of Sanamar!"
Trilaine di Ricard tells you, "Wearing this Regalia is sanctioned by King Varicci II, and is considered a showing of respect to his Royal Line. Enjoy!"
Trilaine di Ricard gives you The Royal Bull of Sanamar.