Tracker Boots

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Introduced:  Throne of Destiny Related Quests:  Rares Updated:  Shedding Skin
Rare #225
Tracker Boots
Value: 50,000
200 Burden Units

A piece of the Heroic Protector Set.

These boots are made from finest Auroch leather. Soft and supple, they are the ultimate in style and comfort. Far from just being stylish, these boots allow the user to move speedily and effortlessly over any terrain.

Item Level: 0/50
Item XP: 0/2,000,000,000

Armor Level: 500 (740)
Covers Feet

Casts the following spells: Epic Sprint, Epic Quickness, Incantation of Impenetrability

Rare #225

Armor Level: 500 (740)
Slashing: 550 (814)
Piercing: 650 (962)
Bludgeoning: 550 (814)
Fire: 550 (814)
Cold: 550 (814)
Acid: 450 (666)
Electric: 450 (666)
Nether: Average (500) (740)

Activation Requirements: None

Spellcraft: 325
Mana: 6,000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 30 seconds.

Tracker Boots thanks to Al Capwn of Morningthaw


  • The armor now levels when you gain experience while wearing it and gives bonus spells the higher the level.

Update History

Shedding Skin
  • Now part of the Heroic Protector Set.
  • Dropped on Death property removed.
  • AL increased from 400 to 500.
  • Value increased from 3,500 to 50,000.
  • Spells updated from:
    • ??