Translated Falatacot Scroll

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Introduced:  Bridging the Vast Divide Related Quests:  2007/01 - Bur Portal Summoning (Live Event)

Dropped by the Matriarch Mirta'kir during the Bur Portal Summoning live event. The translated scroll could be given to Hasin Lin or Gruuk'lar for a unique title.

Illuminated Falatacot Scroll

A parchment, covered in Falatacot Runes. As you look at the page, the runes seem to shift and move, and you can hear a faint heartbeat echo all around you.

Special Properties: Attuned, Bonded
Pretranslation Author: Unknown
Translator: Fanzen San the Translator
Translator Speech:

You give Fanzen San the Translator Illuminated Scroll.

Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "Oh my! Where did you get this?"
You explain to Fanzen San about your travels to Bur, and about the Ruuk Village."
Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "This note is very disturbing. If you took it from one to whom it was addressed, then you have repaid one small revenge for Asheron."
Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "I will not tell you what to do with this translation, but I'd like to suggest that Hasin Lin, in Sawato, may be able to make use of this information to find Asheron."

Fanzen San the Translator tells you, "Take it to Hasin Lin, or that Ruuk Village Guardian, Gruuk'lar. The choice is up to you."

Translated Falatacot Scroll

A translation of the Falatacot Scroll found in the Deep Guruk Caverns. From what you have learned, either Hasin Lin or the Ruuk, Gruuk'lar would be interested in this.

1 of 1 pages full.

-- Unknown