User:An Adventurer/Fiction/Book of Wisdom

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Book of Wisdom

Teachings of Jojii
... page 2

On the Four Stones and the Three Elders
... page 4

Koji and the Dragon of Power
... page 7

The Writings of Jhong Mi
... page 8

Messages from the shrines of Jojii
... page 12

The Spires
... page 17

Teachings of Jojii:

The teachings of Jojii began with a vision. Jojii wrote these words:

"I saw in a vision myself standing in the middle of a square, with four stones at each corner. Ahead of me stood a stone called Humility. To my right stood a stone named Discipline. To my left stood a stone named Detachment. Behind me stood a stone called Compassion.

I knew then that Humility must always be before me; that Discipline was my weapon to cleave through all foes and vices, and that Detachment was my shield against all hurts and sufferings. And ever supporting me and following me was Compassion, which should be the only footprint that I should leave behind in life. These Four Stones I saw as the foundations of living, the stones that pave the way to our return to Paradise."

And So Jojii began to teach his path to the people.

Master Jojii was one hundred and eight when at last he passed from this life. He left one final lesson to his students:

"Let humility dwell within you. Without humility you will be easily misled and lose your way.

Let discipline hone you. Without discipline you will tire and fall away.

Let detachment guard you. Without detachment you will be unable to let go and move forward.

Let compassion be in your every thought and action, as you strive to help others in their paths. Without compassion you will never be able to enter the gates of Heaven, even if they be held wide open for you, for your eyes will be blind to them."

On the Four Stones and the Three Elders:

There are some who believe that three of the stones of Jojii correspond with the Three Elders, and that Man is the fourth stone. This is what they teach:

"The Stone of Humility is the Stone of Man, for it is through humility that Mankind grows. The Stone of Discipline is the Stone of the Dragon of Power, for discipline is that which breeds power. The Stone of Detachment is the Stone of the Firebird of Splendor, for splendor is that which soars above the cares of the world. The Stone of Compassion is the Stone of the Unicorn of Grace, for compassion is the highest of the invisible graces."

Others find this belief flawed, and teach that the four stones belong to Man alone. They write:

"The Four Stones of Humility, Discipline, Compassion, and Detachment are complete in themselves. They need no ties to the Elders. The sum total of this path is the very path to Heaven that Jojii taught, which is not the same as the so-called Path of the Dragon, or the Path of the Unicorn, or the Path of the Firebird.

It is true that the One meant humanity to have a separate path from the Elders. We were not meant to be such spirits devoted to only one Heavenly Principle. Here is a great secret: We were meant to be whole, to embody all the Heavenly Principles, not just one!

So, while people will continue to teach that the Stone of Humility is ours, that the Stone of Discipline is the Dragon's, and so on, you may rest in the great knowledge that in actuality, all the Stones belong to us.

You may say that we cannot also embody the Principles of Power, Grace, and Splendor as the Elders can. But here is another secret: we can do so indeed, but first we must perfectly conform to the Four Stones.

So you see, the Four Stones and three Elders are not the same, and we should not place ourselves on the pedestal of the Elders just to make the numbers work out. Jojii never taught this, despite what you may have learned.

We have a far different destiny."

Koji and the Dragon of Power:

From this story we are taught an important lesson:

"Power is a double-edged sword, a terrible force which devours alive its master when used selfishly, but which reveals its true glory when used for selfless and compassionate ends. That is why the Dragon is said to be so fickle: because the hearts of people are thus."

So while many believe the Dragon to be fickle, "The Dragon of Power really is a Heavenly sibling to the Unicorn of Grace and the Firebird of Splendor. It is just that, unlike Grace or Splendor, which flee from corruption, the Dragon turns against corruption."

The Writings of Jhong Mi:

Listen to the sound of the falling leaves
Slipping quietly to the beds below
They fear nothing, and make no cry
Why do we resist death so much?
We will just be returning
To where we have been growing toward
And we will find rest at last.
Listen to the sound of falling leaves.

If the mad spinning of the dust devils
Yields nothing
Creates nothing
Changes nothing
Returns to mere dust
Why act as the dust devil,
Spinning so madly in place?

The fools look upon the world and see only pleasure
The lost look upon the world and see only pain
The wise look upon the world and see their work cut out for them.

The hasty rushing to and fro to fight, pry, claim, and steal
This land called Dereth, where so many perish in the daily strife...
Why have we been brought, to such a place of discord
Where even...[unfinished]

Messages from the shrines of Jojii:

There are many shrines of Jojii in this land. But there are a select few which provide you with wisdom. In Sawato and Lin one may find two of these shrines. When approached, they will offer advise. There are other shrines that will grant you a fortune or word or wisdom in exchange for a pyreal. One such shrine can be found in the Shoushi Grotto.

The following is a collection of the messages from the shrines:

Journey & Reward:
Sometimes the reward is experience.
There is no journey too long.
Life shall visit upon you hardship before reward.
Not every guardian hides a treasure.
Wealth is for the wicked.
Harmony is found in the simple tasks.
Want is not need.
Journey's cannot be finished if their end is not met.
A journey invigorates the soul.
The harder to obtain, the better to have.
All that you have is the earning of others.
The greater the good, the more difficult the task.

True wisdom comes from the heart not the head.
Search for the good in all things. You may be overlooking your own fortune.
Death; it is the end for us all.
Nothing is not something.

Actions will speak louder than words.
Don't ask, don't say, everything lies in Magic.
Time runs away. So will you.
A soul that is empty will not stand upright.
Tomorrow will become today.
Words cannot do.
Listen, not to me. Listen.
What does not do, is not.
The voice will scream to the wind, and it shall answer.
The strength of many is greater than the strength of one.
Words will not dress what the stomach desires.
The wisdom of fools astounds the wise.
Desire flows into the mind of the seer but he is never disturbed.
Recall the teachings of the past in all that you do.
Wisdom is knowledge that is understood.
Drink water, remember the source.
The gravest danger is ignorance.
There is no gift so great as gratitude.
Steel is edged and sharp, but it cannot wound pride as can words.
Children listen to the wisdom of parents.
Necessity is a force of motivation.

Never build a tower in a swamp.
Take time to smell the snowflowers, but do not bring them into the sun.
Carry a torch to light your way in darkness.
Run with dragons while you are young.
The only number that stands alone is one.
The smallest reedshark is the master of his home.
Slay the ursuin before you craft his hide.
Children's minds are parchments and ink-filled quills.
No knot unties itself.
The frog inside a well sees the sky as a lid.
Every knot was once straight.
Each droplet has its course plotted within the river.
Falsehood is like the crane, while the truth is like the Firebird.
Slotted spoons can catch carrots.
Slotted spoons cannot hold soup.
Water flows continually into the ocean but the ocean is never disturbed.

Stifle your words or back them with action.
When you are faced with danger do not think, act.
Always expect the worst when you take a portal.
Refrain from dishonoring the source of your wealth.
Save today what you would spend tomorrow.
A wise man seldom swings first.
It is the wise man that knows to walk around the site of danger.
If you are red your blood will be shed.
A boulder that flies level with the eye is not falling from the sky.
Welcome all warmly, even your enemy.

And there is one mose message, which I have yet to understand.

Oui ryja ymud uv vnaa desa uh ouin ryhtc.

Please keep in mind that the messages from the shrines are the work of men, so they all have faults. It's when you step back and look at them all that you find their true meaning.

The Spires:

There are many spires in this land. Some are in our towns, others lost in the wilderness. It is my belief that there is a spire for each of the Elder spirits, as well as the four stones of Jojii.

I will start with the spires in our towns.

Shoushi -
Shoushi is the home of the Spire of Serenity. It is on the northern side of the town's square. The spire is a place for meditation, with many Jojii shrines inside.

Outside of town is another spire. This one is the home of the scriveners. I do not believe the scrivener spires are the spires of the Elders or the Stones, because they were constructed much later than any other spire.

Yanshi -
Old Yanshi had no spires until the scriveners built one. The new town has a spire, but it has no name. It is the home of the archmage, the healer, and the scribe.

Nanto -
The spire in Nanto is called The Oak Talisman. It is on the western end of town, near the Blue Ghost Falls. It is the home of Archmage Jo Ji-Shen, and her student and Society Agent Shin Ro. There are four Jojii shrines inside, one facing each compass direction. There is also a collection of vases. Perhaps the magical floating vase found in Nanto was a part of this collection? There is also a scrivener spire in Nanto. Ikomi Ra, the Jojii adherent lives in the old north Nanto outpost. Above the Blue Ghost Falls, one can find the Water Temple.

Baishi -
Magus Ku Min lives in the Seven Stars Tower in Baishi. It is just outside of town, on the southern edge. The spire is set up the same way as the one in Hebian-To.

Hebian-To -
The West Wind Tower sits on the northern edge of the town square. This is the home of one of two archmages in Hebian-To, Anyao Zai. A jewel collector lives here too, along with a royal guard. The Spire is pretty ordinary. There are a few tables with magic supplies, a pool in the center, and a shrine of Jojii near the door.

Tou-Tou -
The East Tower Magical Supplies is the most eastern building in the most eastern town. Lai Jhong is the owner of this shop. The first level is the same as the Hebian-To spire, but the pool in the center glows blue. On the second level, there are some bookshelves, and a bedroll. The balconies all have two candles burning on either side of the door. On the northeast balcony is a pillow to sit on and look at the giant Empyrean Light House.

Tou-Tou is known for its bath house outside of town, and the lovely pond in town. In the bar one may find Han Rin-Jo, Jojii Adherent.

Lin -
The forest town, and home of the spire named Forest Magical Supplies. This spire is decorated much like the spire of Serenity in Shoushi. Archmage Ta Ban-Yu lives here with an apprentive alchemist. There is a Jojii shrine in the town, part of the path to enlightenment.

Sawato -
there are no spires in Sawato. You know the saying, "Never build towers in a swamp." There is, however a Jojii shrine in the town, used when one follows the path of enlightenment.

Mayoi -
Mayoi's spire is simply named Zhen's Tower. Yuzai Zhen sells magical supplies. The tower is similar to the Hebian-To spire, but not the same. There is a Jojii shrine on the eastern wall.

Kara -
The most sourthern of all the Sho towns. The spire here has no name, and it is again the home of the archmage. Kiko of Kara sells supplies here, and shares the space with some scriveners. The Tower is decorated just as the spire of Serenity. Kara is the home of Miko Li, Jojii Adherent.

Wai Jhou -
The western most Sho settlement, located in the swamps around the obsidian plains. The spire here is the only spire in a town which is not the magical supply shop. Instead the two smiths and the healer live there. Wai Jhou is only two buildings, with a tent to the south where the Candeth collectors work. The settlement is a religous retreat. All the shop owners here speak of the four stones of Jojii.

The Scholar's Spire - 31.2s, 67.9e
nearest town - Shoushi
The spire is currently the home of some drudges. There may have been more inside it at one point, but the drudges most likely stole anything of value. There are three vases, three bookshelves, and three skeletons. The vases are all outside next to each other. The bookshelves are all inside on the second level. Two of the bodies are inside, one is outside. Perhaps each person studied a different Elder Spirit.

Shoyanen Kenchu's Spire - 63.4s, 85.9e
Closest town - Mayoi
This is the home of the master mage of the Sho people. It is decorated in a unique pattern, but is similar to the Hebian-To Spire. There is a pool in the center, a Jojii Shrine on the north wall, a few screens, and some tables with magical supplies on them. She keeps next to her a glowing blue vial. She keeps candles lit on the top level, so the spire may be seen from far away.

Shoyanen's Decoy - 60.4s, 88.1e
Closest town - Mayoi
This spire is decorated in the same style as Hebian-To's spire. It is located at the tip of the Mayoi peninsula. Often people would confuse this with the master mage's spire, only to be attacked by a granite golem upon entering. There is a skeleton on the floor, and a Jojii shrine facing southeast, towards the Vesayen Isles.

Old Lich Spire - 8.7s 46.5e
Closest town - Yanshi

The most northern of all the known spires. Before a great number of Isparians arrived, this was the home of a lich. Now, there are only weak drudges. Inside, there is a rotten corpse and a skeleton. Only a few laterns hang on the walls now, and a single screen rests against a wall.

Peddler's Spire - 57.8s, 40.0e
Closest town - Khayyaban
This spire is at the end of the snowflake mountains. The Spire itself is empty, but there is a smaller building next to it where a peddler lives. She also has a Lifestone. The spire has only a few decorations. A screen against the wall, two vases, and three floor pillows. There is a pool in the center, and there are candles lit aroud the second level. There are no Jojii shrines in the spire or the peddler's home. She has two bedrolls, a table, three floor pillows, and a plant.

Crystal Spire - 75.2s, 50.0e
Closest town - Kara
This spire is on top of a mountain, surrounded by strange blue crystals. It is decorated in the same manner as the Hebian-To spire, but there are crystals inside, growing around the pool. the crystals here resemble those found in the Unicorn's Grace. It is because of this that I believe this to be the Spire of Grace.

Other locations of importance:

Old Mountain Tower - 78.1s, 48.7e
Closest town - Kara
An old Empyrean tower. At some point someone lived here. Behind the tower is a pool of water and some apple trees. On the north side of the tower (the back) there is a Jojii shrine which faces south against the stone wall. Inside above the door hangs a Tachi and Yaoji. The decorations are simple. A couch, some vases, a pillar with a jade medition stone, and some wall hangings. The tower overlooks a river that leads to the sea.

-- An Adventurer