Void of Bael'Zharon

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Introduced:  Hopes and Fears
Void of Bael'Zharon


Strength 1300
Endurance 1100
Coordination 1500
Quickness 500
Focus 200
Self 200
Health 300550
Stamina 101100
Mana 2200

XP ??
Luminance ??
Loot Tier ??
Wand (BZ) 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Bludgeon, Fire, Lightning Fire
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


The ground rumbles and a dark presence appears at the former site of the Black Pool.
The Void of Bael'zharon has become unstable and will not be able to remain on the surface much longer.
The Void of Bael'Zharon has been spotted at 4.3S 14.8E