Wand of Black Fire

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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Obsidian Enchanter Updated:  Discoveries
Retired Versions:  1
Wand of Black Fire
Value: 5,700
125 Burden Units

Bonus to Mana Conversion: +3%

Casts the following spells: Flame Volley V, Cold Protection Self IV, Lightning Protection Self IV

Activation Requirements: War Magic: 125

Spellcraft: 250
Mana: 2000
Mana Cost: 1 point per 40 seconds.

Wand of Black Fire


  • Crafted by the Obsidian Enchantress in Hebian-To at 39.1S 81.0E from an Obsidian Sphere.
  • In Discoveries, the following changes were made:
    • Spells added: Flame Volley V, Fire Protection Self IV, Acid Protection Self IV. Regeneration Other VI removed.
    • +3% to MC added.
    • New artwork and icon.