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Category:Retired Text
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Pages in category "Retired Text"
The following 101 pages are in this category, out of 101 total.
- A Banderling Ruin
- A Book of Quests for New Explorers
- A Crumpled Note
- A Note from Mage Syltyn Rillon (First Note)
- A Note from Mage Syltyn Rillon (Second Note)
- A Scrap of Parchment
- Al-Arqas Information Guide
- An Alliance of Merchants
- An Apprentice's Guide to Spell Research
- Armed Forces Brochure
- Arrangement
- Asheron's Missive
- Damp Cave Rumor
- Dardante's Viamontian Propaganda
- Dark Master Note
- Dark Revenant Note Translation
- Decayed Scrap of Paper
- Directions to Hunter's Leap
- Directions to the al-Luq House
- Directions to the Drudge Hideout
- Directions to the Hedged Platform
- Directions to the Holtburg Redoubt
- Directions to the Pillars of the Inner Sea
- Directions to the Red Rat Lair
- Drudge Camp Directions
- Dungeon Fern (Text)
- Dusty Scrap of Paper
- Samsur Information Guide
- Sandy Note
- Scrap of parchment
- Shoushi Information Guide
- Shoushi Portal Directions
- Smugglers' Fort Directions
- Sotiris Note
- Specimen 1347 Report
- Staging Complex Note
- Stamped Holtburg Lucky Gold Letter
- Stamped Holtburg Scarlet Red Letter
- Stamped Shoushi Lucky Gold Letter
- Stamped Shoushi Scarlet Red Letter
- Stamped Yaraq Lucky Gold Letter
- Stamped Yaraq Scarlet Red Letter
- Strange Mountain Echoes
- Tattered Scrap of Paper
- The Beacon (Text)
- The Fiun Healing Machine
- The Fycheck Outpost
- The Rat Nest
- The Viamontian Conflict
- The Wedding Guide
- Translated Dispatch
- Translated Falatacot Scroll
- Translated Singular Chorizite Note
- Translated Singular Obsidian Note
- Translated Singular Pyreal Note
- Translation of the Torn Letter
- Traveler's Rumor
- Tumerok Camp
- Tumideon Note