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Walk Through ___ Maps ___ Items ___ XP ___ Titles ___ Lore & Dialog ___ Notes
Quest Summary
Quest Type: Solo
Start Location: Xarabydun
Timer: 6 days
Time to Complete: Varies
Level Restrictions: 50+ to start the quest and complete up to 16/20 fields; 180+ to complete 20/20 fields
Level Suggestions: Varies (50+ - 180+)
Contracts: Contract for Menhir Research
Rewards Summary
Full details here
Golden Key(s) with 1-4 uses, per number of mana fields found
Max XP:
Full details here
30 million per 5 Mana Fields
Full details here
Assistant's Assistant (5 Mana Fields)
Mana Field Finder (10 Mana Fields)
Arcanum Adventurer (15 Mana Fields)
Menhir Seeker (20 Mana Fields)
Related Articles
Introduced In: Lay of the Land
Updated In: Cloak of Darkness
Holtburg Menhir Ring

Walk Through

  1. Speak with Cara the Apprentice in Xarabydun at 41.7S, 15.8E. She is on the second floor of the building.
  2. She will hand you an Enchanted Mana Stone, which you must use whilst standing at at a menhir mana field to see if the mana fields have changed. Menhir mana fields are typically found at Menhir Rings, but not all menhir rings have mana fields, and not all mana fields are found at menhir rings.
    • NOTE: You must be level 50+ to receive a stone from Cara, and 180+ and in a society to reach all of the mana fields. A level 50 may reach up to 16 of the 20 fields for a reduced reward.
  3. Menhir mana fields are found inside dungeons and on the landscape all over Dereth. See the map for confirmed locations.
    • NOTE: The menhir mana fields are numbered, but it does not matter in which order you complete them.
    • NOTE: The Enchanted Mana Stone may be used while running, and using it will not stop you. You must be within the borders of the mana ring to receive credit, however; be as close to the center as possible.
  4. You can take the stone back to Cara when you have found 5 or more fields, or you can continue on for up to 20 mana fields.
    • 5 Mana Fields: Title "Assistant's Assistant", up to 30,000,000xp
    • 10 Mana Fields: Titles "Assistant's Assistant" and "Mana Field Finder", up to 60,000,000xp, one use Grand Casino Key
    • 15 Mana Fields: Titles "Assistant's Assistant", "Mana Field Finder", and "Arcanum Adventurer"; up to 90,000,000xp; 2 use Golden Key (Casino)
    • 20 Mana Fields: Titles "Menhir Seeker", "Arcanum Adventurer", "Mana Field Finder" and "Assistant's Assistant", 120,000,000xp, 2 2-use Golden Key (Casino) (for a total of 4 uses)
    • NOTE: Handing in the stone will award ALL the titles up to the number of fields found. Thus, finding all 20 will grant all 4 titles with one turn in.
  5. Turning in the stone at any point completes the quest and restarts the six day quest timer. If you turn in the stone before you have found 20 fields, a pop-up box will ask you if you want to complete the quest now.
    • HINT: Giving the stone to Cara is a good way to check how many menhir mana fields you've found. Just be sure to click "No" to prevent completing the quest if you wish to continue searching.


Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps DM Updated Other Quests
Aerfalle's Sanctum 86.4N 45.4E inside Aerfalle Keep B5F0.png -- -- -- --
Celestial Hand Stronghold 39.7S, 83.6E 00B7.gif -- -- -- --
Corrupted Falatacot Temple 87.3N, 41.6E 003A.png 003A -- -- --
Devastated Falatacot Temple 87.3N 51.2E 003D.png 003D -- -- --
Eldrytch Web Stronghold 26.3N, 49.6E 00B8.gif -- -- -- --
Radiant Blood Stronghold 12.8N, 0.7E 00B9.gif -- -- -- --

Map Dereth

  • Menhir with mana fields are marked with
  • Menhir mana fields without a menhir ring are marked with

Menhir mana fields by index number

Number Coords Location Level Restriction Notes / Route
#01 45.3S, 61.1W 45.3S, 61.1W - Menhir Ring 35 East of Obsidian Rim Portal drop and lifestone.
#02 46.2S, 71.8W 46.2S, 71.8W - Menhir Ring 35 West of Obsidian Rim Portal drop and lifestone. As of the Shedding Skin patch, this is also the location of the Empyrean Facility, which has an exit portal that has no restrictions and is summonable, but requires level 225+ to reach from inside.
#03 14.0N, 59.1E Outside Rithwic Crypt 0 At the entrance portal outside the dungeon.
#04 65.4S, 52.3E 65.4S, 52.3E - Menhir Ring 0 Kara to Yukikaze housing portal at 82.9S, 48.2E.
#05 88.0S, 48.7E Ishilai Lyceum 0 Access via a Lyceum Recall Gem from the Hieromancer's Armor quest.
#06 11.2S, 43.6E 11.2S, 43.6E - Stone Ring 0 Near Yanshi.
#07 69.7S, 40.1E 69.7S, 40.1E - Menhir Ring 0 Kara to Lake Thrasyl Cottages housing portal at 82.9S, 48.0E.
#08 61.7N, 34.1E 61.7N, 34.1E - Menhir Ring 0 Holtburg to New Colier housing portal at 40.2N, 35.1E.
#09 41.9N, 33.3E Holtburg Menhir Ring 0 Directly west of the Holtburg lifestone and portal drop.
#10 19.3N, 17.7E 19.3N, 17.7E - Mount Alphus Menhir Ring 0 Glenden Wood to Zabool Overlook Settlement housing portal at 27.9N, 29.5E, or the Hammer of Lightning quest portal from the 40+ section of the Facility Hub. Run up Zabool Tower at 21.7N, 19.4E, take the exit portal to the top of Mt. Zabool, and from the top take the portal to Mount Alphus.
#11 8.2N, 5.4E 8.2N 5.4E - Standing Stone Outlook 0 Near Al-Jalima.
#12 16.0N, 1.8E 16.0N, 1.8E - Incomplete Menhir Ring 0 Near Zaikhal.
#13 87.3N, 51.2E Devastated Falatacot Temple 130 Part of the Vissidal flagging quest. Stick to the right wall throughout. Soon after you reach the temple section, the field is in a small room with eastern and southern exits and a slight glow in the air. On the map, this is the small room northwest of the first SSK chest.
#14 87.3N, 41.6E Corrupted Falatacot Temple 130 Part of the Vissidal flagging quest. Stick to the right wall throughout. Soon after you reach the temple section, the field is in a small room with eastern and southern exits and a slight glow in the air. On the map, this is the small room northwest of the first SSK chest.
#15 39.7S, 83.6E
26.3N, 49.6E
12.8N, 0.7E
Celestial Hand Stronghold
Eldrytch Web Stronghold
Radiant Blood Stronghold
180 You must be in a society. Located in the vortex behind the promotions officer in each society stronghold. All three societies count as the same field. Be prepared to take massive damage in this vortex; be quick.
#16 86.4N, 45.4E Aerfalle's Sanctum 150 Inside of Aerfalle Keep, the 150+ version of the Lady Aerfalle Quest. In the room with Lady Aerfalle.
#17 51.5N, 32.6E Outside Northern Resonating Crystal 0 Holtburg to Mountain Keep Cottages housing portal at 40.2N, 35.1E.
#18 82.7N, 21.0E Aun Settlement 0 Buadren Quest area. Arwic to Dagger Vale housing portal at 32.9N, 59.4E. The Celdiseth's Portal Gem drop is even closer, if you have one handy.
#19 14.0S, 5.3E Tufa Menhir Ring 0 Tufa Portal in Town Network
#20 49.2N, 74.6W 49.2N, 74.6W - Menhir Ring 0

(40 via Hub)

Take the Ancient Empyrean Grotto portal in the Facility Hub.


While originally this quest was an efficient method to obtaining alternate currency between characters, the Casino changes in the Cloak of Darkness patch removed the ability to obtain alternate currency from this quest. It is still a decent source of lower-tier loot, XP, and chances at work 10 salvage bags and Pristine Mana Shards.


To run the quest as quickly as possible on multiple characters, you'll want all your characters to:

  • Have portal gems for Rithwic, Yaraq, Shoushi, Yanshi, Holtburg, and Xarabydun.
  • Have Teleportation Devices for the Facility Hub.
  • Have access to a Tursh Totem at mansion.
  • Have Aerlinthe Recall, a Portal to Izji Qo at their mansion, or an available summon, recall, or lifestone tie to the Obsidian Rim.
    • NOTE: There's a portal to the Obsidian Rim at 5.5N, 87.5W, about a 10-click run from Fort Tethana. This might be the best option for "runner" characters who will only be played for this quest.
  • An available summon or recall to Tufa.
  • An available summon or recall to the Lugian Quarry.
  • An available summon or recall to the top of Mt. Alphus, where Zalphoos has his shop.
  • A buff-bot may help for surviving the run to the Obsidian Rim Menhir Rings, though it's not essential.


Each character will do the following in order:

  1. Use a Xarabydun portal gem to get the Enchanted Mana Stone from Cara.
  2. Use a Holtburg gem to get the Holtburg ring and the two menhir rings directly north from Holtburg, as a straight-line run in order, for 3 fields total.
    1. 41.9N, 33.3E
    2. New Colier housing portal at 40.2N, 35.1E -> 61.7N, 34.1E
    3. Mountain Keep Cottages housing portal at 40.2N, 35.1E -> 51.5N, 32.6E
  3. Summon or recall to the Obsidian Rim. Proceed to the two Obsidian Rim menhir rings, recalling to the drop after each ring, for 5 fields total.
  4. Use a Shoushi portal gem --> Kara (NE side of Shoushi) --> Lake Thrasyl Cottages Portal (82.9S, 48.0E) --> West Linvak Menhir ring (69.7S, 40.1E), for 6 fields total.
  5. Reach Al-Jalima via Umbral Halls --> Al-Jalima (east wing) or via Yaraq --> Khayyaban --> Al-Jalima (8.2N, 5.4E), for 7 fields total.
  6. Use the Tursh totem at your mansion and run to the Tumerok Camp menhir ring (82.7N, 21.0E), for 8 fields total.
  7. Use a Rithwic gem and run to Rithwic crypt (14.0N, 59.1E), for 9 fields total.
  8. Use the Facility Hub Teleportation Device --> Ancient Empyrean Grotto portal (downstairs, west wing) and run to Marae Lassel Menhir Ring (49.2N, 74.6W), for 10 fields total.
  9. Use a Yanshi gem and run to the 11.2S, 43.6E - Stone Ring, for 11 fields total.
  10. Reach Zaikhal via Yaraq portal gem --> Zaikhal(16.0N, 1.8E), for 12 fields total.
  11. Reach Tufa (14.0S, 5.3E) via summon or recall or run from Yaraq, for 13 field total.
  12. Summon or recall or Facility Hub --> Bellig Tower Base then run to the top of Mt. Alphus, for 14 fields total.
  13. Summon or recall the Lugian Quarry near the East Linvak Menhir ring (65.4S, 52.3E), for 15 fields total.
  14. Return to Xarabydun and turn in your Enchanted Mana Stone with 15 rings lit. You'll be rewarded with XP and a 2-use Golden Key that opens the Golden Chest. You're done!

Alternate method

If you do not have access to recalls at mansions or other ties in the list above, this 15-ring sequence requires an Obsidian Rim tie, a Town Network tie, and a Teleportation Device. It can be done in 35-40 minutes by a character with a buffed Run skill of 380. The list order goes from most difficult to least difficult, and from longest runs to shortest runs. Level 50-80 characters may have the most difficulty with the first five.

  1. Recall the Obsidian Rim -> West to 72.7W (entrance to the valley) then north to 46.2S 71.8W (#02)
  2. Recall the Obsidian Rim -> East then a bit north to 45.3S 61.1W (#01)
  3. Town Network -> Sho wing -> Kara -> Housing portals at 82.9S 48.0E -> Yukikaze portal -> Northeast to 65.4S 52.3E (#04)
  4. Town Network -> Sho -> Kara -> Housing portals -> Lake Thrasyl -> Northwest to 69.7S 40.1E (#07)
  5. Facility Hub -> Ancient Empyrean Grotto portal (downstairs, west wing) -> South to 49.2N 74.6W (#20)
  6. Town Network -> Aluvian -> Arwic -> Housing portals at 32.9N 59.6E -> Dagger Vale -> West to 82.7N 21.0E (#18)
  7. Facility Hub -> Bellig Tower Base portal (40+ room) -> North to 21.7N 19.4E (Zabool Tower Base portal) -> Exit portal at the top of the tower -> Take Mount Alphus portal on the corner of the plateau -> Ring at 19.3N 17.7E (#10)
  8. Town Network -> Aluvian -> Holtburg -> Ring at 41.9N 33.3E (in town, near the lifestone) (#09)
  9. Holtburg ring -> Holtburg housing portals at 40.2N 35.1E -> New Colier portal -> East to 61.7N 34.1E (#08)
  10. Town Network -> Aluvian -> Holtburg -> Housing portals -> Mountain Keep -> West to 51.5N 32.6E (#17)
  11. Town Network -> Aluvian -> Rithwic -> North to 14.0N 59.1E (#03)
  12. Town Network -> Sho -> Yanshi -> Northeast to 11.2S 43.6E (#06)
  13. Town Network -> Gharu -> Zaikhal -> North-northeast to 16.0N 1.8E (#12)
  14. Town Network -> Gharu -> Al-Jalima -> Northeast to 8.2N 5.4E (can see it from the drop) (#11)
  15. Town Network -> Gharu -> Tufa -> Northwest to 14.0S 5.3E (in the crater at the bottom of the waterfall) (#19)


Quest Items
Enchanted Mana Stone
Coalesced Mana (Yellow)
Coalesced Mana (Red)
Coalesced Mana (Blue)

Golden Key (Casino)

Experience Rewards

Task Required Max Experience Percentage & Level Cap
Find 5 Menhir Fields, give Enchanted Mana Stone to Cara 30,000,000xp

40% up to level 103

Find 10 Menhir Fields, give Enchanted Mana Stone to Cara 60,000,000xp

70% up to level 106

Find 15 Menhir Fields, give Enchanted Mana Stone to Cara 90,000,000xp

80% up to level 114

Find 20 Menhir Fields, give Enchanted Mana Stone to Cara 120,000,000xp

??% up to level ??

See Level Costs for per level information.

Title Rewards

Task Required Title Reward
Find 5 Menhir Fields, give Enchanted Mana Stone to Cara Assistant's Assistant

Find 10 Menhir Fields, give Enchanted Mana Stone to Cara Mana Field Finder

Find 15 Menhir Fields, give Enchanted Mana Stone to Cara Arcanum Adventurer

Find 20 Menhir Fields, give Enchanted Mana Stone to Cara Menhir Seeker

See Titles for a list of all available titles.


Click image for full size version.

Lore & Dialog

Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Another adventurer, we can use you."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Menhir mana fields have undergone some change."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "I have created an enchanted mana stone."
Cara the Apprentice gives you Enchanted Mana Stone.
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Use this stone in the presence of a menhir mana field."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "You can sense menhir mana fields if you can receive more mana into your body."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "It will feel like a great swell of power rising from the ground beneath you."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "The stone will indicate any variations in the mana flow."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Enchantments on the stone allow it to detect up to twenty unique mana fields."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Collect information on as many unique mana fields as you can and return it to us."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "You can return the stone to me for a reward after finding five or more mana fields."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "I'll reward you more for every five unique mana fields you find."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "An important distinction, not all menhir mana fields have rings around them."

Cara the Apprentice tells you, "You have the stone you need."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Use the stone near menhir mana fields."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Collect at least five unique mana field signatures up to a maximum of twenty."

Menhir Research
Mana flows across the surface of the stone.
Your fingers tingle as waves of energy coruscate across them.
The stone suddenly returns to its inert state.
This signature lights the ninth ring of the mana stone.
This mana signature is unique.
1 of 20 rings have been lit.

Inert Menhir Rings
Mana flows across the surface of the stone.
Your fingers tingle as waves of energy coruscate across them.
The stone suddenly returns to its inert state.
Nothing stands out as unusual about this mana.

Delivering the Stone after 5 Menhir Rings

  • Note: A pop-up box will ask you if you want to complete the quest now. If you push "Yes" the stone will disappear from your inventory, and you can only repeat the quest after 6 days.

You allow Cara the Apprentice to examine your Enchanted Mana Stone.
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Five mana fields."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Maybe you'll search harder next time."
You hand over 1 of your Enchanted Mana Stones.
You've earned 31,799,998 experience.
You have been granted the title of Assistant's Assistant.

Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Thank you for your recent assistance. You can not yet help us again."
You must wait 5d 23h 58m 16s before repeating this quest.

Delivering the Stone after 10 Menhir Rings

  • Note: A pop-up box will ask you if you want to complete the quest now. If you push "Yes" the stone will disappear from your inventory, and you can only repeat the quest after 6 days.

You allow Cara the Apprentice to examine your Enchanted Mana Stone.
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "A reward for ten mana fields."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Half way to the stone's capacity."
You hand over 1 of your Enchanted Mana Stones.
You've earned 63,599,996 experience.
You have been granted the titles of Mana Field Finder and Assistant's Assistant.
Cara the Apprentice gives you Golden Key.

Delivering the Stone after 15 Menhir Rings

  • Note: A pop-up box will ask you if you want to complete the quest now. If you push "Yes" the stone will disappear from your inventory, and you can only repeat the quest after 6 days.

You allow Cara the Apprentice to examine your Enchanted Mana Stone.
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "A reward for fifteen mana fields."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "A few more next time maybe?"
You hand over 1 of your Enchanted Mana Stones.
You've earned 95,399,994 experience.
You have been granted the titles of Arcanum Adventurer, Mana Field Finder and Assistant's Assistant.
Cara the Apprentice gives you Golden Key.

Delivering the Stone after 20 Menhir Rings

  • Note: A pop-up box will ask you if you want to complete the quest now. If you push "Yes" the stone will disappear from your inventory, and you can only repeat the quest after 6 days.

You allow Cara the Apprentice to examine your Enchanted Mana Stone.
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "Twenty mana fields."
Cara the Apprentice tells you, "This is your reward for your fine work."
You hand over 1 of your Enchanted Mana Stones.
You've earned 120,000,000 experience.
You have been granted the titles of Menhir Seeker, Arcanum Adventurer, Mana Field Finder and Assistant's Assistant.
Cara the Apprentice gives you Golden Key.
Cara the Apprentice gives you Golden Key.
