Monouga Laboratory

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Aerbax's Prodigal Quests

Banderling - Drudge - Harbinger - Human - Lugian - Monouga - Mosswart - Olthoi - Shadow - Tumerok - Tusker

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Walk Through ___ Maps ___ Items ___ XP ___ Lore & Dialog ___
Quest Summary
Quest Type: Solo/Group
Start Location: Cragstone
Timer: 20 hours
Level Restrictions: None
Level Suggestions: 80+ 120+ 150+
Contracts: Contract for Aerbax's Prodigal Monouga
Rewards Summary
Full details here
MMDs: None
Luminance: None
Max XP:
Full details here
Titles: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Intelligent Designs
Related Quests: Monouga Feeding Pit Quest
Bell to ring for feeding time.

Quest Overview

Quest to retrieve experiment logs from the Monouga Laboratory. There are three versions of this quest, based upon which direction you take at the 4-way intersection near the dungeon entrance. Levels are suggested and not required for portals. This quest is commonly done with the Monouga Feeding Pit Quest which basically coincides with this one.

It is easy to run solo to the end of the two higher level versions to pick up the log. The lowest level version, however, has dense spawns which makes it difficult to run without getting stuck.

Walk Through

  1. Talk to Corporal Liao Chen in Cragstone at 25.6N 49.4E to receive the Monouga Laboratory Portal Attunement Gem.
  2. Run to the Monouga Feeding Pits at 9.8S 81.0W, southwest of Fort Tethana (bring your fire/slash weps).
  3. Once inside, take the appropriate path for your level of difficulty. Levels are suggested.
  4. [OPTIONAL] Ring the bell to summon an Imprisoned Monouga (Large, Huge or Giant) from the Laboratory to the Feeding Pits. This portals him into the feeding pits for an hour, and means there will be one less creature to fight in the Laboratory.
  5. Hand a Monouga Laboratory Portal Attunement Gem to the Bell.
  6. Ring the bell again to summon a portal. It is safest to keep ringing it until you get a message about it having no additional effect.
  7. Follow the hallways opposite of the bell until they reach a dead end.
  8. [OPTIONAL] If you rang the bell twice, the imprisoned Monouga will be waiting for you. You can then kill it as part of the Monouga Feeding Pit Quest.
  9. Take the portal at the dead end to travel to the level appropriate Monouga Laboratory.
  10. Stick to the middle tunnel, watch out for lots of shadows and virindi. If alone is likely safer to run. The mid version (120+) seems to have a higher spawn rate (many creatures that spawn almost as fast as you can kill them). All the side passages lead to dead end rooms with lots of spawn.
  11. Just before the end is an Imprisoned Monouga (if you didn't summon it to the feeding pits earlier). You are not required to kill it.
  12. Just past the monouga room, pick up the experiment log on the ground. Note that there is no exit portal available.
  13. Return to Corporal Liao Chen in Cragstone and give him the experiment log.




Dungeon Coordinates Wiki Map ACmaps DM Updated Other Quests
Monouga Feeding Pits 9.8S 81.0W 1A73.png -- -- -- --
Monouga Laboratory (150+) -- 00A2.png -- -- -- --
Monouga Laboratory (120+) -- 00A1.png -- -- -- --
Monouga Laboratory (80+) -- 00A0.png -- -- -- --


Quest Items
Monouga Laboratory Portal Attunement Gem
Instructions (Monouga Feeding Pit)
Tusker Experiment Orb
Olthoi Experiment Log
Monouga Experiment Log

Experience Rewards

Task Required First Run Max Experience Percentage & Level Cap Repeated Run Max XP Repeated Run Percentage & Level Cap
Give Tusker Experiment Orb to Corporal Liao Chen. 41,346,376xp

30% up to level 120

20,673,188xp 15% up to level 120

Give Olthoi Experiment Log to Corporal Liao Chen. 97,449,430xp

30% up to level 150

116,450,000(*)xp Fixed XP

Give Monouga Experiment Log to Corporal Liao Chen. 259,787,017xp

10% up to level 256

259,787,017xp 10% up to level 256

See Level Costs for per level information.

Experience was boosted from 30 to 40% of level in Learning From Experience patch. No change to cap so maximum experience is reached at earlier level. Repeat runs also given boost from 15% to 40%.

(*)This was found with chars 120+. There appears to be a cutoff somewhere. Liao Chan would not give give the gems directly to a lvl 67 char, but when the lvl 67 ran the quest the reward was ~85% next lvl xp.

(*) As of 7/2014 experience seems to be less. At level 176 the Olthoi Experiment Log turn-in rewarded only 68.5 million xp, less than 12% of level.


Lore & Dialog

First time:
Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "Greetings, adventurer. I greet you in the name of Queen Elysa, whose command brings me here today."
Corporal Liao Chen gives you Monouga Laboratory Portal Attunement Gem.
Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "We seek intrepid adventurers like yourself, who might be willing to help us investigate a concerning development. It seems that some travelers have discovered a cavern in which drudges have been keeping monougas captive. What is unusual is that the drudges have very sophisticated portal sending enchantments which would seem to be beyond their means. We suspect Virindi involvement of some sort."
Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "Therefore, Prince Borelean led an expedition to investigate this drudge cavern. When he was finished, he had determined a way to reverse the portal sending - to open a portal from that location to the source of the monougas. These portal gems are the result of that determination."
Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "The Queen has commanded that whatever lay on the other side of that portal transit should be explored carefully, with the assumption that whatever is there is hostile. To do so, take the gem I have given you and charge it against the feeding bell. It will reverse the workings of the bell's portal sending magic, and, instead of summoning a drudge and a monouga, will open portals to the source of these monsters."
Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "You are welcome to explore the drudge cave, although many have explored it before now. The Queen seeks adventurers to enter the portal from which the monougas come, and hopefully more fully identify exactly what all of this humanoid activity means to the Isparian inhabitants of Dereth."

Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "Greetings to you again, %s [sic]. We could use your assistance again. It seems that some of the researchers want additional information from inside the research laboratory you investigated for me before. Here, take another of the portal gems the researchers created and get yourself back to the lab."
Corporal Liao Chen gives you Monouga Laboratory Portal Attunement Gem.

You ring the bell.
In the distance, shrieks and growls echo through the halls. A purple light glows brightly for a few moments.

You give Bell Monouga Laboratory Portal Attunement Gem.
A tendril of violet energy flickers from the gem to the bell. Suddenly, the gem shatters into a fine powder which trickles out of your hand. You think that the bell now might do something different if rung.

You ring the bell.
The bell's hollow ring echoes through the corridors and the gantry, and a cold purple glow radiates from below.

You give Corporal Liao Chen Monouga Experiment Log.
The guard skims the book, then looks at you with a blank expression.
Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "This doesn't bode well for the future. Not well at all."
You've earned 645,854,124 experience. (lvl 244)
Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "I'd better get this to the royals post-haste. They'll want to see this."

You give Corporal Liao Chen Olthoi Experiment Log.
The guard nods at the journal.
Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "While I've seen a similar notebook before, I'm sure the researchers will appreciate any new information they might glean from this. Thank you."
You've earned 48,724,715 experience. (lvl 244)

You give Corporal Liao Chen Tusker Experiment Log.
The guard nods at the journal.
Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "While I've seen a similar notebook before, I'm sure the researchers will appreciate any new information they might glean from this. Thank you."
You've earned 20,673,188 experience.

Corporal Liao Chen tells you, "I thank you for the assistance you've given us. We are still analyzing the notes, and I'll let you know if we need more help.."


  • If the bell is rung without having first handed the attunement gem, no portal will summon and the Monouga that drops ribs will be portaled from the bottom of the dungeon up to the feeding pit where it is far easier to fight. You can still hand a gem and use the bell after to summon portal after calling the Monouga.