Frozen Cave

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Dungeon Location 33F4
Coordinates: 93.5N 60.5W
Map Files: Wiki Map
Nearest Town: Fiun Outpost
Nearest LS: 95.9N 56.8W
Route: Run west from Fiun Outpost, entrance is in a valley that you enter from the north.
Dungeon Restrictions
Level Restrictions: 1+
Portal Restrictions: Cannot Tie
Cannot Recall
Cannot Summon
Quest Flag: None
Related Articles
Introduced In: Winter's Knight
Related Quests: Gear Crossbow Quest
Entrance to the Frozen Cave.

Map Dereth Point


This dungeon is dangerous for even high level characters (you do not drop death items in this dungeon at all). There are pits of frozen slurry that does significant damage (50+ per sec). There are also areas of cold air that do massive damage even with life protections and cantrip wards.

Cold air freezes you for 255 points of damage!

There is no entrance portal, you can tie to the surface portal of Ruschk Iceberg at 96.3N 60.0W just north of the valley where this dungeon is found.

At the end, as the Gear Knights spawn:

Iron Blade Lord says, "We have watched you this far but you shall go no farther."

Iron Blade Lord says, "Our brother will be reclaimed in the name of our Primus."

Iron Blade Lord says, "You will not be allowed to corrupt his mind and turn him to serve your will."

After killing the Gear Knights: The sound of cracking ice fills the air. The large ice golem is moving.
The path to the frozen Gearknight is now clear. This golem seems to have been protecting the Gearknight.
Its duty apparently complete the golem fractures into shards of ice.

  • Please Note: Do not jump over any of the ice slurries. This will cause a bug to activate that causes one to die twice. You will die because of the cold air hitting you, and before you can even exit portal space from your first death you will die again because the game appearently thinks you are still over the ice slurry. I exited portal space from my second death having dropped items and standing on top of a body at the lifestone.
  • Further Note: It is not necessary (or wise) to jump at all in this dungeon after you go down the first shaft. It is possible, however, to avoid spawning the Gear Knights by jumping over their spawn point in the final room, which is at the bottom of a ramp underneath an icy overhang.

Getting the Frozen Gearknight to spawn in a killable form is glitchy at best. Ideally, after you get the big golem at the end to move (either by killing the Gear Knights or killing the golem), the frozen Gear Knight should respawn in killable form, but that does not happen more often than not. If it does not spawn, your best bet is to log out for 5 minutes or so to let the landblock reset. When it does, kill the big golem and hope things work better the second time. Try fighting the big golem against one of the side walls, away from its spawn point. That seems to interfere less with the Frozen Gear Knight's spawn point. If you do manage to get the frozen Gear Knight to spawn in killable form, hit it with fire attacks. Ordas Myr will spawn after you destroy the ice. Talk to him for your rewards - 10 Adventure Tokens, Gear Knight Crossbow, and 150,000,000 experience points


  • Wiki Map:



Frost Elemental


Gear Knight

Items and Objects


  • No portals to or inside.


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