Crystal Lord

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Introduced:  Betrayal Related Quests:  Aun Golem Hunters
Crystal Lord

Golem Level

Strength ??
Endurance ??
Coordination ??
Quickness ??
Focus ??
Self ??
Health 15000
Stamina ??
Mana ??

XP 1,400,000
Luminance 0
Loot Tier 6
Diamond Heart 
Common Attacks Weaknessess
Bludgeon Cold, Acid, Slash
Melee A Missile A Magic A Melee D Missile D Magic D


  • Crystal Lord Locations. (Dungeons | Landscape Spawns | Points of Interest)
  • Immune life magic and highly resistant to war damage.
  • Attack using rend weapons, if you try to vuln or war him he will likely cast self protects which make him far more difficult to kill (he can randomly cast these even if unprovoked also).
  • Will almost always be accompanied by a hoard of Crystal Minions, these chain cast wars and life vulns and are immune to melee damage but can killed by archers, mages, or drains (Ex: Martyr's Hecatomb VII, Curse of Raven Fury.)
  • After killing a Crystal Lord you can travel the north direlands and speak to Aun Tahuirea at 24.0N 72.0W. Unlike the other tumeroks of the Aun Golem Hunters quest, you do not need to speak to him before killing, and also all in the fellowship that killed the lord can go speak to him for a reward key to his chest. The loot isn't very good though. Note: You must be in a fellowship of at least one to activate this. That is if you are not in the fellow that killed the Lord, or if you were alone and not in a fellowship at all, Aun Tahuirea will not give you a key. (Creating a fellowship with only yourself works.)
Crystal Lord Spawns
Data courtesy of Mob Tracker. Zoomable color
maps available with downloadable Viewer.