Kill Tasks

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See also the Monthly Game Hunter for Rand's latest kill tasks.

Task Name Creature(s) Amount Max XP Reward Title Reward Other Rewards Level Suggestion Level Requirement
Altered Drudge Kill Task Altered Drudges 40 1,488,806 Altered Hunter N/A 060+ None
Armoredillo Hunting: Lost City of Neftet Guardian Armoredillo,
Tamed Armoredillo,
War Armoredillo
30 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ 200+
Augmented Drudge Kill Task Augmented Drudges 40 1,488,806 Augmented Hunter N/A 060+ None
Aun Golem Hunters Mud Golem Sludge Lord

Iron Golem Kingpin

Glacial Golem Margrave

Magma Golem Exarch

Coral Golem Viceroy

Platinum Golem Mountain King

5/10 25,000,000 Mudslinger,
Honorary Windreave,
Arctic Adventurer,
Platinum Prowler
010+ None
Black Coral Golem Kill Task Black Coral Golem 100 100,000,000 N/A 180+ 180+
Blessed Moarsman Kill Task Blessed Moarsman 50 20,000,000,
3,000 Luminance
N/A   4x
180+ 180+, Knight
Blight Spirit Kill Task Blight Spirit 8 13,782,125 N/A 120+ None
Blighted Coral Golem Kill Task Blighted Coral Golem 100 120,000,000 N/A 180+ 180+, Master
Devourer Margul Kill Task Devourer Margul 15 80,000,000,
2,500 Luminance
N/A N/A 180+ None
Eye of T'thuun Quest Tentacle of T'thuun 50 263,129,446 Plucker of Eyes N/A 150+ 150+
Gear Knight Kill Task Gear Knight 25 15,000,000 N/A 2x     150+ ??
Gear Knight Phalanx Kill Task Invading Bronze Gauntlet Phalanx,
Invading Copper Cog Phalanx,
Invading Iron Blade Phalanx,
Invading Silver Scope Phalanx
10 10,000,000
1,000 Luminance
N/A   4x
180+ 180+
Glenden Wood Invaders Invaders 20 6,000,000 Glenden Wood Militia 060+ None
Golem Hunting: Lost City of Neftet Burning Sands Golem,
Dust Golem
15 15,000,000,
4,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ 200+
Golem Samurai Kill Task Bronze Golem Samurai,
Iron Golem Samurai,
Clay Golem Samurai
5 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 2x 200+ ??
Guardian Statue Kill Task Guardian Statue 10 25,000,000 N/A 200+ ??
High Priest of T'thuun Kill Task High Priest of T'thuun 1 40,000,000
4,00 Luminance
N/A   4x
180+ 180+, Lord
Holly Jolly Helper Quest Mosswart Cynic 15 50,000,000
5,00 Luminance
Holly Jolly Helper  
180+ 180+
Killer Phyntos Wasp Kill Task Killer Phyntos Drone,
Killer Phyntos Soldier,
Killer Phyntos Swarm
50 50,000,000 N/A   4x
180+ 180+
Iron Blade Commander Invading Iron Blade Commander 1 15,000,000 N/A 2x     200+ None
Moarsmen Jailbreak Moarsman Prisoners 20 125,000,000 N/A 180+ 180+
Moguth Moarsman Kill Task Moguth Moarsman 60 None N/A   4x
180+ 180+, Lord
Mumiyah Hunting: Lost City of Neftet Neftet Mu-miyah 30 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ 200+
Noble Remains Kill Task Noble Remains 10 25,000,000 N/A 200+ ??
Phyntos Larva Kill Task Phyntos Larva 20 15,000,000 N/A   4x
180+ 180+
Reedshark Hunting: Lost City of Neftet Reedshark Hunter,
Reedshark Seeker,
Tamed Reaper,
War Reaper
30 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ 200+
Shoguth Moarsman Kill Task Shoguth Moarsman 40 20,000,000 N/A   4x
180+ 180+, Lord
Torgash's Tasks Viamontian Knight 30 8,700,000 N/A N/A 120+ None
Weeding of the Deru Tree Eyestalk of T'thuun,
Tendril of T'thuun,
Tentacle of T'thuun
50 198,157,237 N/A 180+ 180+
Wight Blade Sorcerer Kill Task Wight Blade Sorcerer 12 15,000,000 N/A   4x
180+ 180+, Initiate
Arctic Mattekar Kill Task Arctic Mattekar 25 10,000,000 Arctic Mattekar Annihilator 060+ None
Banished Creature Kill Task Banished Creatures 10 30,000,000 Expert Banished Hunter N/A 060+ None
Benek Niffis Kill Task Benek Niffis 50 60,000,000 Shellfish Hater N/A 150+ 130+
Blood Shreth Kill Task Blood Shreths 10 120,000 Blood Shreth Butcher 005+ None
Bronze Gauntlet Trooper Kill Task Bronze Gauntlet Trooper 25 1,000,000 N/A N/A 050+ 030+
Copper Cog Trooper Kill Task Copper Cog Trooper 25 1,000,000 N/A N/A 050+ 030+
Coral Golem Kill Task Coral Golems 50 2,045,376 Reef Builder, Reef Breaker 060+ None
Deathcap Thrungus Kill Task Deathcap Thrungus 25 1,250,000 Deathcap Defeater 035+ None
Dire Mattekar Kill Task Dire Mattekars 10 2,000,000 Dire Mattekar Dispatcher 030+ None
Drudge Lurker Kill Task Drudge Lurkers 100 441,350 Drudge Doom N/A 020+ None
Drudge Ravener Kill Task Drudge Raveners 50 903,479 Ravenous N/A 050+ None
Drudge Stalker Kill Task Drudge Stalkers 100 747,567 Stalker Stalker N/A 040+ None
Ebon Gromnie Kill Task Ebon Gromnies 25 2,000,000 Ebon Gromnie Eradicator 035+ None
Elemental Kill Task Caustics,
25 30,000,000 Elemental Eradicator N/A 090+ None
Fallen Creature Kill Task Fallen Creatures 10 35,000,000 Expert Fallen Hunter N/A 120+ None
Floeshark Kill Task Floesharks 50 30,000,000 Floeshark Flogger 120+ None
Gold Gear Trooper Kill Task Gold Gear Trooper 25 1,500,000 N/A N/A 050+ 040+
Grave Rat Kill Task Grave Rats 100 50,000,000 Crypt Rat 100+ 100+
Grievver Shredder Kill Task Grievver Shredder 15 80,000,000,
2,500 Luminance
N/A N/A 180+ None
Grievver Violator Kill Task Grievver Violators 100 120,000,000 Violator Grievver Vetoer 160+ 160+
Gurog Kill Task Gurog Soldiers,
Gurog Minions,
Gurog Henchman.
20 83,199,996
7,000 Luminance
N/A N/A 200+ ??
Guruk Basher Kill Task Guruk Bashers 40 30,000,000 Basher Slasher N/A 090+ None
Guruk Colossus Kill Task Guruk Colossi 30 45,000,000 Deadeye for the Colossi N/A 100+ None
Guruk Fiend Kill Task Guruk Fiends 30 70,000,000 Fiendish Huntsman N/A 100+ None
Guruk Marauder Kill Task Guruk Marauders 40 18,000,000 Ranger Ruuk N/A 060+ None
Guruk Monstrosity Kill Task Guruk Monstrosities 10 80,000,000 Monster Killer N/A 150+ None
Guruk Smasher Kill Task Guruk Smashers 40 50,000,000 Guruk Hunter N/A 100+ None
Harvest Reaper Kill Task Harvest Reapers 10 None Follower of the Vine,
Harvester Harvester,
Harvester Harvester Harvester
120+ None
Hea Windreave Kill Task Hea Windreaves 25 3,000,000 Windreave Stalker 040+ None
Iron Blade Trooper Kill Task Iron Blade Trooper 25 1,000,000 N/A N/A 050+ 030+
Iron Spined Chittick Kill Task Iron Spined Chitticks 50 5,000,000 Iron-Spined Chittick Immolator 100+ None
Kilif Zefir Kill Task Kilif Zefirs 35 400,000 Zefir Zapper N/A 010+ None
K'nath An'dras Kill Task K'nath An'dras 25 20,000,000 K'nath An'dras Assassinator 100+ None
Littoral Siraluun Kill Task Littoral Siraluuns 25 1,250,000 Siraluun Slasher 020+ None
Putrid Moar Kill Task Putrid Moars 25 5,000,000 Moar Hunter N/A 080+ None
Mosswart Worshipper Kill Task Mosswart Worshippers 175 30,000,000 Mosswart Worshipper Whipper 150+ None
Mottled Carenzi Kill Task Mottled Carenzis 50 15,000,000 Mottled Carenzi Mauler 150+ None
Mosswart Townsfolk Kill Task Mosswart Townsfolk 40 15,000,000 Defender of Kryst N/A 050+ ??
Mucky Moarsman Kill Task Mucky Moarsmen 50 40,000,000 Moarsman Defiler N/A 150+ 130+
Naughty Skeleton Kill Task Naughty Skeletons 100 228,000,000 Naughty Skeleton Snuffer 150+ 130+
Olthoi Drone Kill Task Olthoi Drones 20 180,000 Pest Control 015+ 000+
Olthoi Nettler Kill Task Olthoi Nettlers 10 37,500 Perforated Knight 005+ None
Olthoi Nymph Kill Task Olthoi Nymphs 20 120,000 Nymph Maniac 010+ None
Olthoi Ripper Kill Task Olthoi Rippers 250 200,000,000 Olthoi Ripper Reducer 150+ None
Paradox-touched Grub Kill Task Paradox-touched Olthoi Noble Grub 50 5,000,000 N/A N/A 080+ None
Paradox-touched Nymph Kill Task Paradox-touched Olthoi Warrior Nymph 50 5,000,000 N/A N/A 100+ None
Plate Armoredillo Kill Task Plate Armoredillo 25 20,000,000 Plate Armoredillo Punisher 080+ None
Polardillo Kill Task Polardillo 10 250,000 Polardillo Pummeler 010+ None
Polar Ursuin Kill Task Polar Ursuin 25 1,250,000 Polar Ursuin Pounder 080+ None
Pumpkin Lord Kill Task Pumpkin Lords 3 None N/A
025+ None
Rare Game Kill Task Creature Lords 50 80,000,000 Elite Head Hunter N/A 070+ None
Remoran Sea Raptor Kill Task Remoran Sea Raptors 50 45,000,000 Bane of the Remoran N/A 150+ 130+
Repugnant Eater Kill Task Repugnant Eater 50 70,000,000 Repugnant Eater Ripper 100+ None
Ruschk Kill Task Ruschk Draktehns
Ruschk Laktars
30 8,700,000 N/A N/A 100+ None
Shadow Flyer Kill Task Shadow Flyer 15 80,000,000,
2,500 Luminance
N/A N/A 180+ None
Shadow Kill Task Shadow 25 80,000,000,
3,000 Luminance
N/A N/A 180+ None
Shadow-touched Virindi Paradox Kill Task Shadow-touched Virindi Paradox 75 32,000,000 N/A 100+ ??
Shadow-touched Virindi Quidiox Kill Task Shadow-touched Virindi Quidiox 75 32,000,000 N/A 100+ ??
Shallows Gorger Kill Task Shallows Gorgers 50 35,000,000 Shallows Shark Nemesis N/A 150+ 130+
Silver Scope Trooper Kill Task Silver Scope Trooper 25 1,250,000 N/A N/A 050+ 035+
Sishalti Slithis Kill Task Sishalti Tentacles,
Sishalti Eye Stalks
150 23,106,533 Slithis Slayer N/A 080+ None
Small Fledgling Mukkir Kill Task Small Fledgling Mukkir 15 150,000 Small Mukkir Squasher N/A 010+ None
Snow Tusker Kill Task Snow Tusker,
Snow Tusker Warrior,
Snow Tusker Leader
20, 20, 10 210,000,000,
7,000 Luminance
N/A N/A 150+ None
Spectral Archer Kill Task Spectral Archer 15 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ ??
Spectral Bushi Kill Task Spectral Bushi 10 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ ??
Spectral Blade and Claw Kill Task Spectral Blade Adept,
Spectral Blade Master,
Spectral Claw Adept,
Spectral Claw Master
10 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ ??
Spectral Mage Kill Task Spectral Bloodmage,
Spectral Voidmage
5 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ ??
Spectral Minion Kill Task Spectral Minion 15 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ ??
Spectral Nanjou Shou-jen Kill Task Spectral Nanjou Shou-jen 5 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ ??
Spectral Samurai Kill Task Spectral Samurai 10 15,000,000,
2,000 Luminance
N/A 200+ ??
Sarcophagus Kill Task Sarcophogus 4 15,000,000,
3,500 Luminance
N/A N/A 200+ 180+
Tenebrous Rift Kill Task Tenebrous Rifts 350 68,910,625 Chosen of the Rift File:Rift Orb - Major Life Icon.png 120+ 060+
Three Eyed Snowman Kill Task Three Eyed Snowman 5 27,564,250 N/A 100+ None
Tukora Lieutenant Kill Task Tukora Lieutenants 250 200,000,000 Tukora Lieutenant Trouncer 100+ None
Tumerok Gladiator Kill Task Tumerok Gladiators 25 5,000,000 Dryreach Militia N/A 040+ None
Tusker Guard Kill Task Tusker Guard 500 20,000,000 Tusker Blight N/A 040+ None
Umbral Rift Kill Task Umbral Rifts 30 18,728,220 Rift Walker,
Rift Shifter (10% chance)
120+ 060+
Viamontian Man-at-Arms Kill Task Viamontian Man-at-Arms 50 60,000,000 Man-At-Arms Thrasher 100+ ??
Virindi Paradox Kill Task Virindi Paradoxes 75 46,000,000 N/A 100+ ??
Virindi Quidiox Kill Task Virindi Quidioxes 75 32,000,000 N/A 100+ ??

Viridian A'nekshen Kill Task Viridian A'nekshens 10 80,000,000 xp, 5,000 lum, 1 MMD, 5 Aged Legendary Keys, 10 Infused Amber Shards N/A 200+ None
Viridian Wasp Kill Task Viridian Wasps 10 80,000,000 xp, 5,000 lum, 1 MMD, 5 Aged Legendary Keys, 10 Infused Amber Shards N/A 200+ None
Viridian Zefir Kill Task Viridian Zefirs 10 80,000,000 xp, 5,000 lum, 1 MMD, 5 Aged Legendary Keys, 10 Infused Amber Shards N/A 200+ None
Void Lord Kill Task Void Lord 15 80,000,000,
3,000 Luminance
N/A N/A 180+ None
Voracious Eater Kill Task Voracious Eaters 50 20,000,000 Voracious Hunter 080+ None
Wicked Skeleton Kill Task Wicked Skeletons 50 228,000,000 Wicked Skeleton Walloper 130+ 130+
Crystalline Killer Crystalline Wisps 100 20,000,000 Wisp Whipper N/A 050+ 050+

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