Hand Armor

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Upper Body
Lower Body


Name AL Spells Restrictions Crafted from
Gromnie Hide Gauntlets 100 Dyeable None Thin Gromnie Hide
Mattekar Arm Guard 80 Invulnerability Self IV Melee Defense: 200 Dire Mattekar Paw



Name AL
Chainmail Gauntlets 50
Diforsa Gauntlets 150
Leather Gauntlets 130
Platemail Gauntlets 100
Studded Leather Gauntlets 30
Scalemail Gauntlets 140


Name AL Spells Pre/Post TOD Introduced Restrictions Quest
Amateur Explorer Gauntlets 255 (405) Bludgeoning Protection Other V, Impenetrability V, Life Magic Mastery Other V, Healing Mastery Other V - - Level 40+,
Arcane Lore: 85
Exploration Society Letters
Ancient Armored Gauntlets (100+) 440 (665) Skin of the Fiazhat, Flange Aegis - - Level 100+ The Temple of Hizk Ri
Ancient Armored Gauntlets (70+) 360 (585) Skin of the Fiazhat, Inferior Flange Aegis - - Level 70+ The Temple of Hizk Ri
Ancient Armored Gauntlets (40+) 260 (485) Skin of the Fiazhat, Lesser Flange Aegis - - Level 40+ The Temple of Hizk Ri
Ancient Relic Gauntlets 440 (665) Skin of the Fiazhat, Moderate Strength, Flange Aegis, Minor Bludgeoning Ward - - Level 150+,
Arcane Lore: 220
Relic Armor
Artificer's Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Willpower Other VI, Moderate Item Enchantment Aptitude - - Arcane Lore: 100,
Base Item Enchantment: 285
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Corruptor's Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Willpower Other VI, Moderate Void Magic Aptitude - - Base Void Magic: 285,
Arcane Lore: 100
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Enchanter's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Creature Magic Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Willpower Other VI - - Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Creature: 185
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Enhanced Gauntlets of Marksmanship 325 Aura of Defense, Asmolum's Blessing, Honed Control, Strathelar's Blessing, Barnar's Blessing - - Level 50+ Belinda du Loc's Kill Tasks
Fine Olthoi Gauntlets 450 None - - Level 60+ Fine Olthoi Armor
Finesse Weapons Specialist's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Finesse Weapon Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI - - Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Finesse Weapon: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Fists of Stone 200 (350) Invuln V, Strength V, Endurance V, Impen V, Moderate Cantrips for all Melee & Missile skills & War magic - - None Colosseum Bosses
Fiun Spellcasting Gloves 350 Inner Calm, Fiun Flee, Fiun Efficiency, Fiun Resistance - - Level 90+,
Arcane Lore: 150
Fiun Spellcasting Gloves Quest
Fleet Strike Gauntlets 400 (620) Major Stamina Gain, Lightning Bane VI, Major Quickness, Flame Bane VI, Acid Bane VI, Ogfoot, Frost Bane VI, Brogard's Defiance, Major Health Gain - - Level 130+,
Arcane Lore: 190
Glenden Wood Invasion
Gauntlets of Darkness 440 (660) Archer's Bane, Major Impregnability, Olthoi's Bane, Swordsman's Bane, Tusker's Bane, Inferno's Bane, Gelidite's Bane, Brogard's Defiance, Astyrrian's Bane - - Level 125+ Gear Knight Parts
Gauntlets of Marksmanship 130 Thrown Weapon Mastery Self V, Bow Mastery Self V, Crossbow Mastery Self V, Coordination Self V, Invulnerability Self VI - - Arcane: 170 Swamp King
Good Olthoi Gauntlets 400 Unenchantable - - Level 40+ Good Olthoi Armor
Greater Olthoi Gauntlets 500 Unenchantable - - Level 80+ Greater Olthoi Armor
Harbinger Arm Guard 420 (640) Archer's Bane, Web of Defense, Hydra's Head, Web of Resistance, Swordsman's Bane, Tusker's Bane, Brogard's Defense, Minor Magic Resistance - - Level 180+,
Arcane Lore: 200, Melee Defense: 400
Heavy Weapons Specialist's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Heavy Weapon Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI - - Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Heavy Weapons: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Hieromancer's Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Willpower Other VI, Moderate War Magic Aptitude - - Base War Magic: 285,
Arcane Lore: 100
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Leather Gauntlets (Training Academy) 20 None - - None Training Academy Quest
Lesser Olthoi Gauntlets 300 Unenchantable - - Level 20+ Lesser Olthoi Armor
Life Giver's Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Willpower Other VI, Moderate Life Magic Aptitude - - Arcane Lore: 100 Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Light Weapons Specialist's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Light Weapon Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI - - Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Light Weapon: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Lorca Sammel's Gauntlets 75 Cold Protection I, Regeneration I - - None Sanamar Starter Quests
Machinist's Gloves 400 Nimble Fingers - Lockpick, Nimble Fingers - Alchemy, Nimble Fingers - Cooking, Nimble Fingers - Fletching - - Arcane Lore: 200 Machinist's Gloves Quest
Missile Specialist's Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI, Moderate Missile Weapon Aptitude - - Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Missile Weapons: 270
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Mitts of the Hunter 320 Impregnability Self VI, Coordination Self VI, Eyeshot, Hunter's Ward, Marksman's Ken, Arbalester's Intuition - - Level 100+,
Arcane Lore: 200
Sepulcher of Nightmares
Noble Gauntlets 400 (620) Dagger Mastery Other VI, Spear Mastery Other VI, Unarmed Combat Mastery Other VI, Brogard's Defiance - - Level 60+,
Arcane Lore: 200
Clutch of Kings
Noble Relic Gauntlets of Strength 420 (640) Hamud's Boon, Gertarh's Boon, Inner Might, Tibri's Boon, Brogard's Defiance - - Level 150+,
Arcane Lore: 220
Relic Armor
O-Yoroi Gauntlets 440 (???) Epic Impregnability, Incantation of Acid Bane, Incantation of Blade Bane, Incantation of Bludgeon Bane, Incantation of Flame Bane, Incantation of Frost Bane, Incantation of Impenetrability, Incantation of Lightning Bane, Incantation of Piercing Bane - - Level 180+ Hoshino Fortress Infiltration
Opal Gauntlets 180 (280) Impenetrability IV, Minor Impregnability, Minor Invulnerability, Minor Magic Resistance - - Level 20+,
Arcane Lore: 100
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Pathwarden Gauntlets 120 (170) Impenetrability II, Coordination Self II - - None Training Academy Quest
Quick Strike Gauntlets 300 (500) Quickness Other VI, Lightning Bane V, Impenetrability VI, Flame Bane V, Acid Bane V, Moderate Quickness, Frost Bane V - - Level 80,
Arcane Lore: 150
Glenden Wood Invasion
Reinforced Shou-jen Shozoku Gauntlets 420 Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude, Incantation of Strength Self, Incantation of Acid Bane, Incantation of Blade Bane, Incantation of Missile Weapon Mastery Self, Incantation of Bludgeon Bane, Incantation of Flame Bane, Incantation of Frost Bane, Incantation of Impenetrability, Incantation of Lightning Bane, Incantation of Piercing Bane, Incantation of Deception Mastery Self, +1 Melee Defense - - Level 180+,
Arcane Lore: 200
Hoshino Fortress Infiltration
Relic Alduressa Gauntlets 440 (660) Hydra's Head, Moderate Strength, Brogard's Defiance, Major Health Gain - - Level 150,
Arcane Lore: 220
Relic Armor
Seasoned Explorer Gauntlets 280 (480) Bludgeoning Protection Other VI, Impenetrability VI, Minor Bludgeoning Bane, Life Magic Mastery Other VI, Minor Healing Prowess, Healing Mastery Other VI, Minor Life Magic Aptitude - - Level 40+,
Arcane Lore: 100
Exploration Society Letters
Shou-jen Shozoku Sleeve Gauntlets 320 (540) Archer's Bane, Asmolum's Blessing, Major Thrown Aptitude, Might of the Lugians, Olthoi's Bane, Swordsman's Bane, Tusker's Bane, Inferno's Bane, Geldite's Bane, Brogard's Defense, Astyrrian's Bane - - Level 130+,
Arcane Lore: 200
Nanjou Shou-jen Armor
Sunstone Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Coordination Other V - - Arcane Lore: 180 Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Swift Strike Gauntlets 350 (570) Major Stamina Gain, Lightning Bane VI, Flame Bane VI, Acid Bane VI, Ogfoot, Moderate Quickness, Frost Bane VI, Brogard's Defiance, Major Health Gain - - Level 100+,
Arcane Lore: 170
Glenden Wood Invasion
Tusker Paws 260 Crushing Blow - - Level 60+ The Legend of the Tusker Paw
File:Upgraded Ancient Relic Gauntlets Icon.png Upgraded Ancient Relic Gauntlets 440 (665) Major Strength, Skin of the Fiazhat, Flange Aegis, Major Bludgeoning Ward - - Level 180+,
Arcane Lore: 220
Relic Armor, Armor Upgrade Kit
File:Upgraded Noble Relic Gauntlets of Strength Icon.png Upgraded Noble Relic Gauntlets of Strength 420 (660) Major Strength, Incantation of Light Weapon Mastery Other, Incantation of Two Handed Combat Mastery Other, Incantation of Impenetrability, Incantation of Finesse Weapon Mastery Other - - Level 180+,
Arcane Lore: 220
Relic Armor, Armor Upgrade Kit
File:Upgraded Relic Alduressa Gauntlets Icon.png Upgraded Relic Alduressa Gauntlets 440 (680) Epic Health Gain, Incantation of Regeneration Other, Major Strength, Incantation of Impenetrability - - Level 180,
Arcane Lore: 220
Relic Armor, Armor Upgrade Kit
Whispering Blade Gloves 300 (520) Coordination Self VI, Moderate Coordination, Brogard's Defiance - - Level 80+ Head of Baron Entemarre


Name AL Spells Rare #
Adept's Fervor 500 (740) Epic Healing Prowess, Incantation of Impenetrability, Epic Coordination 263
Gauntlets of Leikotha's Tears 525 (765) Epic Coordination, Epic Healing Prowess, Incantation of Impenetrability 212
Gauntlets of the Crimson Star 500 (740) Epic Healing Prowess, Incantation of Impenetrability, Epic Coordination 264
Gelidite Gauntlets 525 (765) Epic Healing Prowess, Incantation of Impenetrability, Epic Coordination 211


See also: Category:Retired

Name AL Spells Restrictions Quest
Asaki Wei's Gleaming Gauntlets 230 None None Live Event
Galvanic Grips 260 None None Live Event
Lei Wan-tzu's Light Chiran Gauntlets 255 None None Live Event
Shreth Hide Gauntlets 75 None None Shreth Hide Armor
Bowman's Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI, Moderate Bow Aptitude Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Bow: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Crossbowman's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Crossbow Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Crossbow: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Gauntlets of Marksmanship (Retired) 130 Bow Mastery Self V, Coordination Self III, Crossbow Mastery Self V, Invulnerability Self III Arcane Lore: 170 Swamp King
Hatchetman's Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI, Moderate Axe Aptitude Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Axe: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Knifer's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Dagger Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Dagger: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Macer's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Mace Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI Arcane Lore: 150, Mace: 300 Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Pugilist's Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Willpower Other VI, Moderate War Magic Aptitude Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Unarmed Combat: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Spearman's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Spear Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Spear: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Staffer's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Staff Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI Arcane Lore: 150,
Base Staff: 300
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Swordsman's Gauntlets 250 (400) Moderate Sword Aptitude, Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI Base Sword: 300,
Arcane Lore: 150
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets
Tosser's Gauntlets 250 (400) Impenetrability V, Coordination Other VI, Moderate Thrown Aptitude Base Thrown Weapons: 270,
Arcane Lore: 150
Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets


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  • There are currently 3 pages categorized as Hand Armor in addition to this page.