Furry Mattekar Hide Coat

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Introduced:  The Child of Daralet Related Quests:  Mattekar Hide Armor
Furry Mattekar Hide Coat
Value: 4,000
810 Burden Units

Coat crafted from the hide of a Mattekar, and energised by Yi Yo-Jin.

Armor Level: 120
Covers Covers Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms

Armor Level: 120
Slashing: Above Average (144)
Piercing: Average (108)
Bludgeoning: Average (108)
Fire: Below Average (84)
Cold: Unparalleled (240)
Acid: Average (120)
Electric: Unparalleled (240)
Nether: Average (120)

Furry Mattekar Hide Coat


Palettes for Furry Mattekar Hide Coat
ACID Name Description Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex
4242 FurryMattyCoat Main 4B4B4B 585858 4C4C4C 575757
4230 RedUrsuinCoat Trim 8D2B00 922300 802900
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.