Mattekar Hide Coat

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Introduced:  Release Related Quests:  Mattekar Hide Armor Updated:  Festivus
Mattekar Hide Coat
Value: 800
810 Burden Units

Coat crafted from the hide of a Mattekar. This item can be dyed.

Special Properties: Dyeable

Armor Level: 120
Covers Chest, Abdomen, Upper Arms, Lower Arms

Armor Level: 120
Slashing: Above Average (144)
Piercing: Average (108)
Bludgeoning: Average (108)
Fire: Below Average (84)
Cold: Unparalleled (240)
Acid: Average (120)
Electric: Unparalleled (240)
Nether: Average (120)

Mattekar Hide Coat


You give Leather Crafter Mattekar Hide.
Leather Crafter tells you, "Here you go!"
You've earned 2,000 experience.
Leather Crafter gives you Mattekar Hide Coat.
  • You can also turn the coat into a Furry Mattekar Hide Coat by handing it to Yi Yo-Jin at Neydisa Castle.
  • In Festivus, the hide coat was made dyeable.
  • When dyeing, the icon changes drastically. Dyeing results in the main color taken on a deep, shade of the dye color. The orange ("Pumkin" DCS 1677) trim & belt stay the same color. Fail-dyeing results in a pale pink.
Dyed Mattekar Hide Coat

(Light Blue)

(Dark Blue)


(Mint Green)







Original Palette

Palettes for Mattekar Hide Coat
ACID Name Description Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex
1486 MattekarGrey Main 777777 (515151) 717171 (4B4B4B) 686868 (424242) 5D5D5D (373737)
1677 Pumkin Belt 8B2B09 (441404) C45912 (7E3A0B) 702F08 (4F2105) A53E0B (5D2206)
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.
  • Note: the above samples were derived by using VT propertydump and adding +38 for Lightness. The original Hexes are shown in brackets.

Dye Effects

Known Palettes for Dyed Mattekar Hide Coat
ACID Name Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex Sample Hex
4213 LapyanBlue 2A6C9A 2A6C9A 2A6C9A
4387 ColbanBlue 001859 001859 001859
4052 VerdalimGreen 20341B 20341B 20341B
4214 MinalimGreen 1F793F
4389 RelanimPurple 47065C
4388 ThananimBlack 2A2A2A
4053 HennacinRed 3F1007
4215 ArgenoryWhite ADADAD
4054 BerimphurGold 60510A
4055 CriticalPink B06672 B06672 B06672 9E3134
The sample is only an approach of how the item looks ingame.
See User:Sanddh/Guides/Armor Color Table for other available palettes.