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Custom Content
This page is for custom content on Dragonmoon.

Related topics: Items

What Are Rares?

During the Throne of Destiny expansion in 2005, rare items, or Rares, were introduced to the loot generator. There are six tiers that increase in rarity ranging from the most common Tier 1 rares, which consist of consumable buff gems, to the least common Tier 6 rares which consist of weapons for each class. Consumable type items in tier 5 are eternal/infinite and have an unlimited number of uses. Some rares can also be leveled for added bonuses (Heroic Destroyer Set | Heroic Protector Set).

What Are Dragon Eggs?

One of the game mechanics that changed for Dragonmoon is Dragon Eggs dropping instead of Rares. With a dragon egg you can buy the rare you want instead of getting Rares you do not want.

How Rares Are Found

Rare Eligible Creatures

Each time a player kills a rare eligible creature, there is a small chance that a rare will drop. To be rare eligible, the creature must drop a corpse/treasure pile, be a greater level than the player, or level 100+.

Real Time Rares

Also there is a real time rare timer for each character, this timer starts the first time you kill a rare eligible creature. A character such as a mule that has never killed anything will not have an active timer. It works by looking at the real time that has elapsed since the last rare was found, it increases as the time gets closer to two months (real life time) at which point it is a 100% chance. People have found that for characters that don't normally hunt, it's best to take them out at at the 30 day mark and a rare will drop after a few kills (although it sometimes can take longer since it's still a % chance at the 30 day mark).

What are the Drop Rates?

According to NoWorries' post on the official forums:

For every 1 weapon (Tier 6) that drops the following should drop (in the long run):

Drop Rate Tier Dragon Egg
1.16 Tier 6
1.16 Tier 5
2.8 Tier 4
35 Tier 3
350 Tier 2
3500 Tier 1

Estimated drop rate of a rare item is one in 2,500 rare eligible creature kills.

Tier 1

Spells casted by the rare gems do not stack with Spectral Mastery Crystals.

Creature Magic Gems

Icon Name
Rare #
Lugian's Pearl Using this gem will increase your Strength by 250 for 15 minutes. 1
Ursuin's Pearl Using this gem will increase your Endurance by 250 for 15 minutes. 2
Wayfarer's Pearl Using this gem will increase your Coordination by 250 for 15 minutes. 3
Sprinter's Pearl Using this gem will increase your Quickness by 250 for 15 minutes. 4
Magus's Pearl Using this gem will increase your Focus by 250 for 15 minutes. 5
Lich's Pearl Using this gem will increase your Self by 250 for 15 minutes. 6
Alchemist's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Alchemy skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 7
Berzerker's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Recklessness skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 7
Brawler's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Dirty Fighting skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 7
Knight's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Shield skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 7
Rogue's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Sneak Attack skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 7
Warrior's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Dual Wield skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 7
Scholar's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Arcane Lore skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 8
Smithy's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Armor Tinkering skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 9
Hunter's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Assess Creature skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 10
Observer's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Assess Person skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 11
Thorsten's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Light Weapon skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 12
Elysa's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Missile Weapon skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 13
Chef's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Cooking skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 14
Enchanter's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Creature Enchantment skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 15
Oswald's Crystal Using this gem will increase you Finesse Weapon skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 17
Deceiver's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Deception skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 18
Fletcher's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Fletching skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 19
Physician's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Healing skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 20
Artificer's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Item Enchantment skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 21
Tinker's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Item Tinkering skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 22
Vaulter's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Jump skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 23
Monarch's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Leadership skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 24
Life Giver's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Life Magic skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 25
Thief's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Lockpick skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 26
Adherent's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Loyalty skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 27
Resister's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Magic Defense skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 29
Imbuer's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Magic Item Tinkering skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 30
Converter's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Mana Conversion skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 31
Evader's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Melee Defense skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 32
Dodger's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Missile Defense skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 33
Zefir's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Run skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 34
Ben Ten's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Heavy Weapon skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 37
Hieromancer's Crystal Using this gem will increase your War Magic skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 40
Corruptor's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Void Magic skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 40
Artist's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Weapon Tinkering skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 41
T'ing's Crystal Using this gem will increase your Two Handed Combat skill by 250 for 15 minutes. 300

Tier 2

Life Magic Gems

Icon Name Description Rare #
Warrior's Jewel Using this gem will increase your Health Regeneration by 1000% for 15 minutes. 42
Melee's Jewel Using this gem will increase your Stamina Regeneration by 1000% for 15 minutes. 43
Mage's Jewel Using this gem will increase your Mana Regeneration by 1000% for 15 minutes. 44
Duelist's Jewel Using this gem will increase your natural resistance to Slashing damage by 99.9% for 15 minutes. 45
Archer's Jewel Using this gem will increase your natural resistance to Piercing damage by 99.9% for 15 minutes. 46
Tusker's Jewel Using this gem will increase your natural resistance to Bludgeoning damage by 99.9% for 15 minutes. 47
Olthoi's Jewel Using this gem will increase your natural resistance to Acid damage by 99.9% for 15 minutes. 48
Inferno's Jewel Using this gem will increase your natural resistance to Fire damage by 99.9% for 15 minutes. 49
Gelid's Jewel Using this gem will increase your natural resistance to Cold damage by 99.9% for 15 minutes. 50
Astyrrian's Jewel Using this gem will increase your natural resistance to Lightning damage by 99.9% for 15 minutes. 51
Executor's Jewel Using this gem will increase your natural armor by 1000 for 15 minutes. 52

Item Magic Gems

Icon Name Description Rare #
Pearl of Blood Drinking Using this gem will increase your equipped melee or missle weapon's damage by 50 for 15 minutes. 53
Pearl of Heart Seeking Using this gem will confer a 25% attack bonus upon your equipped melee weapon for 15 minutes. 54
Pearl of Defending Using this gem will confer a 25% Melee Defense bonus upon your equipped melee weapon, missile weapon, or magic caster for 15 minutes. 55
Pearl of Swift Killing Using this gem will quicken the attack speed on your equipped melee or missle weapon by 1000 points for 15 minutes. 56
Pearl of Spirit Drinking Confers a 15 percent elemental damage bonus upon your equipped casting device for 15 minutes. 57
Pearl of Hermetic Linking Confers upon an equipped casting device a 100 percent Mana Conversion bonus for 15 minutes. 58
Pearl of Blade Baning Increases the resistance to Blade damage for all equipped armor and clothing by 500% for 15 minutes. 59
Pearl of Pierce Baning Increases the resistance to Pierce damage for all equipped armor and clothing by 500% for 15 minutes. 60
Pearl of Bludgeon Baning Increases the resistance to Bludgeon damage for all equipped armor and clothing by 500% for 15 minutes. 61
Pearl of Acid Baning Increases the resistance to Acid damage for all equipped armor and clothing by 500% for 15 minutes. 62
Pearl of Flame Baning Increases the resistance to Fire damage for all equipped armor and clothing by 500% for 15 minutes. 63
Pearl of Frost Baning Increases the resistance to Cold damage for all equipped armor and clothing by 500% for 15 minutes. 64
Pearl of Lightning Baning Increases the resistance to Lightning damage for all equipped armor and clothing by 500% for 15 minutes. 65
Pearl of Impenetrability Increase the Armor Level of all equipped armor and clothing by 1000 for 15 minutes. 66


Icon Name Description Rare #
Refreshing Elixir Restores 500 Health when consumed. 67
Invigorating Elixir Restores 500 Stamina when consumed. 68
Miraculous Elixir Restores 500 Mana when used. 69

Tier 3

Healing Kits

Icon Name Description Rare #
Medicated Health Kit Restores Health, 25 uses. 70
Medicated Stamina Kit Restores Stamina, 25 uses. 71
Medicated Mana Kit Restores Mana, 25 uses. 72


Icon Name Description Rare #
Casino Exquisite Keyring Key to Exquisite Casino Chest, 25 uses. 73
Grand Casino Golden Keyring Key to Grand Casino Chest, 25 uses. 74
Grand Casino Golden Keyring Key to Grand Casino Chest, 25 uses. 75
Shimmering Skeleton Key It will open any locked chest or door. 76

Tier 4


See Heroic Protector Set for information on leveling rare armor. Heroic Protector Set is SetId 40

Name Type Armor Level Cantrips Rare #
Adept's Fervor Hand Armor 500 Epic Coordination,
Epic Healing Prowess
Bracers of Leikotha's Tears Upper Body Armor 525 Epic Fealty,
Epic Strength
214 ***
Breastplate of Leikotha's Tears Upper Body Armor 525 Epic Endurance,
Epic Impregnability
217 *
Dusk Coat Upper Body Armor 500 Epic Endurance,
Epic Fealty,
Epic Armor,
Epic Strength
266 *
Dusk Leggings Lower Body Armor 500 Epic Willpower,
Epic Mana Gain,
Epic Stamina Gain
268 *
Footman's Boots Foot Armor 500 Epic Sprint,
Epic Quickness
Gauntlets of the Crimson Star Hand Armor 500 Epic Coordination,
Epic Healing Prowess
Gauntlets of Leikotha's Tears Hand Armor 525 Epic Coordination,
Epic Healing Prowess
212 *
Gelidite Bracers Upper Body Armor 525 Epic Fealty,
Epic Strength
213 *
Gelidite Breastplate Upper Body Armor 525 Epic Endurance,
Epic Impregnability
Gelidite Gauntlets Hand Armor 525 Epic Coordination,
Epic Healing Prowess
Gelidite Girth Upper Body Armor 525 Epic Magic Resistance,
Epic Armor
Gelidite Greaves Lower Body Armor 525 Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Invulnerability
223 *
Gelidite Mitre Head Armor 525 Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Epic Focus
262 **
Gelidite Pauldrons Upper Body Armor 525 Epic Arcane Prowess,
Epic Health Gain
Gelidite Tassets Lower Body Armor 525 Epic Willpower,
Epic Mana Gain
222 *
Gelidite Boots Foot Armor 525 Epic Sprint,
Epic Quickness
270 *
Girth of Leikotha's Tears Upper Body Armor 525 Epic Magic Resistance,
Epic Armor
219 **
Greaves of Leikotha's Tears Lower Body Armor 525 Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Invulnerability
224 **
Helm of Leikotha's Tears Head Armor 525 Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Epic Focus
Imperial Chevaird's Helm Head Armor 500 Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Epic Focus
Patriarch's Twilight Coat Upper Body Armor 500 Epic Endurance,
Epic Fealty,
Epic Armor,
Epic Strength
Patriarch's Twilight Tights Lower Body Armor 500 Epic Willpower,
Epic Mana Gain,
Epic Stamina Gain
Pauldrons of Leikotha's Tears Upper Body Armor 525 Epic Health Gain,
Epic Arcane Prowess
226 **
Reinforced Boots Foot Armor ?? Epic Sprint,
Epic Quickness
Steel Wall Boots Foot Armor 500 Epic Sprint,
Epic Quickness
269 *
Tassets of Leikotha's Tears Lower Body Armor 525 Epic Willpower,
Epic Mana Gain
Tracker Boots Foot Armor 500 Epic Sprint,
Epic Quickness
Valkeer's Helm Head Armor 530 Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Epic Focus
210 *


Name Type Shield Level Cantrips Rare #
Dread Marauder Shield Shields 480 Epic Healing Prowess,
Epic Strength
Mirrored Justice Shield 480 Epic Acid Ward,
Epic Flame Ward,
Epic Frost Ward,
Epic Storm Ward
Shield of Engorgement Shields 200 Epic Magic Resistance 272
Twin Ward Shield 480 Epic Impregnability,
Epic Invulnerability


Name Type Cantrips Rare #
Aristocrat's Bracelet Bracelets Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Leadership
275 *
Band of Elemental Harmony Bracelets Epic Acid Ward,
Epic Flame Ward,
Epic Frost Ward,
Epic Storm Ward
Bracelet of Binding Bracelets Epic Armor Tinkering Expertise,
Epic Item Tinkering Expertise,
Epic Magic Item Tinkering Expertise,
Epic Weapon Tinkering Expertise,
Epic Focus
276 *
Circle of Pure Thought Bracelets Epic Focus,
Epic Willpower
236 **
Dreamseer Bangle Bracelets Epic Mana Gain,
Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Wizard's Ultimate Intellect
Golden Snake Choker Necklaces Epic Arcane Prowess,
Epic Item Enchantment Aptitude
Ibriya's Choice Necklaces Epic Endurance,
Epic Quickness
Loop of Opposing Benedictions Rings Epic Flame Ward,
Epic Frost Ward
Love's Favor Bracelets Epic Piercing Ward,
Epic Fealty
233 **
Necklace of Iniquity Necklaces Epic Health Gain,
Epic Void Magic Aptitude
237 *
Ring of Channeling Rings Epic Willpower,
Epic Mana Conversion Prowess
231 **
Swift Strike Ring Rings Epic Invulnerability,
Epic Sprint,
Epic Quickness
230 **
Unchained Prowess Ring Rings Epic Coordination,
Epic Focus
Weeping Ring Rings Epic Life Magic Aptitude 273
Winter's Heart Rings Epic Strength,
Epic Endurance
229 *

Tier 5

Eternal Creature Magic Gems

Icon Name Description Rare #
Pictograph of Strength Use this gem to cast Might of the Lugians. This gem does not run out of charges. 77
Pictograph of Endurance Use this gem to cast Perseverance. This gem does not run out of charges. 78
Pictograph of Coordination Use this gem to cast Honed Control. This gem does not run out of charges. 79
Pictograph of Quickness Use this gem to cast Hastening. This gem does not run out of charges. 80
Pictograph of Focus Use this gem to cast Inner Calm. This gem does not run out of charges. 81
Pictograph of Willpower Use this gem to cast Mind Blossom. This gem does not run out of charges. 82
Hieroglyph of Alchemy Mastery Use this gem to cast Silencia's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 83
Hieroglyph of Arcane Enlightenment Use this gem to cast Aliester's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 84
Hieroglyph of Armor Tinkering Expertise Use this gem to cast Jibril's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 85
Hieroglyph of Monster Attunement Use this gem to cast Topheron's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 86
Hieroglyph of Person Attunement Use this gem to cast Kaluhc's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 87
Hieroglyph of Light Weapon Mastery Use this gem to cast Light Weapon Mastery Self VII. This gem does not run out of charges. 88
Hieroglyph of Missile Weapon Mastery Use this gem to cast Missile Weapon Mastery Self VII. This gem does not run out of charges. 89
Hieroglyph of Cooking Mastery Use this gem to cast Morimoto's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 90
Hieroglyph of Creature Enchantment Mastery Use this gem to cast Adja's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 91
Hieroglyph of Finesse Weapon Mastery Use this gem to cast Finesse Weapon Mastery Self VII. This gem does not run out of charges. 93
Hieroglyph of Deception Mastery Use this gem to cast Ketnan's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 94
Hieroglyph of Fletching Mastery Use this gem to cast Lilitha's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 95
Hieroglyph of Healing Mastery Use this gem to cast Avalenne's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 96
Hieroglyph of Item Enchantment Mastery Use this gem to cast Celcynd's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 97
Hieroglyph of Item Tinkering Expertise Use this gem to cast Yoshi's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 98
Hieroglyph of Jumping Mastery Use this gem to cast Jahannan's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 99
Hieroglyph of Leadership Mastery Use this gem to cast Ar-Pei's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 100
Hieroglyph of Life Magic Mastery Use this gem to cast Harlune's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 101
Hieroglyph of Lockpick Mastery Use this gem to cast Oswald's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 102
Hieroglyph of Fealty Use this gem to cast Odif's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 103
Hieroglyph of Magic Item Tinkering Expertise Use this gem to cast Celdiseth's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 105
Hieroglyph of Magic Resistance Use this gem to cast Aura of Resistance. This gem does not run out of charges. 106
Hieroglyph of Mana Conversion Mastery Use this gem to cast Nuhmudira's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 107
Hieroglyph of Invulnerability Use this gem to cast Aura of Defense. This gem does not run out of charges. 108
Hieroglyph of Impregnability Use this gem to cast Aura of Deflection. This gem does not run out of charges. 109
Hieroglyph of Sprint Use this gem to cast Saladur's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 110
Hieroglyph of Heavy Weapon Mastery Use this gem to cast Heavy Weapon Mastery Self VII. This gem does not run out of charges. 113
Hieroglyph of War Magic Mastery Use this gem to cast Hieromancer's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 116
Hieroglyph of Weapon Tinkering Expertise Use this gem to cast Koga's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 117
Ideograph of Regeneration Use this gem to cast Robustify. This gem does not run out of charges. 118
Ideograph of Revitalization Use this gem to cast Unflinching Persistence. This gem does not run out of charges. 119
Ideograph of Battlemage's Blessing Use this gem to cast Battlemage's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 120

Eternal Life Magic Gems

Icon Name Description Rare #
Ideograph of Blade Protection Use this gem to cast Blessing of the Blade Turner. This gem does not run out of charges. 121
Ideograph of Piercing Protection Use this gem to cast Blessing of the Arrow Turner. This gem does not run out of charges. 122
Ideograph of Bludgeoning Protection Use this gem to cast Blessing of the Mace Turner. This gem does not run out of charges. 123
Ideograph of Acid Protection Use this gem to cast Caustic Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 124
Ideograph of Fire Protection Use this gem to cast Firey Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 125
Ideograph of Frost Protection Use this gem to cast Icy Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 126
Ideograph of Lightning Protection Use this gem to cast Storm's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 127
Ideograph of Armor Use this gem to cast Executor's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 128

Eternal Item Magic Gems

Icon Name Description Rare #
Rune of Blood Drinker Use this gem to cast Infected Caress. This gem does not run out of charges. 129
Rune of Heart Seeker Use this gem to cast Elysa's Sight. This gem does not run out of charges. 130
Rune of Defender Use this gem to cast Cragstone's Will. This gem does not run out of charges. 131
Rune of Swift Killer Use this gem to cast Atlan's Alacrity. This gem does not run out of charges. 132
Rune of Spirit Drinker Use this gem to cast Infected Spirit Caress. This gem does not run out of charges. 133
Rune of Hermetic Link Use this gem to cast Mystic's Blessing. This gem does not run out of charges. 134
Rune of Blade Bane Use this gem to cast Swordsman's Bane. This gem does not run out of charges. 135
Rune of Pierce Bane Use this gem to cast Archer's Bane. This gem does not run out of charges. 136
Rune of Bludgeon Bane Use this gem to cast Tusker's Bane. This gem does not run out of charges. 137
Rune of Acid Bane Use this gem to cast Olthoi Bane. This gem does not run out of charges. 138
Rune of Flame Bane Use this gem to cast Inferno's Bane. This gem does not run out of charges. 139
Rune of Frost Bane Use this gem to cast Geldite's Bane. This gem does not run out of charges. 140
Rune of Lightning Bane Use this gem to cast Astyrrian's Bane. This gem does not run out of charges. 141
Rune of Impenetrability Use this gem to cast Brogard's Defiance. This gem does not run out of charges. 142
Rune of Portal Recall Use this gem to cast Portal Recall. This gem does not run out of charges. 144
Rune of Lifestone Recall Use this gem to cast Lifestone Recall. This gem does not run out of charges. 145

Eternal Dispel Gems

Icon Name Description Rare #
Rune of Dispel Use of this gem dispels all negative enchantments of level 7 or lower from the target. This gem does not run out of charges. It will not be destroyed upon use. 143

Eternal Healing Kits

Icon Name Description Rare #
Eternal Health Kit Use this item to recover your Health. It will never run out of uses. 146
Eternal Stamina Kit Use this item to recover your Stamina. It will never run out of uses. 147
Eternal Mana Kit Use this item to recover your Mana. It will never run out of uses. 148

Eternal Lockpicks

Icon Name Description Rare #
Limitless Lockpick Use this item on a locked door or chest to pick the lock. 149

Eternal Arrowheads

Icon Name Description Rare #
Infinite Deadly Frog Crotch Arrowheads A stack of deadly frog crotch arrowheads. No matter how many of these are used the number of arrowheads never diminishes. 150
Infinite Deadly Broad Arrowheads A stack of deadly broad arrowheads. No matter how many of these are used the number of arrowheads never diminishes. 156
Infinite Deadly Armor Piercing Arrowheads A stack of deadly armor piercing arrowheads. No matter how many of these are used the number of arrowheads never diminishes. 157
Infinite Deadly Blunt Arrowheads A stack of deadly blunt arrowheads. No matter how many of these are used the number of arrowheads never diminishes. 158
Infinite Deadly Acid Arrowheads A stack of deadly acid arrowheads. No matter how many of these are used the number of arrowheads never diminishes. 159
Infinite Deadly Fire Arrowheads A stack of deadly fire arrowheads. No matter how many of these are used the number of arrowheads never diminishes. 160
Infinite Deadly Frost Arrowheads A stack of deadly frost arrowheads. No matter how many of these are used the number of arrowheads never diminishes. 161
Infinite Deadly Electric Arrowheads A stack of deadly electric arrowheads. No matter how many of these are used the number of arrowheads never diminishes. 162

Eternal Salvage

Icon Name Description Rare #
Infinite Ivory A bag that contains endless amounts of ivory. No matter how much ivory is used the bag will always remain full. 151
Infinite Leather A bag that contains endless amounts of leather. No matter how much leather is used the bag will always remain full. 152

Eternal Mana Charges

Icon Name Description Rare #
Infinite Major Mana Charge A mana stone that does not run out of charges and isn't destroyed on use. 153

Eternal Rations

Icon Name Description Rare #
Infinite Simple Dried Rations A simple mix of dried meat, nuts, and fruit. No matter how many times this item is used the quantity will never diminish. 154
Infinite Elaborate Dried Rations An elaborate mix of dried meat, nuts, and fruit. No matter how many times this item is used the quantity will never diminish. 155

Eternal Dyepots

Icon Name Description Rare #
Perennial Verdalim Dye An everlasting pot of dark green verdalim dye. 163
Perennial Hennacin Dye An everlasting pot of dark red hennacin dye. 164 *
Perennial Berimphur Dye An everlasting pot of dark yellow berimphur dye. 165
Perennial Thananim Dye An everlasting pot of charcoal black thananim dye. 166
Perennial Colban Dye An everlasting pot of royal blue colban dye. 167
Perennial Relanim Dye An everlasting pot of deep purple relanim dye. 168
Perennial Lapyan Dye An everlasting pot of fair blue lapyan dye. 169
Perennial Minalim Dye An everlasting pot of winter green minalim dye. 170
Perennial Argenory Dye An everlasting pot of silvery white argenory dye. 171
Perennial Botched Dye An everlasting pot of botched dye. 172

Foolproof Salvage

Icon Name Description Rare #
Foolproof Black Opal Chips of black opal. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 173
Foolproof Fire Opal Chips of fire opal. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 174
Foolproof Sunstone Chips of sunstone. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 175
Foolproof Imperial Topaz Chips of imperial topaz. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 176 *
Foolproof Black Garnet Chips of black garnet. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 177
Foolproof White Sapphire Chips of white sapphire. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 178
Foolproof Emerald Chips of emerald. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 179
Foolproof Aquamarine Chips of aquamarine. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 180
Foolproof Red Garnet Chips of red garnet. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 181
Foolproof Jet Chips of jet. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 182
Foolproof Peridot Chips of peridot. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 183
Foolproof Yellow Topaz Chips of yellow topaz. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 184
Foolproof Zircon Chips of zircon. This material is of such exquisite quality that using it to imbue an item is guaranteed to succeed. 185


Icon Name Description Rare #
Pack This pack has 48 spaces. 186

Tier 6

Heavy Weapons

Name Special Properties Stats Cantrips Rare #
Count Renari's Equalizer Slash Rending 50.1 - 63, Slashing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Smite Slash Rending,
Crushing Blow
43.2 - 72, Slashing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Endurance,
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Coordination, Epic Strength
282 *
Ridgeback Dagger Pierce Rending,
Armor Cleaving
39.59 - 49 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Star of Tukal Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Bludgeon Rending,
Biting Strike
39.2 - 56 Bludgeoning,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Subjugator Bludgeon Rending,
Crushing Blow
43.4 - 62 Bludgeoning,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Endurance,
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Coordination,
Epic Strength
281 *
Pillar of Fearlessness Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Pierce Rending
29.7 - 54 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Defender, Epic Heart Thirst
Staff of All Aspects Bludgeon Rending,
Armor Cleaving
43.2 - 54 Bludgeoning,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Staff of Tendrils Bludgeon Rending,
Biting Strike
48.8 - 61 Bludgeoning,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Heart Thirst
Brador's Frozen Eye Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Cold Rending
42.6 - 71 Cold,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Frost Ward,
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude
Morrigan's Vanity Slash Rending,
Crushing Blow
42 - 70 Slashing/Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Coordination,
Epic Strength
Steel Butterfly Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Slash Rending,
Biting Strike
25 - 50 Slashing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Endurance,
Epic Heavy Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst

Light Weapons

Name Special Properties Stats Cantrips Rare #
Bearded Axe of Souia-Vey Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Slash Rending
37.2 - 62 Slashing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Strength,
Epic Blood Thirst
Black Thistle Wisp Slayer 32.32 - 40 Slashing/Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Quickness,
Epic Blood Thirst
Moriharu's Kitchen Knife Slash Rending,
Crushing Blow
46.92 - 59 Slashing/Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Cooking Prowess,
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Baton of Tirethas Bludgeon Rending,
Biting Strike
53.33 - 66 Bludgeoning,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Thunderhead Lugian Slayer,
Lightning Rending
48.48 - 60 Electrical,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Swift Hunter,
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Star of Gharu'n Fire Rending,
Crushing Blow
30.25 - 55 Fire,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Coordination,
Epic Strength
Spirit Shifting Staff Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Bludgeon Rending
39 - 52 Bludgeoning,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
258 *
Staff of Fettered Souls Undead Slayer,
Bludgeon Rending
41.6 - 52 Bludgeoning,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Health Gain,
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Guardian of Pwyll Olthoi Slayer,
Pierce Rending
52.48 - 66 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude
Fist of Three Principles Pierce Rending,
Armor Cleaving
28.63 - 36 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Heart Thirst
204 *
Skullpuncher Skeleton Slayer,
Pierce Rending
34.99 - 44 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst

Finesse Weapons

Name Special Properties Stats Cantrips Rare #
Canfield Cleaver Slash Rending,
Armor Cleaving
51.69 - 65 Slashing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Sprint,
Epic Blood Thirst
196 *
Tusked Axe of Ayan Baqur Banderling Slayer,
Slash Rending
46.92 - 59 Slashing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Pitfighter's Edge Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Slash Rending, Biting Strike
14 - 20 Slashing/Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Quickness,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Coordination
Zharalim Crookblade Slash Rending,
Biting Strike
32.32 - 40 Slashing/Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Dripping Death Acid Rending,
Armor Cleaving
40.4 - 50 Acid,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Champion's Demise Acid Rending,
Armor Cleaving
37.52 - 46 Acid,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Defender,
Epic Heart Thirst
Squire's Glaive Pierce Rending,
Ghost Slayer
45.68 - 56 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Light Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Tri-Blade Spear Pierce Rending,
Biting Strike
35.89 - 44 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Strength
Death's Grip Staff Cold Rending,
Crushing Blow
39 - 52 Cold,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Endurance,
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Coordination,
Epic Strength
Defiler of Milantos Slash Rending,
Biting Strike
43.74 - 55 Slashing/Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude 242
Desert Wyrm Multi-Strike,
Pierce Rending,
Armor Cleaving
22.27 - 28 Slashing/Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Flame Ward,
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Hevelio's Half-Moon Pierce Rending,
Biting Strike
27.83 - 35 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Coordination,
Epic Strength
Malachite Slasher Slash Rending,
Crushing Blow
25 - 50 Slashing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Finesse Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst

Two Handed Weapons

Name Special Properties Stats Cantrips Rare #
Chitin Cracker Bludgeon Rending,
Olthoi Slayer,
34.74 - 43 Bludgeoning,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Two Handed Combat Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
304 *
Decapitator's Blade Slash Rending,
Biting Strike,
28.79 - 41 Slashing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Flame Ward,
Epic Two Handed Combat Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Itaka's Naginata Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Pierce Rending,
19.2 - 48 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% mdd
Epic Two Handed Combat Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Heart Thirst,
Epic Defender
Revenant's Scythe Slash Rending,
Armor Cleaving,
34.74 - 43 Slashing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Two Handed Combat Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Spear of Lost Truths Pierce Rending,
Crushing Blow,
19.2 - 48 Piercing,
+18% att,
+18% md
Epic Flame Ward,
Epic Two Handed Combat Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
306 **

Missile Weapons

Name Special Properties Stats Cantrips Rare #
Black Cloud Bow Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Cold Rending
+170% mod,
+16 Cold,
+18% md
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude
Corsair's Arc Fire Rending,
Sleech Slayer
+170% mod,
+16 Fire,
+18% md
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude
Dragonspine Bow Pierce Rending,
Biting Strike
+170% mod,
+16 Piercing,
+18% md
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude
Ebonwood Shortbow Pierce Rending,
Armor Cleaving
+170% mod,
+16 Piercing,
+18% md
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Serpent's Flight Slash Rending,
Crushing Blow
+170% mod,
+16 Slash,
+18% md
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Coordination
Assassin's Whisper Pierce Rending,
Crushing Blow,
Biting Strike
+100% mod,
+ 16 Pierce,
+18% md
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Coordination,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude
Feathered Razor Fire Rending,
Armor Cleaving
+120% mod,
+16 Fire,
+18% md
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
198 *
Iron Bull Viamontian Knight Slayer,
Pierce Rending
+195% mod,
+16 Piercing,
+18% md
Epic Endurance,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Zefir's Breath Zefir Slayer,
Lightning Rending,
Biting Strike
+195% mod,
+16 Lightning,
+18% md
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Bloodmark Crossbow Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Bludgeon Rending
+195% mod,
+16 Bludgeoning,
+18% md
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst,
Epic Coordination
249 *
Drifter's Atlatl Tusker Slayer,
Pierce Rending
+190% mod,
+15 Piercing,
+18% md,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Hooded Serpent Slinger Pierce Rending,
Crushing Blow
+190% mod,
+15 Piercing,
+18% md
Epic Stamina Gain,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Coordination
Huntsman's Dart-Thrower Bludgeon Rending,
Armor Cleaving
+190% mod,
+15 Bludgeoning,
+18% md
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
Dart Flicker Slash Rending,
Biting Strike
+190% mod,
+15 Slashing,
+18% md
Epic Endurance,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude,
Epic Blood Thirst
251 *
Royal Ladle Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Cold Rending
+190% mod,
+15 Cold,
+18% md
Epic Cooking Prowess,
Epic Missile Weapon Aptitude


Name Special Properties Stats Cantrips Rare #
Deru Limb Fire Rending,
Crushing Blow
+20% md,
+20% mc
Epic Mana Conversion Prowess 188
Eye of Muramm Undead Slayer,
Lightning Rending
+25% pvm,
+6.2% pvp,
+18% md,
+18% mc
Epic Alchemical Prowess,
Epic Life Magic Aptitude,
Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Epic Spirit Thirst
Orb of the Ironsea Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Pierce Rending,
Biting Strike
+22% pvm,
+5.5% pvp,
+18% md,
+20% mc
Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Epic Spirit Thirst
Wand of the Frore Crystal Cold Rending,
Biting Strike
+22% pvm,
+5.5% pvp,
+18% mc,
+18% md
Epic Flame Ward,
Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Epic Spirit Thirst
Wings of Rakhil Fire Rending,
Crushing Blow
+22% pvm,
+5.5% pvp,
+18% mc,
+18% md
Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Epic Spirit Thirst
Heart of Darkest Flame Bael'Zharon's Hate,
Crippling Blow,
Biting Strike
+22% pvm,
+5.5% pvp,
+18% mc,
+18% md
Epic Mana Conversion Prowess,
Epic Spirit Thirst
309 *

Spectral Mastery Crystals

See: Spectral Mastery Crystals

Update History

Friend and Foe
  • Local broadcast when a Rare is found changed to bright pink and an audio cue added.

A Change in Tactics

  • Real time rares system added.
  • Drop rate on higher tier Rares increased slightly.

Dark Materials

Upping the Ante

  • An announcement is now made when a player uses a tier 1 or 2 rare gem.

Who Watches the Virindi?

  • Rare Exchangers added to the three Casinos that will exchange a random Tier 1 or 2 rare for any other Tier 1 or 2 rare and 2 MMD. (The price was originally 1 MMD but was later raised).

Shedding Skin

Master of Design

  • You can now tailor the appearance of a loot generated item upon rare armor.


  • Rare Jewelry adjusted so that every piece had at least two epics along with the matching level 8 spells.
  • In some cases the jewelry has more than 2 epics or has a special spell such as Essence Glutton.
  • Debuffs removed from jewelry.

The Quest for Freedom