/recruit <player> - Recruits a player to your fellowship - No distance requirement (do not use < > in the input, just the name)
/recruitme <player> - Sends a request to the named Player to send you a /recruit to join fellow
/myshare [<xp> [<lum>]] - Shows your current Fellowship XP and Lum Share Rate
/lvl or /nextlevel - Shows XP to Next Level (needed over 275)
/myquests - See your available quests(You can also use Utility Belt to Track)
400+/750+ BSD update. Look for Brighteyes, the Tailor's cousins in Fort Tethana and the Ascension Fortress.
Something new is stirring in your loot. A new Town Crier might have more information.
DM specific NPCs get pets! They'll help distinguish between level and loot ranges.
Goruk wants to eat more things
T12 - Ratings up to 40! New Wield Req's on Weapons and Armor for players at level 1,000!
New Ways to Spend XP!
Additional Attribute Augmentations!
750+ summons
New Slayer Gems!
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