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Latest revision as of 08:48, 12 February 2025

Related topics: Locations

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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
20.5S, 7.6E - Ancient Portal 20.5S, 7.6E None Lost City of Neftet The Crystal Amulet of the A'nekshay None Available
20.5S, 7.6E - Catacombs Via Ancient Portal None Lost City of Neftet The Crystal Amulet of the A'nekshay None Available
20.7S, 7.5E - Ancient Portal 20.7S, 7.5E None Lost City of Neftet The Crystal Idol of the A'nekshay None Available
20.7S, 7.5E - Catacombs Via Ancient Portal None Lost City of Neftet The Crystal Idol of the A'nekshay None Available
20.7S, 7.6E - Ancient Portal 20.7S, 7.6E None Lost City of Neftet The Crystal Sword of the A'nekshay None Available
20.7S, 7.6E - Catacombs Via Ancient Portal None Lost City of Neftet The Crystal Sword of the A'nekshay None Available
21.0S, 7.5E - Ancient Portal 21.0S, 7.5E None Lost City of Neftet The Crystal Staff of the A'nekshay None Available


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
A Cave 24.2N, 43.2E None Release Tibri's Fire Spear ACMaps
A Drudge Nest 40.7S, 83.6E None Release None ACMaps
A Drudge Nest 11.0N, 57.5E None Release None ACMaps
A Mosswart Hideout 72.9S, 90.7E None Should the Stars Fall Singularity Weapons Quest ACMaps
A Mosswart Nest 26.8S, 61.7E,
36.2S, 60.3E,
36.2S, 62.0E
None Release None ACMaps
A Rat Nest 40.2N, 32.5E None Release None ACMaps
A Red Rat Lair 21.1S, 2.1W None Release Lubziklan al-Luq's Stolen Goods ACMaps
A Ruin (Arwic) 33.0N, 54.9E None Release None ACMaps
A Ruin (Mayoi) 62.6S, 81.4E None Release None ACMaps
A Ruin (Rithwic) 11.5N, 55.0E None Release None ACMaps
A Ruin (Samsur) 3.3S, 20.5E None Release None ACMaps
A Ruin (Yanshi) 13.0S, 47.3E None Release None ACMaps
A Small Cave 4.2S, 17.3E None Release None ACMaps
A Small Ruin 53.6S, 70.9E None Release None ACMaps
Abandoned Arena 11.3S, 37.4E None Release None ACMaps
Abandoned Armory 83.6S, 14.7W None That Which Is Ours Sanguinary Aegis Quest ACMaps
Abandoned Mine 34.9N, 54.4E None Release None ACMaps
Abandoned Mines Mirror From Water Guardian 130+ Under Cover of Night Gateway to the Deep None Available
Abandoned Shops 32.4S, 12.7E 040+ Release Abandoned Shops Quest,
Exploration Society Letters
Abandoned Tumerok Site 42.0N, 82.2W None Dark Majesty Olthoi Pincers ACMaps
Abayar's Laboratory 92.1N, 46.3W None Throne of Destiny Lunnum's Pyre,
Fiun Spellcasting Gloves Quest
Abayar's Study From Abayar's Laboratory 90+ Throne of Destiny Fiun Spellcasting Gloves Quest ACMaps
Abhorrent Vault 88.5N, 50.3W 090+ Throne of Destiny Chasing Oswald
Eater Jaws
Abyssal Olthoi Chasm From Cavernous Olthoi Chasm 100+ Waking from the Abyss Olthoi Chasm Quest ACMaps
Abyssal Totem Temple 86.5N, 57.3E (Abyssal Totem Gateway) 150+ Shattering the Dark Splitting Grael (High) Wiki Map
Accursed Halls 24.0S, 57.9W None Release Altar of Bael'Zharon Quest ACMaps
Acidic Refuge 59.0N, 65.8E 150+, Quest Flag Retributions Geraine's Hosts None Available
Acid Guardian Lair 30.5S, 74.3W 060 - 79 Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel None Available
Acid Ziggurat 17.1N, 63.0E 040 - 59 Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel None Available
Acolyte Towers 88.3S, 10.7W None Taste of Twilight Skull of High Acolyte Quest ACMaps
Acolyte's Chamber 92.6S, 53.0W 180+ Ancient Powers High Priest of T'thuun Kill Task None Available
Adrenkus Cave 37.6S, 62.2W None The Reaping Seed of Harvests None Available
Adventurer's Haven 4.4N, 35.5E None Release Portal Nexus Dungeons None Available
Advocate Dungeon 28.6S, 78.1E (Retired) 126+ Release Strathelar's Order of Advocates Retired
Aerbax Laboratory (Haven) Inside Aerbax Laboratory (Main) None A Reign of Stone None ACMaps
Aerbax Laboratory (Main) 10.1S, 8.1E None A Reign of Stone None ACMaps
Aerbax's Antechamber 94.8S, 91.0W 090+ Lost in the New Horizon Caul Recall ACMaps
Aerbax's Holding 62.4S, 71.1W 060+ Reign of Terror Preparation for the Ritus ACMaps
Aerfalle Keep 86.4N, 45.4E 045+ To Raise a Banner of Flame Lady Aerfalle Quest ACMaps
Aerfalle's Sanctum From Aerfalle Keep 150+ Old Ghosts Lady Aerfalle Quest None Available
Aerlinthe Lower Reservoir From Aerlinthe Reservoir 045+ To Raise a Banner of Flame Lady Aerfalle Quest ACMaps
Aerlinthe Reservoir 85.5N, 43.4E 045+ To Raise a Banner of Flame Lady Aerfalle Quest ACMaps
Alfreth Dungeon 20.4N, 13.2E None Release Sylsfear Quest ACMaps
Altar Nest 75.9N, 69.3E 140+, Quest Flag From the Darkest Depths Whispering Blade - Recall Orb ACMaps
Amiantos Bethel 16.3S, 35.1E None Thorns of the Hopeslayer Silifi of Crimson Stars Quest ACMaps
Amperehelion Vault 56.5S, 72.8W (Duplicate Portal at 35.0N 20.0E) None Shadows of the Past Major Sparking Stone Quest ACMaps
An Archive 63.5S, 36.8E 115+ That Which is Ours Spear of the Given Heart Quest ACMaps
An Olthoi Soldier Nest 45.2N, 76.3W 030+ Dark Majesty Olthoi Pincers ACMaps
Ancient Caves 46.1S, 87.2W 040+ Come What Follows Composite Weapons Upgrade ACMaps
Ancient Cloister 82.5S, 96.1E 150+ (180+ to flag) Ancient Powers Knight Test Wiki Map
Ancient Empyrean Grotto 52.6N, 73.1W 040+ Dark Majesty Olthoi Pincers ACMaps
Ancient Lighthouse 4.0N, 73.6W 018+ Release Premonitions of the Fourth Sending of Darkness ACMaps
Ancient Masonry 88.1N, 47.6E 100+ Rekindling the Light Prismatic Shadow Armor ACMaps
Ancient Temple 33.0S, 88.0W 080+ Reign of Terror Living Tome ACMaps
Antechamber of Liazk Itzi 40.8S, 11.8E 040+ A New Threat Blackmire 2 ACMaps
Apostate Citadel Barracks From Apostate Citadel Mines 150+ Who Watches the Virindi? Uncovering the Renegades None Available
Apostate Citadel Headquarters From Apostate Citadel Barracks 150+ Who Watches the Virindi? Uncovering the Renegades None Available
Apostate Citadel Mines 48.7S, 68.9W 150+ Who Watches the Virindi? Uncovering the Renegades None Available
Apostate Excavation 24.6S, 56.2W 150+ Reclamation Apostate Excavation Investigation Wiki Map
Apostate Nexus From Nexus 150+ Secrets of the Apostates Nexus Crawl Wiki Map
Apostate Nexus (Scintillating) 10.4S, 75.2W 150+ Plans Within Plans Apostate Finale Wiki Map
Apostate Nexus (Shimmering) 10.4S, 75.2W 150+ Plans Within Plans Apostate Finale Wiki Map
Arcanum Furniture Shop 2.2S, 50.7E None The Gathering Storm Arcanum Furniture None Available
Arcanum Research Facility 5.8N, 6.3E Quest Flag Hidden Vein Shadowfire Stone Quest ACMaps
Arcanum Storehouse 54.8S, 74.4E None Hidden Vein Nuhmudira's Boon Quest ACMaps
Arcanum Storehouse Lower Level From Arcanum Storehouse 045+ Hidden Vein Nuhmudira's Boon Quest ACMaps
Arcanum Storehouse Middle Level From Arcanum Storehouse 030+ Hidden Vein Nuhmudira's Boon Quest ACMaps
Arcanum Storehouse Upper Level From Arcanum Storehouse 015+ Hidden Vein Nuhmudira's Boon Quest ACMaps
Archive (Dungeon) From Chaos Virindi Cave 120+ Prodigal Sons The Archivist Quest None Available
Arena (NPK) 18.5S, 3.7E None Taste of Twilight Player Killer ACMaps
Arena (PK) 17.9S, 3.9E None Taste of Twilight Player Killer ACMaps
Arena of Kivik Lir 38.1S, 47.3W 060+ A Small Victory Blackmire 4 ACMaps
Arena of the Tusker Hero Speak with Oolutanga, the Tusker King 080+ The Hall of the Tusker King The Legend of the Tusker Paw None Available
Arrival Chamber From the Reaving Facility 150+ Cogs in the Machine Unleash the Gearknights Wiki Map
Artifex Collegium 91.9S, 93.7W None Dark Materials Aerbax's Prodigal Harbinger
Aerbax's Prodigal Shadow
Delving into Claude's Mind
Artifex Vault 26.5N, 45.8W (Duplicate portal at 24.5N, 8.1E) None Shadows of the Past Stone Tool Quest ACMaps
Arwic Mines 33.8N, 56.8E None Release Diemos Flagging,
Crafter Golems,
Fiery Weapons
Asheron's Sanctum 21.2N, 69.1E None Ancient Enemies None ACMaps
Assassins' Hideout 54.5S, 80.7W 120+ The Price of Loyalty Lost Messenger ACMaps
Asuger Temple 45.0N, 30.5E 020+, Quest Flag Paths of Destruction Elysa's Favor ACMaps
Atlan's Laboratory From Empyrean Workshop 125+, Quest Flag A Change in Tactics Shadowfire Stone Quest ACMaps
Atrium Residential Halls 49.3S, 62.4E,
29.7N, 27.0E,
74.1S, 19.2E
None Repercussions Apartments None Available
Augmentation Realm Lower Level From Augmentation Realm Higher Level 125+, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Aug Gem: Sir Bellas ACMaps
Augmentation Realm Main Level From Augmentation Realm Lower Level 125+, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Aug Gem: Sir Bellas ACMaps
Augmentation Realm Upper Level 95.0N, 47.1W 125+, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Aug Gem: Sir Bellas ACMaps
Aun Papileona's Shrine to Raeta 38.9N, 76.3W None Dark Majesty Raeta's Necklace Quest ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Back Tunnels 43.9N, 73.9W None Under Cover of Night Of Trust and Betrayal ACMaps
Balmy Font 91.5S, 89.7E 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Browerk) ACMaps
Banderling Conquest Dungeon 29.0S, 50.4E None Hollow Victory Mace of the Explorer Quest ACMaps
Banderling Hovel 32.0S 72.8E 010+, Quest Flag From the Darkness Born Bleeargh's Gratitude ACMaps
Banderling Ruin 36.1N, 39.5E None Release None ACMaps
Banderling Shrine 73.0N, 6.6W 060+ Assault Banderling Haunt ACMaps
Bandit Castle Prison 66.5N 49.9E None Release Bandit Shield Quest ACMaps
Bandit Hideout Portal Gem Quest Flag Waking from the Abyss Noir Assassination Investigation ACMaps
Bandit Hideout Prison From Bandit Hideout None Waking from the Abyss Noir Assassination Investigation ACMaps
Bandit Magma Tubes 54.4S, 97.2E 180+ Ancient Powers Defeating Bandit Mana Hunter Boss None Available
Banished Assembly 87.0S, 79.6W 100+ Infiltration Withered Weapons Quest ACMaps
Barracks Portal Gem 060+ Discoveries Halls of Knorr ACMaps
Behind the Waterfall 8.7S, 85.7E 080+ The Hall of the Tusker King Bobo's Medicine,
The Legend of the Tusker Paw
Bellig Tower 17.8N 16.0E None Release Hammer of Lightning Quest ACMaps
Beyond the Mines of Despair From the Mines of Despair 014+ Lonely in the World Focusing Stone Quest ACMaps
Binding Realm From Summoning Chamber
and Dardante's Workshop
100+ Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Whispering Blade Chapterhouse Access ACMaps
Black Death Catacombs 59.9N, 71.2E 020+ Release Aerbax's Citadel
Black Death Catacombs Quiddity Seed Quest
Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Black Death Catacombs Quiddity Seed 59.9N, 71.2E 130+ Recollections Black Death Catacombs Quiddity Seed Quest None Available
Black Dominion 88.7S, 25.9W 025+ Paths of Destruction Singularity Weapons Quest ACMaps
Black Ferah's Vault 39.1S 60.1W 151+, Quest Flag Shattering the Dark Mukkir Aspect of Grael Wiki Map
Black Spawn Den 56.6S, 86.0W,
13.6N, 79.8W,
60.0S, 57.7W
020+ Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Black Spear Summoning Chamber 75.8N, 70.5E 140+ From the Darkest Depths Grael's Summoning Chamber ACMaps
Black Spear Temple 74.0N, 28.6W. 01 - 100 Shattering the Dark Ruschk Aspect of Grael Quest None Available
Black Spear Temple Upper Levels 68.5S, 66.1W 100+ Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Access ACMaps
Black Totem Temple 93.2S, 94.6W 100 - 149 Shattering the Dark Splitting Grael (Mid) None Available
Blackmire Temple 21.7S, 47.7E 040+ Across the Vast Divide Blackmire 1 ACMaps
Blessed Cave 77.9S, 96.6E 150+ Lessons from the Past Releasing the Light ACMaps
Blighted Desolation Moarsman Tunnels 75.1N 49.7W 075+ Shattered Lines Ritual of the Blight Wiki Map
Blighted Disgusting Moarsman Tunnels 28.9S 92.6E 035+ Shattered Lines Ritual of the Blight Wiki Map
Blighted Grimy Moarsman Tunnels 60.9S 89.8W 095+ Shattered Lines Ritual of the Blight Wiki Map
Blighted Putrid Moarsman Tunnels 23.4N 28.8W 055+ Shattered Lines Ritual of the Blight Wiki Map
Blighted Rank Moarsman Tunnels 40.7N 86.5W 015+ Shattered Lines Ritual of the Blight Wiki Map
Blighted Verdant Moarsman Tunnels 90.7N 43.0W 125+ Shattered Lines Ritual of the Blight Wiki Map
Blightfinger's Warrens 56.8S 89.2W 070+ Upping the Ante Blightfinger Quest Wiki Map
Bloodstone Factory 84.5N, 5.1W 200+ Blood From Stone Bloodstone Investigation None Available
Bobo's Babysitter 80.0N, 45.6W Quest Flag Heart of Woe Heart of Innocence Quest,
Oswald's Dirk Quest
Bone Lair 29.4S, 7.0E None Release Undead Mechanic Quest ACMaps
Bookcase (Dungeon) From Nuhmudira's Dungeon 120+ Dance of the Dead Lunnum's Return None Available
Braid Mansion Ruin 34.2S 72.0E None Release Shoushi Starter Quests ACMaps
Breached Hive 49.8N, 73.1W 050+ Under Cover of Night Enrico's Betrayal ACMaps
Bur 67.4N 30.5E Quest Flag Bridging the Vast Divide Saving Asheron ACWarcry Map
Burial Temple 8.5N, 6.0E 150+ Release The Mage Academy,
Undead Attack on Al-Jalima
Burun Burrow 27.5S, 53.9E None Mired Hearts Burun Burrow Quest,
First Contact
Burun Cathedral 42.3S, 52.6W None The Paths of Destruction Renegade Herbal Kits ACMaps
Burun Cavern 12.0S, 50.0E None Pillars Made of Sand Carved Gemstone Lockpicks Quest ACMaps
Burun Fortress: Central Mound 25.5S 46.4E 060+, Quest Flag A Small Victory Noble Weapons ACMaps
Burun Fortress: NE Mound 25.5S 46.4E 060+, Quest Flag A Small Victory Noble Weapons ACMaps
Burun Fortress: NW Mound 25.5S 46.4E 060+, Quest Flag A Small Victory Noble Weapons ACMaps
Burun Fortress: SE Mound 25.5S 46.4E 060+, Quest Flag A Small Victory Noble Weapons ACMaps
Burun Fortress: SW Mound 25.5S 46.4E 060+, Quest Flag A Small Victory Noble Weapons ACMaps
Burun Hold 24.2S, 46.3E 040+ From the Darkness Born Hidden Entrance Quest ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Caliginous Bethel Kill a Dark Vapor 035+ Waking From the Abyss The Caliginous Bethel ACMaps
Camp Entemarre 63.0S, 82.6W 080+, Quest Flag Reprisals Head of Baron Entemarre ACMaps
Cannibal Caverns 88.0N, 58.5W 050+, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Red Bull of Sanamar Quest ACMaps
Carved Cave 7.4N, 0.6E None Release Into the Darkness ACMaps
Catacombs of Ithaenc 82.4S, 93.4E None Should the Stars Fall The Healer's Heart Quest ACMaps
Catacombs of Opposition From Deeper Catacombs None Heart of Woe Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Catacombs of Tar'Kelyn 55.7S, 97.7E 180+, Quest Flag Ancient Powers Master Test No Map Available
Catacombs of the Forgotten 17.3N, 32.8E 015+ To Raise a Banner of Flame Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest ACMaps
Caul Asylum 94.8S, 91.0W 090+ Lost in the New Horizon Caul Recall ACMaps
Caul Athenaeum From Caul Asylum 090+ Lost in the New Horizon Caul Recall ACMaps
Caul Sanatorium From Caul Athenaeum 090+ Lost in the New Horizon Caul Recall ACMaps
Caulnalain Chamber Portal Gem 040+ Twilight's Gleaming Caulnalain Vestibule Quest ACMaps
Caulnalain Vestibule 68.5N, 5.5E 040+ Twilight's Gleaming Caulnalain Vestibule Quest ACMaps
Cave 18.4N, 62.1E,
18.4N, 58.1E
None Release None ACMaps
Cave (47.8S 83.7W) 47.8S, 83.7W 020+ Release Overlord's Sword Quest ACMaps
Cave of Alabree 41.8N, 32.1E 01 - 20 Release Brogord's Demise,
Blood Shreth Kill Task
Cave of the Escaped Thief 71.1N, 50.2W None Down Twisting Paths Sword of Bellenesse ACMaps
Cavern 29.2N, 27.2E Specialised in Fletching Lost City of Neftet None No Map Available
Cavernous Olthoi Chasm From Deep Olthoi Chasm 080+ Waking From the Abyss Olthoi Chasm Quest ACMaps
Cavernous Refuge 7.3S, 13.4E 150+, Quest Flag Retributions Geraine's Hosts None Available
Celestial Hand Stronghold 39.7S, 83.6E 180+ Ancient Powers Society Quests Wiki Map
Cells of the Black Book 10.3S, 50.3E 060+, Quest Flag A Change in Tactics Water of Stasis
Black Pages of Salt and Ash
Center of Hizk Ri's Temple From Hizk Ri's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Keerik) ACMaps
Center of Ixir Zi's Temple From Ixir Zi's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Kiree) ACMaps
Center of Izji Qo's Temple From Izji Qo's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Reeshan) ACMaps
Center of Kivik Lir's Temple From Kivik Lir's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Rehir) ACMaps
Center of Liazk Itzi's Temple From Liazk Itzi's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Broodu) ACMaps
Chakron Gate 52.9S, 62.7W 036+ The Child of Daralet Virindi Servant's Amulet Quest,
Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Chamber of Air From Chamber of Scrolls 100+ Unfinished Business Tanada House of Fire Quest No Map Available
Chamber of Earth From Chamber of Air 100+ Unfinished Business Tanada House of Fire Quest No Map Available
Chamber of Scrolls 52.2S, 63.2E 100+ Unfinished Business Tanada House of Fire Quest No Map Available
Chamber of Water From Chamber of Earth 100+ Unfinished Business Tanada House of Fire Quest No Map Available
Chamber of the High Priest's First 93.0S, 52.6W 180+ Ancient Powers High Priest of T'thuun Kill Task No Map Available
Chamber of the High Priest's Second 93.0S, 53.0W 180+ Ancient Powers High Priest of T'thuun Kill Task No Map Available
Chamber of the High Priest's Third 92.6S, 52.6W 180+ Ancient Powers High Priest of T'thuun Kill Task No Map Available
Chambers Beneath Linvak Tukal 77.6S, 28.0E Quest Flag Children of the Prodigal Lord Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian No Map Available
Chaos Virindi Cave 58.6S, 81.5W None Prodigal Sons The Archivist Quest No Map Available
Chapel of Mowen 3.1N. 93.6E 050+ The Iron Coast None ACMaps
Charged Refuge 86.8S, 10.5E 150+, Quest Flag Retributions Geraine's Hosts None Available
Citadel Library 17.1N, 63.0E 020+, Quest Flag Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Colier Mine 56.8N, 38.3E None Release Baron's Amulet of Life Giving Quest,
Diemos Flagging,
Crafter Golems,
Impious Staff Quest
Collegium Occultus Portal Gem 130+, Quest Flag Ashes and Dust Collegium Occultus Ring Quest ACMaps
Collegium Occultus Anteroom Portal Gem 130+ Ashes and Dust Collegium Occultus Ring Quest No Map Available
Collegium Planar Abstraction From Knorr Lyceum 130+ Recollections Knorr Quiddity Seed Quest Wiki Map
Colosseum 11.3S, 37.6E None Rekindling the Light Advanced Colosseum Arena,
Colosseum Arena,
Colosseum Bosses
No Map Available
Colossus Foundary 60.0S, 87.9W,
1.6N, 72.1W,
83.3S, 47.1E,
62.0S, 51.3W
None On Bended Knee Arcane Pedestal,
Bronze Statues Quest
Colton Reeyan's Sanctuary 22.9N, 37.0W 150+, Quest Flag A Growing Twilight On Strike None Available
Commander's Quarters 31.8N, 25.5E 100+ Ashes and Dust The Death of Antius Blackmoor (Live Event) ACMaps
Convergent Median 87.0S, 40.3W 040+ Persuasion Quiddity Weapons Quest ACMaps
Copper Legion Keep 12.1N, 0.6E 050+ Throne of Destiny Defense of Zaikhal ACMaps
Coral Caves 90.5N, 42.4W None Friend and Foe Water of Stasis Quest ACMaps
Coral Tunnels 84.1N 46.9E; 84.2N 46.0E 045+ From the Darkness Born None ACMaps
Corrupted Catacombs 23.9S, 54.1E 180+ Ancient Powers Celestial Hand Initiation,
Eldrytch Web Initiation,
Radiant Blood Initiation
Wiki Map
Corrupted Falatacot Temple 87.3N 41.6E 130+, Quest Flag Under Cover of Night Gateway to the Deep Wiki Map
Count Phainor's Tomb 65.0S, 44.1W 180+, Quest Flag Balance of Power Count Phainor's Amulet No Map Available
Cragstone Advance Camp 25.0N, 43.5E (Retired) 012 - 25 Crests of a Turbulent Sea 2001/08 - Virindi and Tumerok Invasion (Live Event) Retired
Cragstone Middle Guard Camp 25.5N, 39.9E (Retired) 024 - 40 Crests of a Turbulent Sea 2001/08 - Virindi and Tumerok Invasion (Live Event) Retired
Cragstone Reinforcements Camp 26.6N, 37.8E (Retired) 036+ Crests of a Turbulent Sea 2001/08 - Virindi and Tumerok Invasion (Live Event) Retired
Crater Caves Dungeon 66.7N, 12.5E None Release Undead Mechanic,
Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Lady Aerfalle Quest
Crater Lair 70.6N, 12.7E 015+ Release Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Crater Pathway 60.6N, 15.7E,
64.8N, 13.7E
None Release None ACMaps
Creepy Canyons 4.6N, 89.5W 180+, Quest Flag Friend and Foe Lost Pet ACMaps
Creepy Chambers 80.6S 60.0W None Down Twisting Paths Bandits of the Creepy Chambers ACMaps
Crumbling Empyrean Mansion 46.8N, 67.8W None Dark Majesty Olthoi Pincers ACMaps
Crypt of Adhorix 42.7S, 46.6W 080+ Friend and Foe His Master's Voice ACMaps
Crypt of Ashen Tears 14.6N, 3.5E None Release Undead Mechanic Quest ACMaps
Crypt of Crimson Night 12.4N, 8.2E 070+, Quest Flag Come What Follows Silifi of Crimson Night Quest ACMaps
Crypt of Kivik Lir From the Temple of Kivik Lir Entrance 060+ A Small Victory Blackmire 4 ACMaps
Crypt of Kixkti Xri From Hall of the Arbiter 040 - 69,
70 - 99,
Across the Vast Divide Blackmire 1 ACMaps
Crystal Core 66.6S, 25.9E 50+ A Growing Twilight Crystal Core Quest None Available
Crystal Mine 49.3S, 17.9E Quest Flag Visions in the Darkness Olthoi Shield Quest ACMaps
Crystal Mine Extreme 49.3S, 17.9E 080+, Quest Flag Shattering the Dark Gift Box Quest ACMaps
Crystal Mine High 49.3S, 17.9E 060 - 79 Shattering the Dark Gift Box Quest ACMaps
Crystal Mine Low 49.3S, 17.9E 020 - 39 Shattering the Dark Gift Box Quest ACMaps
Crystal Mine Mid 49.3S, 17.9E 040 - 59 Shattering the Dark Gift Box Quest ACMaps
Crystal Mine New Isparians 49.3S, 17.9E 01 - 19 Shattering the Dark Gift Box Quest ACMaps
Crystalline Portal 17.0S, 61.2W 070+, 90+, 110+, 130+ Unfinished Business Crystalline Adventurer,
Crystalline Markers,
Crystalline Killer,
Progenitors' Lair
Wiki Map
Cursed Swamp 27.3S, 69.0E None The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Daiklos Dungeon 33.7N 29.2E 01 - 12 Release Daiklos Legend ACMaps
Damp Caverns 31.7S, 96.1E 05+ Release None ACMaps
Dardante's Keep 91.3N 38.4W 100+ Reprisals Necklace of the Elemental Adepts Quest ACMaps
Dardante's Workshop 69.6N, 62.7W 100+ Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Whispering Blade Chapterhouse Access ACMaps
Dark Cavern 87.9N, 9.3W 180+ Blood From Stone Deewain's Dark Cavern Retrospek's Map
Dark Design 93.8N 44.9W 140+ Throne of Destiny Mosswart Worshipper Kill Task ACMaps
Dark Monolith Caverns Portal Gem 100+ Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Dark Monolith ACMaps
Dark Mosswart Halls 74.2S 83.6E 030+ From the Darkness Born Bleeargh's Gratitude ACMaps
Dark Tree Crystal Mine 24.8N, 31.2W 100+ The Slumbering Giant Crystal Minds and Shattered Souls ACMaps
Darkened Halls 20.7S 0.7E 020+, Quest Flag Flesh and Blood Elysa's Favor Quest ACMaps
Decrepit Tower 23.8N 12.2W 040+ The Madness of Men Decrepit Tower ACMaps
Deep Caves 20.7S, 8.2E Quest Flag Wayward Prince Sealing Away the Book of Eibhil None Available
Deep Guruk Caverns 67.4N, 30.5E 120+ Bridging the Vast Divide Falacatot Medaillon,
Killing Bosh Bosh
ACWarcry Map
Deep Mukkir Nest 81.0N, 59.3E 150+ Toward Ancient Shores Dark Isle Flagging Wiki Map
Deep Olthoi Chasm From Shallow Olthoi Chasm 060+ Waking From the Abyss Olthoi Chasm Quest ACMaps
Deeper Catacombs (Black Death Catacombs) From Lower Corridor in BDC 040+ Heart of Woe Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Deeper Catacombs (Crater Lair) 70.6N, 12.7E 030+ Heart of Woe Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Deeper Catacombs (Lair of Death) 42.0N, 58.1E 015+ Heart of Woe Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Deeper Catacombs (Bandit Castle OHN) 64.3N, 52.8E 030+ Heart of Woe Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Deeper Catacombs (Colier OHN) 55.8N, 43.5E 020+ Heart of Woe Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Deeper Catacombs (Mountain Retreat OHN) 48.9N, 12.9W None Heart of Woe Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Deeper Catacombs (Olthoi Tunnels) 48.1N, 53.0E 040+ Heart of Woe Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Deeper Catacombs (Paradox) From Black Death Catacombs 060+ Corrupted Sovereigns Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi ACMaps
Deeper Caves 46.1S, 87.2W 040+ Come What Follows Composite Weapons Upgrade ACMaps
Deepest Caves From Deeper Caves 040+ Come What Follows Composite Weapons Upgrade ACMaps
Defiled Temple Asylum 77.8N, 32.8E 100+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Defiled Temple Lower Wing 77.6N, 32.8E 040+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Defiled Temple Middle Wing 77.7N, 32.7E 060+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Defiled Temple Upper Wing 77.7N, 32.9E 080+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Depth's of Hizk Ri's Temple 51.4S, 67.9W 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Keerik) ACMaps
Depth's of Ixir Zi's Temple 21.7S, 47.6E 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Kiree) ACMaps
Depth's of Izji Qo's Temple 12.8S, 58.9W 060+ All That They Survey Clutch of Kings (Reeshan) ACMaps
Depth's of Kivik Lir's Temple 38.1S, 47.3W 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Rehir) ACMaps
Depth's of Liazk Itzi's Temple 40.8S, 11.7E 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Broodu) ACMaps
Derethian Combat Arena 49.5S, 62.6E 150+ Secrets of the Apostates Derethian Combat Arena Quest None Available
Dericost Ruin 74.2N, 74.2W None Throne of Destiny Dericost Ruin Quest ACMaps
Dericost Vault 74.7N, 24.6W 01 - 100 Shattering the Dark Ruschk Aspect of Grael Quest None Available
Desert Citadel 84.8S, 59.7W None Groundswell None ACMaps
Desert Dwelling 21.0S, 7.6E 180+ Balance of Power Janthef's Release None Available
Desert March 6.4N, 3.9W,
22.6N, 28.8W
None A Small Victory None ACMaps
Desert Mine 4.5S, 26.6E None Release None ACMaps
Desert Ruin 31.8S, 15.8E None Release None ACMaps
Deserted Ruin 16.0S, 47.2E 040+ Release The Writings of Jhong Mi,
Exploration Society Letters
Devastated Falatacot Temple 87.3N 51.2E 130+, Quest Flag Under Cover of Night Gateway to the Deep Wiki Map
Director's Private Chambers 86.1S, 2.5W 032+ Chains of Command Quiddity Orb Quest ACMaps
Direlands Gear Knight Dungeon 10.4S, 75.2W None Reforging the Past Gear Knight Construction,
Atamarr Tasks,
Aetherium Raid (High),
Apostate Finale
Wiki Map
Direlands Subway 18.6S 84.4W None From the Darkness Born None ACMaps
Disaster Maze 61.3S, 50.9W 020+ Release Premonitions of the Fourth Sending of Darkness ACMaps
Dragon's Power 82.3S, 41.4E 035+ Mirror, Mirror Path of the Jojii Adherent ACMaps
Drudge Fight Portal Gem None Mired Hearts Drudge Fight ACMaps
Drudge Fort Cave 25.4N, 45.9E None Prodigal Sons Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge Wiki Map
Drudge Hideout 41.3N, 33.3E None Release Alfrin's Stolen Supplies ACMaps
Drudge Hovel 23.7S, 0.2W None Throne of Destiny Trade Alliance Quest,
Sanamar Starter Quests
Dry Well 5.0S, 20.9E 01 - 20 Release The Old Dry Well,
Samsur Starter Quests
Dungeon Binar 6.2S, 20.1E None Release None ACMaps
Dungeon Fern 43.3N, 37.2E 05+ Release None ACMaps
Dungeon Gallery Tower 10.7N, 56.8E None Release None ACMaps
Dungeon Maggreth 3.7N, 52.6E None Release None ACMaps
Dungeon Manor 1.9S, 19.8E None Release Sword of Lost Light ACMaps
Dungeon Mei 36.9S, 70.3E None Release None ACMaps
Dungeon Muddy 27.1S, 71.0E 05+ Release None ACMaps
Dungeon Nye 6.2N, 34.4E None Release Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Undead Mechanic Quest
Dungeon of Corpses 56.1S, 49.6W 025+ The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Dungeon of Shadows 21.5N, 44.1E None Release None ACMaps
Dungeon of Tatters 62.2S, 40.1E None Release Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Undead Mechanic Quest


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Eagle's Sight 80.0N, 45.6W None Heart of Woe Heart of Innocence Quest,
Oswald's Dirk Quest
East Fork Dam Hive 48.5N, 76.4W 050+ Dark Majesty Olthoi Queen Quest ACMaps
Eastern Catacombs 67.4N, 30.5E None Bridging the Vast Divide Guruk Kill Tasks, Bur Mushroom Collection ACWarcry Map
Eastern Pedestal Dungeon 67.4N, 30.5E 080 - 119 Bridging the Vast Divide Bur Portal Summoning None Available
Eastern Temple Catacombs 80.0N 54.6E 100+ From the Darkest Depths Helm of Isin Dule ACMaps
Eastham Sewer 18.7N, 63.4E 050+ Release Eastham Sewer Quest ACMaps
Eater Pit 88.8N 72.6W 40+, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Knights of Karlun Quest ACMaps
Effigy Foundry See Here None Hidden Vein Arcane Pedestal
Bronze Statues Quest
Egg Orchard 96.2N, 48.1W 140+ Throne of Destiny Olthoi Ripper Kill Task,
Nanjou Shou-jen Armor,
Dereth Exploration
Eldrytch Web Stronghold 26.3N, 49.6E 180+ Ancient Powers Society Quests Wiki Map
Elemental Caverns 82.6S, 47.5W None Visions in the Darkness Elemental Weeping Weapons ACMaps
Elemental Sanctum 12.6S, 46.5W (Retired) None Repercussions 2002/07 - Gaerlan's Generals (Live Event) Retired - ACMaps
Empty Paradox Olthoi Cave 43.4N, 55.4E None Corrupted Sovereigns Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi,
Dereth Exploration
None Available
Empyrean Acid Propylaeum 31.6S, 74.2W 050+ Fever Dreams Empyrean Propylaeum ACMaps
Empyrean Cloister 23.4S, 5.8E 015+ The Child of Daralet Empyrean Cloister Quest ACMaps
Empyrean Facility Lower Level 46.2S, 71.8W 225+ Shedding Skin Aetheria Quest Wiki Map
Empyrean Facility Middle Level 46.2S, 71.8W 150+ Shedding Skin Aetheria Quest Wiki Map
Empyrean Facility Upper Level 46.2S, 71.8W 075+ Shedding Skin Aetheria Quest Wiki Map
Empyrean Fire Propylaeum 73.5N, 2.7W 025+ Fever Dreams Empyrean Propylaeum ACMaps
Empyrean Foundry 25.2S, 54.2E None Shadows of the Past Hamud's Demise ACMaps
Empyrean Garrison 54.2S, 81.8E None Release Undead Mechanic Quest ACMaps
Empyrean Ice Propylaeum 53.3N, 62.5E 025+ Fever Dreams Empyrean Propylaeum ACMaps
Empyrean Lightning Propylaeum 87.1S, 9.6E 050+ Fever Dreams Empyrean Propylaeum ACMaps
Empyrean Rescue Dungeon 54.0S, 97.6E 180+ Hopes and Fears Empyrean Rescue Quest Wiki Map
Empyrean Workshop 66.9N, 15.9E 125+, Quest Flag A Change in Tactics Shadowfire Stone Quest ACMaps
Enkindled Souls 49.4S, 26.9E None Release Undead Mechanic Quest ACMaps
Enlightened Master's Chambers From Tanada House of Breath 80+ Remembering the Past Tanada House of Storms Quest None Available
Entrance to Portal Space 82.8N, 21.2E 070+ Fever Dreams Buadren Quest,
Invoker Quest
Essence Chambers From Tunnels to the Harbinger 060+ Price of Loyalty Harbinger Quest,
Prismatic Shadow Armor Quest
None Available


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Facility 15.7S, 65.3W None Old Ghosts Crystalline Markers,
Crystalline Adventurer
None Available
Facility Hub Teleportation Device 010+ Reforging the Past Facility Hub Quests None Available
Falatacot Depot 75.4S, 29.3E 150+ The Reaping Falatacot Depot Quest None Available
Falatacot Temple 74.7S, 98.2E 200+ The Risen Princess Hoshino Fortress Infiltration None Available
Falatacot Vault 78.1N, 48.2W 101 - 150 Shattering the Dark Shadow Aspect of Grael Quest None Available
Falatacot Visitor's Alcove 67.4N, 30.5E 180+ Dispatch Harlune's Diplomacy None Available
Falcon Clan Training Camp 2.0N, 75.0E None A Gathering of Colors Tumerok Banners Quest ACMaps
Farmer's Basement 37.4S, 75.5E 020+, Quest Flag Flesh and Blood Elysa's Favor ACMaps
Fathomless Chasm 36.9S, 63.4E 020+ Hidden Vein Isparian Weapons Quest ACMaps
Fathomless Chasm Abyss From Fathomless Chasm 080+ Hidden Vein Isparian Weapons Quest ACMaps
Fathomless Chasm Clough From Fathomless Chasm 040 - 49 Hidden Vein Isparian Weapons Quest ACMaps
Fathomless Chasm Descent From Fathomless Chasm 060 - 79 Hidden Vein Isparian Weapons Quest ACMaps
Fathomless Chasm Devex From Fathomless Chasm 020 - 39 Hidden Vein Isparian Weapons Quest ACMaps
Fathomless Chasm Plummet From Fathomless Chasm 050 - 59 Hidden Vein Isparian Weapons Quest ACMaps
Feeding Tubes 96.7N, 42.4W 130+ Throne of Destiny Hunter Quests (Grievver Violators) ACMaps
Fenmalain Chamber Portal Gem 020+ Twilight's Gleaming Fenmalain Vestibule Quest ACMaps
Fenmalain Vestibule 46.9S, 55.2E 020+ Twilight's Gleaming Fenmalain Vestibule Quest ACMaps
Fiery Refuge 95.3S, 94.1W 150+, Quest Flag Retributions Geraine's Hosts None Available
Filos' Doom 12.0N, 62.2E None Release Undead Mechanic Wiki Map
Fir Tree 80.0N 45.6W Quest Flag Heart of Woe Oswald's Dagger
Weeping Weapons
Fire Guardian Lair 73.5N, 3.2W 040 - 59 Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Fire Ziggurat 17.1N, 63.0E 060 - 79 Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel None Available
Firebird's Splendor 53.6S, 66.7E 035+ Mirror, Mirror Path of the Jojii Adherent ACMaps
Folthid Cellar 8.6S, 52.9E 010+ Release Dagger of Tikola Quest,
Asheron's Departure Lower
Font of the Eternal Harvester 42.7S, 46.6W 080+ Friend and Foe His Master's Voice ACMaps
Forbidden Catacombs Guardian of the Forbidden 050+, Player Killer Mired Hearts The Forbidden Catacombs Wiki Map
Forbidden Crypts 6.5N, 3.0E 015+ Release The Forbidden Crypts ACMaps
Forge Portal Gem 060+ Discoveries Halls of Knorr ACMaps
Forgotten Chasm 94.5N, 39.1W 130+ Throne of Destiny Naughty Skeleton Kill Task,
Wicked Skeleton Kill Task
Forgotten Temple 0.9N, 55.8E None Release Ercel's Lost Book ACMaps
Forgotten Tunnels 92.9S, 56.4W,
93.1S, 56.9W,
93.6S, 56.6W
180+, Quest Flag Quiet Before the Storm Forgotten Tunnels of Nyr'leha Wiki Map
Forking Trail 65.6S, 16.7E None Release None ACMaps
Fortified Royal Vault From Fortified Vault Sewers 100+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Fortified Vault Sewers From Defiled Temple Asylum 100+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Foundry of Izexi 19.4S, 6.7E None The Reaping Foundry of Izexi Quest None Available
Freebooter Keep Black Market 64.0S 97.5E 180+ Ancient Powers Land Control Wiki Map
Freebooter Phyntos Wasp Hive 63.1S, 97.5E 180+ Gaining Ground Killer Phyntos Wasp Kill Task,
Phyntos Larva Kill Task,
Phyntos Honey Collector,
Phyntos Queen Quest
Wiki Map
Frest Greelving's Dungeon 6.5N, 43.9E None Festivus Frest Greelving's Haunted Mansion ACMaps
Frigid Grotto 97.1N, 51.8W 150+ Soulless Sisters Rescuing Mouf P None Available
Frost Guardian Lair 52.8N, 62.4E 020 - 39 Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Frost Ziggurat 57.1N, 47.8E,
17.1N, 63.0E
080+ Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Frozen Cave 93.5N, 60.5W None Winter's Knight Gear Crossbow Quest Wiki Map
Frozen Cenotaph 90.6N, 66.7W 040+ Friend and Foe Grael's Rage ACMaps
Frozen Library 90.7N, 56.4W None Throne of Destiny Fiun Healing Machine Quest ACMaps
Frozen Refuge 93.9N, 45.4W 150+, Quest Flag Retributions Geraine's Hosts None Available
Frozen Tomb 84.9N, 7.1W 200+ From Darkness, Light Nalicana's Test,
Bloodstone Investigation
None Available
Frozen Wight Lair 85.3N, 7.5W 180+ Master of Design Wardley and the Wights None Available


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Gaerlan's Inner Sanctum From Citadel Library None Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Gallery of Kivik Lir From Triumph Against the Trials 060+ A Small Victory Blackmire 4 ACMaps
Gardens of Menilesh 64.7S, 43.8W 150+ Dispatch Disturbance in the Ley Lines Wiki Map
Gateway of Dmesne See Gateway to the Deep 130+ Under Cover of Night Gateway to the Deep ACMaps
Gateway of Lurza See Gateway to the Deep 130+ Under Cover of Night Gateway to the Deep ACMaps
Gateway of Shemza See Gateway to the Deep 130+ Under Cover of Night Gateway to the Deep ACMaps
Gear Hunter Dungeon 7.2S, 75.0W None Lay of the Land Atamarr Tasks,
Apostate Finale
Wiki Map
Gear Knight Excavation 36.0S, 7.2E None Lay of the Land Aetherium Raid (Low) None Available
Gearknight Lord's Tower 36.7S, 7.1E None Gears of Change Gearknight Lesser Lords None Available
Gelidite Library 69.2N, 17.2W None Betrayal Gelidite Library Quest ACMaps
Gelidite Library: Labyrinth From Gelidite Library None Betrayal Gelidite Library Quest ACMaps
Gelidite Library: Oubliette From Gelidite Library: Labyrinth None Betrayal Gelidite Library Quest ACMaps
Geraine's Study 82.9N, 6.4W 150+ Road to Revenge Mhoire Infiltration None Available
Gerent's Compound 87.2S 17.5W 040+ Reign of Terror Preparation for the Ritus ACMaps
Glenden Wood Dungeon 29.9N, 26.4E None Release Glenden Wood Dungeon Quest,
Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Undead Mechanic Quest
Gold Legion Keep 13.8N, 2.0E 080 - 99 Throne of Destiny Defense of Zaikhal ACMaps
Golem Burial Ground 50.9S, 67.3E 010+ Release None ACMaps
Golem Sanctum Random Portal 025+ Hollow Victory Golem Construction ACMaps
Grael's Chamber From: Black Spear Temple,
Shadow-Infested Black Spear Temple,
Mukkir Infested Black Spear Temple
01 - 100,
101 - 150,
Shattering the Dark Ruschk Aspect of Grael Quest,
Shadow Aspect of Grael Quest,
Mukkir Aspect of Grael Quest
None Available,
None Available,
Wiki Map
Granite Quarry 11.8S, 39.0E None Through Sacrifice, Strength Shield of Yanshi Quest None Available
Greater Battle Dungeon Use a Small Creepy Statue 050+, Player Killer The Madness of Men The Forbidden Catacombs None Available
Greater K'nath Lair From K'nath Lair None Throne of Destiny Fiun Healing Machine Quest,
House Plants
Gredaline Consulate 61.6S, 29.3E 025+ A Reign of Stone Virindi Spells Quest ACMaps
Green Mire Grave 27.8S, 71.6E None Release Green Mire Grave Quest ACMaps
Grievous Vault 25.8S, 27.3E 010+ Release Silifi of Crimson Stars Quest ACMaps
Grievver Caves 75.9N, 19.0W None Castling Flags ACMaps
Gromnie Clan Training Camp 16.0S, 70.0E None A Gathering of Colors Tumerok Banners Quest ACMaps
Gurog Ice Cave 84.9N, 7.1W None From Darkness, Light Nalicana's Test,
Bloodstone Investigation
None Available


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Habitat Portal Gem 070+ Dark Majesty Virindi Scalpel ACMaps
Hagra's Holdfast 48.2N, 88.5W 035+ Friend and Foe Hea Bone and Hide Shirt Quest ACMaps
Hall of Hollows 25.0N, 37.8E (Trap Door) 020+, Quest Flag Flesh and Blood Elysa's Favor Quest ACMaps
Hall of Karlun 88.9N, 67.8W 040+ Throne of Destiny Knights of Karlun Quest ACMaps
Hall of the Arbiter From Hall of the Temple Guardians 040 - 69,
70 - 99,
Across the Vast Divide Blackmire 1 ACMaps
Hall of the Temple Guardians From Blackmire Temple 040 - 69,
70 - 99,
Across the Vast Divide Blackmire 1 ACMaps
Halls 24.2S, 46.3E 080+ From the Darkness Born Hidden Entrance Quest ACMaps
Halls of Liazk Itzi From Liazk Itzi's Offering Room 040 - 59,
60 - 79,
80 - 99,
A New Threat Blackmire 2 ACMaps
Halls of Metos 56.0S, 89.2W,
61.4S, 46.6W,
4.4S, 0.6W
015+ The Paths of Destruction Crafting Golems,
Asheron's Departure Lower,
Metos Motes
Halls of the Helm 18.7N, 1.6E 010+ Release Superior Helmet & Fiery Shield ACMaps
Halls of the Lost Light 76.5S, 74.9W None Release Sword of Lost Light Quest ACMaps
Harbinger's Lair From Tunnels to the Harbinger 060+ Verdict Harbinger Quest,
Prismatic Shadow Armor Quest
None Available
Harraag's Hideout 60.2S, 80.2W 120+ Strange Sightings Aerbax's Prodigal Banderling Wiki Map
Harraag's Lair From Harraag's Hideout 120+ Strange Sightings Aerbax's Prodigal Banderling Wiki Map
Haven Residential Halls 0.6N, 51.6E,
28.2S, 95.6E,
24.9S, 28.3E
None Verdict Housing None Available
Haven of Kivik Lir From Lyceum of Kivik Lir 060+ On Bended Knee Blackmire 4 ACMaps
Heart of Innocence 33.8N, 38.9E None Heart of Woe Heart of Innocence Quest ACMaps
Heart of Madness 84.8N, 68.6W 040+ Throne of Destiny Knights of Karlun Quest ACMaps
Heart of the Apostate Nexi 10.4S, 75.2W 150+ Plans Within Plans Apostate Finale Wiki Map
Hebian-To Advance Camp 42.6S, 77.9E (Retired) 012 - 25 Crests of a Turbulent Sea 2001/08 - Virindi and Tumerok Invasion (Live Event) Retired
Hebian-To Middle Guard Camp 43.9S, 74.7E (Retired) 024 - 40 Crests of a Turbulent Sea 2001/08 - Virindi and Tumerok Invasion (Live Event) Retired
Hebian-To Reinforcements Camp 44.9S, 71.5E (Retired) 036+ Crests of a Turbulent Sea 2001/08 - Virindi and Tumerok Invasion (Live Event) Retired
Hebian-to Sewers 38.8S, 83.8E 04+ Release None ACMaps
Hidden Cavern 37.9S, 65.5W 080+ Visions in the Darkness Aerbax's Prodigal Banderling,
Hidden Cavern Quest,,
Missing Persons Investigation
Hidden Chamber Portal Gem None A Small Victory Noble Weapons Quest None Available
Hidden City 94.4N, 70.0W 050+ Throne of Destiny Fiun Healing Machine Quest ACMaps
Hidden Dungeon From Underground City None Betrayal Thorsten Cragstone's Armor & Axe ACMaps
Hidden Entrance 24.2S, 46.3E 040+, Quest Flag From the Darkness Born Hidden Entrance ACMaps
Hidden Laboratory 67.2N, 27.1W 150+ Children of the Prodigal Lord Aerbax's Prodigal Human None Available
Hieromancers' Halls 4.4S, 82.8W None Lonely in the World Hieromancer's Armor ACMaps
Hills Citadel 56.6S, 66.9E None The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Hizk Ri's Crypt From Patriarch Zixki 060 - 80,
80 - 100,
Treaties in Stone Blackmire 3 ACMaps
Hizk Ri's Sewers From Hizk Ri's Test 060 - 80,
80 - 100,
Treaties in Stone Blackmire 3 ACMaps
Hizk Ri's Temple From Secrets of Hizk Ri's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Keerik) ACMaps
Hizk Ri's Temple Entrance 51.5S, 67.9W 060+ Treaties in Stone Blackmire 3 ACMaps
Hizk Ri's Test From Hizk Ri's Well of Tears 060 - 80,
80 - 100,
Treaties in Stone Blackmire 3 ACMaps
Hizk Ri's Well of Tears From Hizk Ri's Temple Entrance 060 - 80,
80 - 100,
Treaties in Stone Blackmire 3 ACMaps
Hollow Lair near Lytelthorpe 2.2S, 50.7E 020+ The Gathering Storm Arcanum Furniture ACMaps
Holtburg Dungeon 43.6N, 33.0E None Release Sword of Lost Light Quest ACMaps
Holtburg Redoubt 40.4N, 34.4E 01 - 20 Release Worcer's Missing Heirlooms ACMaps
Hoshino Tower 79.2N, 40.3W 200+, Quest Flag The Risen Princess Hoshino Fortress Infiltration None Available
Humid Font 91.3S, 89.8E 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Browerk) ACMaps
Humid Guruk Caverns From Northern Catacombs 041 - 80 Bridging the Vast Divide Falacatot Medaillon ACWarcry Map
Humid Hovel 73.6N, 59.2W 01 - 20 Throne of Destiny Thrungus Hovels,
Sanamar Starter Quests
Hunter's Leap 35.7N, 32.6E None Release Lilitha's Lost Bow ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Icy Demise From Citadel Library 20 - 39 Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Icy Hideout 89.5N, 56.3W None Friend and Foe The Hunt for Muldaveus ACMaps
Idol Spawning Grounds 72.3S, 87.5E None Should the Stars Fall None ACMaps
Idol of Wishes From Throne of the Tusker King 080+ The Hall of the Tusker King The Legend of the Tusker Paw ACMaps
Ikzisik Tika Ri Zikma 70.6N, 14.5W 90+, Quest Flag Remembering the Past Messenger's Collar Quest None Available
Impious Temple 12.2N, 2.4E 020+ Shadows of the Past Impious Staff Quest ACMaps
Inculcation Cells 68.8S, 62.5W 040+ Chains of Command None ACMaps
Incunabula Vault 23.0S, 60.0E,
35.9S, 47.2W
None Shadows of the Past Major Stinging Stone Quest ACMaps
Inner Burial Chamber 91.5N, 69.0W 060+, Quest Flag Down Twisting Paths Loyalty Reset Quest ACMaps
Inner Dungeon 43.5N, 43.4W None Release Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Undead Mechanic Quest
Inner Stronghold From Shadow Lugian Stronghold 080+ Infiltration Balor's Rescue ACMaps
Insatiable Vault 97.4N, 48.0W 125+ Throne of Destiny Chasing Oswald
Eater Jaws
Aug Gem: Sir Bellas
Ishaq's Cellar 66.1S, 86.6W 080+ The Calm Ishaq's Lost Key Quest ACMaps
Ithaenc Quiddity Seed 82.7S, 93.4E 130+ Recollections Ithaenc Quiddity Seed Quest None Available
Ixir Zi's Temple 21.7S, 47.6E 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Kiree) ACMaps
Izji Qo's Crypt From Izji Qo's Defenders 060 - 79,
80 - 99,
All That They Survey Blackmire 5 ACMaps
Izji Qo's Defenders From Izji Qo's Trials 060 - 79,
80 - 99,
All That They Survey Blackmire 5 ACMaps
Izji Qo's Temple 12.8S, 58.9W 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Reeshan) ACMaps
Izji Qo's Temple Entrance 12.8S, 58.9W 060+ All That They Survey Blackmire 5 ACMaps
Izji Qo's Trials From Izji Qo's Temple 060 - 79,
80 - 99,
All That They Survey Blackmire 5 ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Jahannan Vault 67.0N, 15.0E,
49.8S, 15.0E
None Shadows of the Past Major Smoldering Stone Quest ACMaps
Jester's Prison 64.9S, 44.1W (Hidden portal) 160+ Foolish Ambition The Jester Wiki Map
Jungle Shadows 69.4S, 94.5E None Should the Stars Fall None ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
King 1 Reeshan Part 1 12.8S 58.9W 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 1 Reeshan Part 2 From King 1 Reeshan Part 1 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 1 Reeshan Part 3 From King 1 Reeshan Part 2 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 1 Reeshan Part 4 From King 1 Reeshan Part 3 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 2 Kiree Part 1 21.7S 47.6E 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 2 Kiree Part 2 From King 2 Kiree Part 1 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 2 Kiree Part 3 From King 2 Kiree Part 2 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 2 Kiree Part 4 From King 2 Kiree Part 3 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 3 Broodu Part 1 40.8S 11.7E 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 3 Broodu Part 2 From King 3 Broodu Part 1 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 3 Broodu Part 3 From King 3 Broodu Part 2 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 3 Broodu Part 4 From King 3 Broodu Part 3 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 4 Keerik Part 1 51.4S 67.9W 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 4 Keerik Part 2 From King 4 Keerik Part 1 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 4 Keerik Part 3 From King 4 Keerik Part 2 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 4 Keerik Part 4 From King 4 Keerik Part 3 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 5 Rehir Part 1 38.1S 47.3W 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 5 Rehir Part 2 From King 5 Rehir Part 1 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 5 Rehir Part 3 From King 5 Rehir Part 2 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 5 Rehir Part 4 From King 5 Rehir Part 3 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 6 Browerk Part 1A 91.2S 89.6E 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 6 Browerk Part 1B 91.3S 89.8E 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 6 Browerk Part 1C 91.5S 89.7E 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 6 Browerk Part 1D 91.5S 89.4E 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 6 Browerk Part 2 91.4S 89.5E 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 6 Browerk Part 3 From King 6 Browerk Part 2 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 6 Browerk Part 4 From King 6 Browerk Part 3 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 6 Browerk Part 5 From King 6 Browerk Part 4 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
King 6 Browerk Parts 6 & 7 From King 6 Browerk Part 5 60+ On Bended Knee Burun Kings ACMaps
K'nath Lair 49.7S, 56.3W None Release Fiun Healing Machine Quest,
House Plants
King Toad Idol 39.3S, 51.1W 040+ From the Darkness Born King Toad Idol Quest ACMaps
Kivik Lir's Temple From Secrets of Kivik Lir's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Rehir) ACMaps
Knorr Trials Portal Gem 060+ Discoveries Halls of Knorr,
Collegium Occultus Ring Quest
Kor-Gursha From Bur Quest Flag Bridging the Vast Divide See Here for list of quests. ACWarcry Map
Krau Li's Labyrinth 35.2S, 23.8E 025+ To Raise a Banner of Flame Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Lair of Death 42.0N 58.1E 015+ Release Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Lair of Liazk Itzi From Liazk Itzi Guardians 040 - 59,
60 - 79,
80 - 99,
A New Threat Blackmire 2 ACMaps
Lair of The Homunculus Portal Gem None Pillars Made of Sand The Homunculus Wiki Map
Lair of the Ancient Queen 13.2N, 0.8E Quest Flag Visions in the Darkness Ancient Olthoi Queen ACMaps
Lair of the Eviscerators 53.7N, 76.6W 050+ Dark Majesty Enrico's Betrayal,
Olthoi Pincers
Lakeside Lair 18.9N, 48.4E None Release None ACMaps
Land Bridge Staging Complex 86.1S, 2.5W 032+ Chains of Command Quiddity Orb Quest ACMaps
Large Mnemosyne Collection Site From Mnemosyne Collection Site 030+ Spring's Sorrows Mnemosynes ACMaps
Larry's Garden 1.9E, 41.6N Quest Flag The Madness of Men Bunny Master Title ACMaps
Legend of the Tusker King From Tusker Food Storage 080+ The Hall of the Tusker King Bobo's Medicine,
The Legend of the Tusker Paw
Lesser Battle Dungeon From Small Creepy Statue Player Killers 1 - 50, All Player Killer Lite The Madness of Men None None Available
Ley Line Cavern 67.4N, 30.5E Quest Flag Rekindling the Light Enhancing Mucor,
Saving Asheron
None Available
Liazk Itzi Guardians From Antechamber of Liazk Itzi 040 - 59,
60 - 79,
80 - 99,
A New Threat Blackmire 2 ACMaps
Liazk Itzi's Crypt From Halls of Liazk Itzi 040 - 59,
60 - 79,
80 - 99,
A New Threat Blackmire 2 ACMaps
Liazk Itzi's Offering Room From Lair of Liazk Itzi 040 - 59,
60 - 79,
80 - 99,
A New Threat Blackmire 2 ACMaps
Liazk Itzi's Temple From Secrets of Liazk Itzi's Temple 40 - 59,
60 - 79,
80 - 99,
A New Threat Clutch of Kings (Broodu) ACMaps
Lightless Catacombs 82.2S, 35.2W 014+ Release Premonitions of the Fourth Sending of Darkness,
Staff of the Nomads Quest
Lightless Tunnels 41.9S, 16.2E 01 - 25 Hollow Victory Gem of Impulse Quest ACMaps
Lightning Guardian Lair 86.7S, 10.4E 080+ Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel None Available
Lightning Ziggurat 17.1N, 63.0E 020 - 39 Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Linvak Tukal Entryway 76.6S, 28.1E None A Reign of Stone Arm, Mind, Heart Quest ACMaps
Lola's Den 91.9N, 69.7W None Throne of Destiny Brewmaster Quest ACMaps
Lonely Fortress 56.7S, 88.5W 080+, Quest Flag Children of the Prodigal Lord Aerbax's Prodigal Tumerok Wiki Map
Lord Kastellar's Lab 84.9N, 7.1W 200+ Blood From Stone Bloodstone Investigation None Available
Lord Mhoire's Tomb 64.6S, 44.1W 050+, (Key) Strange Sightings Lord Mhoire Quest
Lord Rytheran's Private Sanctum 74.7N, 18.5E Quest Flag Foolish Ambition Lord Rytheran's Journal Wiki Map
Lost City of Frore From Mountain Cavern 020+ Sudden Season The Madness of Men,
Reforging the Past
Lost Coastal Archive 37.4N, 67.0E 040+ Friend and Foe Grael's Rage ACMaps
Lost Desert Archive 3.9N, 2.4W 040+ Friend and Foe Grael's Rage ACMaps
Lost Distillery 0.7S, 51.2E 040+ Release Lost Distillery Quest,
Exploration Society Letters
Lost Garden Ruins 65.8S, 59.3E None Release Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Undead Mechanic Quest
Lost Ruins 82.6S, 94.8E 180+, Quest Flag Soulless Sisters Lost Lore None Available
Lower Catacomb From Upper Catacombs 080+ Rekindling the Light Burun Liberator Wiki Map
Lower Chakron Flux From Chakron Gate 036+ The Child of Daralet Virindi Servant's Amulet Quest,
Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Lower Corridor 59.9N, 71.2E None Heart of Woe Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Lower Empyrean Lightning Cistern 87.1S, 9.6E 050+ Fever Dreams Empyrean Propylaeum ACMaps
Lower Empyrean Mausoleum 23.4S, 5.8E 015+ The Child of Daralet Empyrean Cloister Quest,
Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Lower Heart of Darkness From Shade Stronghold 031+ The Child of Daralet Shadow Captain's Heaume Quest,
Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Lugian Excavations 77.0S, 64.3E None To Raise a Banner of Flame Ravenous Weapons Quest,
Sepulcher of Nightmares,
Sanguinary Aegis Quest
Lugian Ice Tunnels 93.3N, 50.1W 080+, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Chasing Oswald ACMaps
Lugian Mines 73.9S, 39.0E None To Raise a Banner of Flame Hollow Weapons Quest ACMaps
Lugian Outpost 80.6S, 18.1E None Release None ACMaps
Lugian Post 71.3S, 19.0E None Release None ACMaps
Lugian Quarry 64.5S, 55.6E None To Raise a Banner of Flame Chorizite Ammunition,
Chorizite Dispel Potions
Lyceum Training Grounds From Ishilai Lyceum Quest Flag Lonely in the World Hieromancer's Armor ACMaps
Lytaway Dungeon 52.6S, 86.7E 01 - 20 Release Magical Lights ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Mage Academy 74.7N, 18.5E 150+ Release The Mage Academy ACMaps
Malignant Tabernacle 23.2S, 46.0W 040+ Persuasion Quiddity Weapons Quest ACMaps
Mammet Foundry See Here None Hidden Vein Arcane Pedestal,
Bronze Statues Quest
Mannikin Foundry See Here None Hidden Vein Arcane Pedestal,
Bronze Statues Quest
Mar'uun Resonant Portal None Unfinished Business Portal Space Research None Available
Marauder's Lair 83.9N, 66.4W None Throne of Destiny Marauder's Lair Quest ACMaps
Marketplace From Town Network, or type /mp None The Slumbering Giant None None Available
Martinate Holding 59.6N, 77.0W None Dark Majesty Singularity Weapons Quest ACMaps
Martine's Retreat 10.6N, 58.3E None Repercussions Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets,
Major Prismatic Stone Quest,
Sepulcher of Nightmares,
Sanguinary Aegis Quest
Mask Clan Training Camp 16.0S, 75.0E None A Gathering of Colors Tumerok Banners Quest ACMaps
Massilor's Crypt 65.4S, 43.6W 180+ Ancient Powers Graveyard Delivery Wiki Map
Master Alizari's Dig 19.4N, 43.2W 040 - 59 Tricks and Treats Faces of the Mukkir ACMaps
Master Vaserio's Dig 54.2S 78.6W 100+, Quest Flag Tricks and Treats Faces of the Mukkir ACMaps
Matron Hive East 49.8S, 62.0E 120+ A Swelling Tide Asheron's Raiment Quest ACMaps
Matron Hive North 47.5S, 24.9E 060+ A Swelling Tide Asheron's Raiment Quest ACMaps
Matron Hive South 52.5S, 81.9E 040+ A Swelling Tide Asheron's Raiment Quest ACMaps
Matron Hive West 25.0S, 28.1E 090+ A Swelling Tide Asheron's Raiment Quest ACMaps
Mattekar Cave 65.4N, 16.7E None Release None ACMaps
Meeting Hall Towns None Release None None Available
Messenger's Sanctuary From Upper Catacombs 080+, Quest Flag Upping the Ante Kaurik's Ghost Messenger Wiki Map
Mhoire Armory 64.8S, 44.3W 160+, Quest Flag Introductions Jester's Lost Marbles,
Spectral Weapons
Wiki Map
Mhoire Castle 64.7S, 45.2W None, Quest Flag Gaining Ground Castle of Lord Mhoire Quest,
Noble Remains Kill Task,
Guardian Statue Kill Task,
Spectral Fountain Quest
Wiki Map
Mhoire Castle Courtyard 64.7S, 45.2W None, Quest Flag Gaining Ground Castle of Lord Mhoire Quest Wiki Map
Mhoire Castle Great Hall From Mhoire Castle Northeast Tower None, Quest Flag Gaining Ground Castle of Lord Mhoire Quest Wiki Map
Mines of Despair 75.4S, 57.2E 014+ Release Focusing Stone Quest,
Diemos Flagging,
Crafter Golems
Mistress Gabille's Dig 8.5N, 88.9W 080 - 99, Quest Flag Tricks and Treats Faces of the Mukkir ACMaps
Mistress Halmera's Dig 8.6N, 58.6W 060 - 79 Tricks and Treats Faces of the Mukkir ACMaps
Misty Mine From Warehouse 040+ The Slumbering Giant Crystal Minds and Shattered Souls ACMaps
Mite Maze 41.1N, 57.3E None Release Harlune's Diplomacy,
Branith's Stolen Possessions,
Water of Mount Lethe,
Facility Hub Quests
Mite Tunnels 38.7N, 50.0E None Release None ACMaps
Mnemosyne Collection Site 2.5S, 16.4E None Spring's Sorrows Mnemosynes None Available
Moars (Dungeon) 70.2S, 93.1E None Should the Stars Fall None ACMaps
Moars Laboratory 68.3S, 94.4E None Should the Stars Fall The Moars ACMaps
Moarsman Prison 56.4S, 96.9E 180+, Quest Flag Reclamation Moarsmen Jailbreak None Available
Moarsmen Hideout 69.9S, 89.9E None Should the Stars Fall The Moars ACMaps
Moarsmen Muck 77.0S, 90.9E None Should the Stars Fall The Moars ACMaps
Moarsmen Priory From Blighted Verdant Moarsman Tunnels 180+, Quest Flag Ancient Powers Lord Test Wiki Map
Moarsmen Spawning Grounds 69.5S, 96.5E None Should the Stars Fall The Moars ACMaps
Moist Hovel 73.0N, 63.0W 01 - 20 Throne of Destiny Thrungus Hovels,
Sanamar Starter Quests
Monouga Feeding Pits 9.8S, 81.0W None Intelligent Designs Monouga Feeding Pits Quest,
Monouga Laboratory
Wiki Map
Monouga Laboratory (120+) From Monouga Feeding Pits 120+ Intelligent Designs Monouga Laboratory Wiki Map
Monouga Laboratory (150+) From Monouga Feeding Pits 150+ Intelligent Designs Monouga Laboratory Wiki Map
Monouga Laboratory (80+) From Monouga Feeding Pits 080+ Intelligent Designs Monouga Laboratory Wiki Map
Moss Chamber 14.1N, 0.7W None Release Singularity Weapons Quest ACMaps
Moss Chamber (NPC Room) From Moss Chamber None Release Singularity Weapons Quest ACMaps
Mosswart Holding 78.2S, 86.7E None Prodigal Sons Aerbax's Prodigal Mosswart,
Mosswart Townsfolk Kill Task
Wiki Map
Mosswart Maze 25.2S, 19.4E None Hollow Victory Mace of the Explorer Quest ACMaps
Mosswart Nest 77.6S, 87.9E None Should the Stars Fall None ACMaps
Mosswart Worship Cavern 41.1S, 48.8W 080+, Quest Flag Prodigal Sons Aerbax's Prodigal Mosswart None Available
Mossy Cave (Shoushi) 34.1S, 74.9E None Throne of Destiny Trade Alliance Quest ACMaps
Mossy Cave (Yanshi) 14.2S, 46.0E 20+, Quest Flag From the Darkness Born Bleeargh's Gratitude ACMaps
Mount Elyrii Hive 48.5N, 81.7W 070+ Dark Majesty Olthoi Queen Quest ACMaps
Mount Ingot 67.7S, 25.5E None Waking From the Abyss Snowman Village ACMaps
Mount Lethe Magma Tubes 33.8S, 85.3W 020+ Release Water of Mount Lethe ACMaps
Mount Naipenset Caverns 5.6N, 56.2W None Release Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Undead Mechanic Quest
Mountain Cavern 63.2N, 5.5E 020+ Sudden Season Frore ACMaps
Mountain Citadel 5.4N, 71.7W None Groundswell None ACMaps
Mountain Fortress 82.4S, 19.9E None Shadows of the Past Hamud's Demise ACMaps
Mountain Halls 10.1N, 56.7W 015+ Release None ACMaps
Mountain Keep 54.7N, 32.9E None Release Undead Mechanic,
Machinist's Gloves Quest
Mountain Sewer 60.9S, 82.0E 015+ Release Asheron's Departure Lower,
Mountain Sewer Quest,
Kilif Zefir Kill Task
Mud Cave 73.1S, 81.3E,
79.0S, 84.1E
None Should the Stars Fall The Moars ACMaps
Muggy Font 91.3S, 89.8E 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Browerk) ACMaps
Muggy Guruk Caverns From Kor-Gursha 01 - 40 Bridging the Vast Divide Falatacot Medallion ACWarcry Map
Mukkir Infested Black Spear Temple 37.2S, 67.0W 151+, Quest Flag Shattering the Dark Mukkir Aspect of Grael Wiki Map
Mukkir Nest Portal Gem 150+ Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Mukkir Nest Quest Wiki Map
Murk Warrens (Baishi) 43.2S, 67.1E None The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Murk Warrens (Stonehold) 67.4N, 29.3W None The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Murk Warrens (Zaikhal) 26.3N, 1.9E None The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Musansayn's Vaults 1.0S, 18.6E 040+ Release Musansayn's Library,
Exploration Society Letters
Mutilator Tunnels 52.8N, 78.1W 080+ Pillars Made of Sand Olthoi Pincers ACMaps
Mysterious Cave 7.7N, 6.6E 015+ Release A Small Victory ACMaps
Mysterious Portal 7.2S, 75.0W 150+, Quest Flag Plans Within Plans Apostate Finale Wiki Map
Mysterious Tunnels 52.9S, 82.9E 01 - 20 The Paths of Destruction Miyako's Moonstone Quest ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Nanjou Shou-jen Academy 78.1N, 42.2W 200+ The Risen Princess Ninja Academy Wiki Map
Nanto Rat Lair 54.2S, 79.5E None Release None ACMaps
Nevius Passage 45.6S, 21.6E 08+ Release None ACMaps
New Hive 49.9N, 72.5W (Random Portal, Rough Coords) 070+ Dark Majesty Hea Totem Quest ACMaps
Nexus 40.1S, 79.2W 100+ Thorns of the Hopeslayer Nexus Shadow Armor Quest (Retired),
Nexus Commander's Helm Quest,
Nexus Crawl
Niffis Fighting Pits Portal Gem 080+ The Calm Niffis Fighting Pits ACMaps
Night Club See Here Seasonal Dance of the Dead Night Club Shirt None Available
Nightmare Gate 89.7S, 93.3W 150+, Quest Flag Friend and Foe Sepulcher of Nightmares ACMaps
Nor's Folly 32.5S, 11.9E None The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
North Fork Dam Hive 51.4N, 76.0W 070+ Dark Majesty Olthoi Queen Quest ACMaps
North Glenden Prison 31.8N, 25.5E 080+ Release The Death of Antius Blackmoor (Live Event) ACMaps
North Tumerok Vanguard Outpost 7.5S, 0.0W 050+ Lonely In The World Tumerok Vanguard Outposts ACMaps
Northern Black Claw Dungeon Find and kill a Northern Black Claw Raider 020+ Chains of Command Quiddity Orb Quest ACMaps
Northern Catacombs From Kor-Gursha Quest Flag Bridging the Vast Divide Guruk Kill Tasks,
Bur Mushroom Collection
ACWarcry Map
Northern Infiltrator Keep 15.4N, 5.0E 025+ Keep Your Enemies Closer Simulacra Infiltrators ACMaps
Northern Pedestal Dungeon 67.4N, 30.5E 040 - 79, Item Skill 260+ Bridging the Vast Divide Bur Portal Summoning None Available
Northern Power Forge 18.4N, 22.8W 040+ The Calm Power Forges ACMaps
Northern Resonating Crystal 51.5N, 32.6E Quest Flag The Beast With Many Heads Northern Shroud Cabal None Available
Northern Temple Catacombs 80.2N, 54.4E 100+, Quest Flag From the Darkest Depths Helm of Isin Dule ACMaps
Northwatch Castle Black Market 81.5N, 25.0E 180+, Quest Flag Ancient Powers Land Control Wiki Map
Not a Dungeon Filled With Monsters 39.2S, 83.3E Retired None Who Watches the Virindi? 3/16/09 - Leafcull - Not a Dungeon Filled With Monsters (Live Event) Retired
Nuhmudira's Dungeon 4.0S, 35.9E None Persuasion Nuhmudira's Journal Quest,
Olthoi Shield Quest,
Lunnum's Return


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Old Mine 79.2S, 27.0E None Release Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Undead Mechanic Quest
Old Scratchy's Cave 29.0S, 26.6E None Come What Follows Mi Krau-Li's Jitte Quest None Available
Old Talisman 2.3S, 85.6W None Release Altar of Bael'Zharon Quest ACMaps
Old Warehouse 8.7N, 58.1E 040+ Release The Old Warehouse,
Exploration Society Letters
Olthoi Arcade (North) 39.1N, 81.2W None Festivus None ACMaps
Olthoi Arcade (South) From Olthoi Arcade (North) and Olthoi Arcade Central None A Perfect Paradox None ACMaps
Olthoi Arcade Central From Olthoi Arcade (North) and Olthoi Arcade (South) 030+ The Iron Coast None ACMaps
Olthoi Brood Hive (20+) 44.2N, 66.2E,
51.2N, 48.2E
020+ Groundswell Lesser Olthoi Armor ACMaps
Olthoi Brood Hive (40+) 71.2N, 60.3E 040+ Groundswell Good Olthoi Armor ACMaps
Olthoi Brood Hive (60+) 51.8N, 59.8E 060+ Groundswell Fine Olthoi Armor ACMaps
Olthoi Brood Hive (80+) 64.6N, 56.1E,
57.4N, 67.4E
080+ Groundswell Greater Olthoi Armor ACMaps
Olthoi Chasm 0.7N, 44.7E 020+ Waking From the Abyss Olthoi Chasm Quest ACMaps
Olthoi Horde Nest (Bandit Castle) 64.3N, 52.8E 030+ Paths of Destruction Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Olthoi Horde Nest (Colier) 55.8N, 43.5E 020+ Paths of Destruction Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Olthoi Horde Nest (Mountain Retreat) 48.9N, 12.9W 030+ Paths of Destruction Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Olthoi Sanctuary 44.2N, 62.8E None The Beast With Many Heads Black Death Catacombs Quiddity Seed Ingot Purification None Available
Olthoi Tunnels 48.1N, 53.0E 015+ Release Olthoi Weapons Quest ACMaps
Olthoi Warrior Nest 46.9N, 81.2W 070+ Pillars Made of Sand Olthoi Pincers ACMaps
Oriel Residential Halls 61.8S, 81.6E,
47.4S, 25.1E,
44.0N, 43.1W
None Atonement Housing None Available
Orphanage Wing From The Orphanage 090+ Dark Materials Aerbax's Prodigal Shadow Wiki Map
Oswald's Room From Bobo's Babysitter Trial Room Quest Flag Heart of Woe Heart of Innocence Quest,
Oswald's Dirk Quest
Oubliette Portal Gem None Mired Hearts Oubliette Quest None Available
Oubliette of Mhoire Castle 64.6S, 44.1W 125+ Depths of the Dead Oubliette of Mhoire Castle Quest,
Red Veined Grub Collection Task
None Available


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
PK Arena Type /pkarena or pklarena Player Killer, Player Killer Lite Reprisals None None Available
Palenqual's Cavern 48.9N, 72.5W Quest Flag Dark Majesty Palenqual's Living Weapons ACMaps
Panopticon 59.2S, 84.0W 032+ Spring's Sorrows 03/31/01 - Virindi Invade Ayan Baqur (Live Event) ACMaps
Paradox Olthoi Refuge 43.5N, 55.2E None Corrupted Sovereigns Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi None Available
Paradox-touched Olthoi Queen's Lair From Black Death Catacombs and Empty Paradox Olthoi Cave (Reentry Portal) 120+ Corrupted Sovereigns Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi None Available
Path of the Blind 91.1N, 48.0W 140+ Throne of Destiny Tukora Lieutenant Kill Task ACMaps
Patriarch Zixki 51.5S, 67.9W 100+ Treaties in Stone Blackmire 3 ACMaps
Penguin Cave Hatchery 94.2N, 51.7W 090+ Throne of Destiny Penguin Eggs ACMaps
Penguin Den 71.7N, 60.4W None Throne of Destiny The Missing Necklace,
Sanamar Starter Quests
Pheraion's Sanctum 59.8S, 75.1W 120+, Quest Flag The Price of Loyalty Pheraion's Sanctum Quest ACMaps
Phyntos Menace 68.1N, 20.0W None Release Undead Mechanic Quest ACMaps
Plated Rifts 1.0S, 85.8E 075+ The Iron Coast None ACMaps
Platinum Legion Keep 16.5N, 0.6E 100+, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Defense of Zaikhal ACMaps
Prismatic Devastation From Citadel Library 150+ Seeds of Hope Gaerlan's Citadel None Available
Prismatic Guardian Lair 10.9N, 81.2W 150+ Seeds of Hope Gaerlan's Citadel None Available
Prismatic Ziggurat 57.1N, 47.8E,
17.1N, 63.0E
150+ Seeds of Hope Gaerlan's Citadel None Available
Prodigal Harbinger's Antechamber From Essence Chambers Need an Elemental Talisman Dark Materials Aerbax's Prodigal Harbinger None Available
Proving Grounds Uber From Prismatic Ziggurat 150+, Quest Flag Seeds of Hope Gaerlan's Citadel None Available
Proving Grounds Extreme From Frost Ziggurat 080+, Quest Flag Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Proving Grounds High From Fire Ziggurat 060 - 79, Quest Flag Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Proving Grounds Low From Lightning Ziggurat 020 - 39, Quest Flag Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel ACMaps
Proving Grounds Mid From Acid Ziggurat 040 - 59, Quest Flag Verdict Gaerlan's Citadel None Available
Pyramid 58.4N, 11.2W,
58.4N, 9.5W,
60.2N, 10.3W
125+ Unfinished Business Summoning T'thuun,
T'Thuun's Marauders
Wiki Map


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Qin Xikit's Antechamber 42.4S, 91.1W 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Browerk) ACMaps
Qin Xikit's Hidden Crown 91.4S, 89.5E 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Browerk) ACMaps
Qin Xikit's Receiving Chamber From Qin Xikit's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Browerk) ACMaps
Qin Xikit's Temple From Secrets of Qin Xikit's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Browerk) ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Radiant Blood Stronghold 12.8N, 0.7E 180+, Quest Flag Ancient Powers Society Quests Wiki Map
Rampage Bluff 1.3S, 85.0E 080+ The Iron Coast None ACMaps
Ravaged Cathedral 86.2S, 79.0W 100+ Assault Withered Weapons Quest ACMaps
Ravenous Vault 92.8N, 48.9W 110+ Throne of Destiny Chasing Oswald
Eater Jaws
Realaidain Eastern Vault 52.5N, 39.1E 080+ Cold Tracks Asheron's Departure Wiki Map
Realaidain Northern Vault 75.8N, 4.3E 080+ Cold Tracks Asheron's Departure Wiki Map
Realaidain Western Vault 58.0N, 20.8W 080+ Cold Tracks Asheron's Departure Wiki Map
Reaving Facility 40.1 N, 50.9 W 150+, Quest Flag Cogs in the Machine Unleash the Gearknights Wiki Map
Recovered Temple 6.4N, 1.7W None Release None ACMaps
ReedShark Lair 12.2S, 48.3E 04+ Release The Writings of Jhong Mi ACMaps
Reedshark Clan Training Camp 13.0S, 68.0E None A Gathering of Colors Tumerok Banners Quest ACMaps
Reinforced Royal Vault From Reinforced Vault Sewers 080+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Reinforced Vault Sewers From Defiled Temple Upper Wing 080+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Remote Empyrean Vault 81.6N, 71.2W 040+ Throne of Destiny Brewmaster Quest,
Eater Jaws,
Fiun Healing Machine Quest
Renegade Fortress (120+) 29.5S, 65.6W 120+ Who Watches the Virindi? Renegade Living Weapons None Available
Renegade Fortress (60+) 29.5S, 65.5W 060+ Mired Hearts First Contact ACMaps
Renegade Garrison 44.1N, 51.8E 040+, Quest Flag Reign of Terror Renegade Mace Quest ACMaps
Renegade Incursion 0.5N, 73.3W 050+ Friend and Foe Fort Tethana Tug of War ACMaps
Renegade Stronghold (Lytelthorpe) 2.3S, 64.0E None Pillars Made of Sand Ornate Tumerok Breastplate and Horned Lugian Helm ACMaps
Renegade Stronghold (Shoushi) 34.4S, 64.8E None Pillars Made of Sand Chorizite Veined Shield Quest ACMaps
Renegade Stronghold (Stonehold) 71.4N, 28.6W None Pillars Made of Sand Coarse Hide Shirt and Distilled Mana Potions ACMaps
Renegade Stronghold (Tufa) 17.0S, 5.9E None Pillars Made of Sand Renegade Bone Charm Quest ACMaps
Repository 89.3S, 93.5W 125+, Quest Flag Reprisals Shadow Stone,
Shadowfire Stone Quest
Research Chamber Portal Gem 060+ Discoveries Halls of Knorr ACMaps
Resting Place Portal Gem None Treaties in Stone Resting Place ACMaps
Ridge Citadel 70.2S, 24.2E None Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Ringleader's Chambers From Sawato Bandit's Hideout Quest Flag Shattering the Dark Sawato Extortion ACMaps
Rithwic Crypt 14.0N, 59.1E None Release Sword of Lost Light Quest,
Menhir Research
Wiki Map
Rocky Crypt 50.9S, 69.3E 010+ Release None ACMaps
Rogue Delvings 74.8N, 18.4E 180+, Quest Flag Ancient Powers Adept Test None Available
Roost Dungeon Skipping Stone Quest Flag What Once was Lost Assassin's Roost Quest None Available
Roots of Skuld, Urd and Verdandi 51.9N, 73.0W 150+, Quest Flag Seeds of Corruption Guardian of the Deru Trees of Marae Lassel Wiki Map
Roots of the Deru Tree 90.3S, 87.3E None The Beast With Many Heads Knorr Quiddity Ingot Purification None Available
Rossu Morta Chapterhouse 69.7N, 62.3W Quest Flag Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Access,
Grael's Summoning Chamber
Royal Hive 48.5N, 81.7W 070+, Quest Flag Dark Majesty Olthoi Queen Quest ACMaps
Ruined Cave Outpost 2.3N, 48.3E 01 - 20 Release Beltslora's Pretty Shirt Quest ACMaps
Ruined Empyrean Vault 85.9N, 59.0W 070+ Throne of Destiny Eater Jaws ACMaps
Rumuba's Hidey-Hole 75.9S, 89.2E None Should the Stars Fall Rumuba's Jade Spear Quest ACMaps
Ruschk Burial Mound 91.5N, 69.0W 060+ Down Twisting Paths Loyalty Reset Quest ACMaps
Ruschk Iceberg 87.3N, 70.8W 070+ Throne of Destiny Fiun Healing Machine Quest ACMaps
Ruschk Icehold 87.3N, 51.8W 080+, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Chasing Oswald ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Saadia's Retreat 53.6S, 76.6E None Release Undead Mechanic Quest ACMaps
Sanctum Residential Halls 25.5N, 48.7E,
39.6S, 83.5E,
13.4N, 0.6E
None Betrayal Housing None Available
Sanctum of Xik Minru 73.3N, 69.5E 130+ Under Cover of Night The Temple of Xik Minru ACMaps
Sand Caves 20.7S, 07.8E,
20.9S, 6.2E
Quest Flag Lost City of Neftet Slave Master Quest Rhesus' Map
Sand Shallow 11.5S, 0.7E None Release None ACMaps
Sawato Bandit's Hideout 25.3S, 56.6E Quest Flag Shattering the Dark Sawato Extortion ACMaps
Sclavus Cathedral (Ayan Baqur) 33.5S, 80.1W None The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Sclavus Cathedral (West Dires) 17.9S, 89.6W None The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Sclavus Keep 38.9S, 48.4W 015+ Release None ACMaps
Sclavus Santa's House 69.8S, 25.6E None Present Dilemma Sclavus Santa's House Quest None Available
Sclavus Temple 82.5S, 75.2S 060+ Visions In The Darkness Search for Gareth Dain ACMaps
Sclavus Tunnels 92.3N, 55.5E 150+, Quest Flag Unfinished Business Radiant Mana Infusion Quest Wiki Map
Sclavus Umbral Forge 34.1N, 50.6W 060+, Quest Flag Down Twisting Paths Loyalty Reset Quest ACMaps
Sea Temple Catacombs 20.2S, 4.4W 01 - 20 Release Lubziklan al-Luq's Stolen Goods ACMaps
Sealed Olthoi Passage From Deeper Catacombs (Paradox) 120+, Quest Flag Corrupted Sovereigns Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi ACMaps
Seaside Lair 17.2N, 65.9E None Release None ACMaps
Seat of Knorr Portal Gem 060+ Discoveries Halls of Knorr,
Collegium Occultus Ring Quest
Seat of the New Singularity Summoned by Ecorto the Lost Director 055+, Quest Flag The Widening Gyre New Singular Repositories ACMaps
Secret Chamber of Kresovus 77.6S, 28.0E 150+, Quest Flag Strange Sightings Bur Recall Quest None Available
Secret Putiputi Place 46.3N, 82.1W Quest Flag Heart of Woe Putiputipuh's Onga ACMaps (Parts 1 & 2),
ACMaps (Part 3),
ACMaps (Part 4)
Secrets of Hizk Ri's Temple From Depth's of Hizk Ri's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Keerik) ACMaps
Secrets of Ixir Zi's Temple From Depth's of Ixir Zi's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Kiree) ACMaps
Secrets of Izji Qo's Temple From Depth's of Izji Qo's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Reeshan) ACMaps
Secrets of Kivik Lir's Temple From Depth's of Kivik Lir's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Rehir) ACMaps
Secrets of Liazk Itzi's Temple From Depth's of Liazk Itzi's Temple 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Broodu) ACMaps
Secrets of Qin Xikit's Temple From Qin Xikit's Antechamber 060+ On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Browerk) ACMaps
Secured Royal Vault From Secured Vault Sewers 060+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Secured Vault Sewers From Defiled Temple Middle Wing 060+ Assault Assault Quest ACMaps
Sepulcher of the Hopeslayer Portal Gem 036+ The Child of Daralet Sword of Lost Hope Quest ACMaps
Serac Vault 75.9S, 29.0E,
59.9S, 55.0E
None Shadows of the Past Major Shivering Stone Quest ACMaps
Serpent Burial Grounds 67.6N, 25.3W 150+ Soulless Sisters Serpent Burial Grounds Quest None Available
Serpent Clan Training Camp 1.0S, 70.0E None A Gathering of Colors Tumerok Banners Quest ACMaps
Setab's Barracks 2.7N, 53.5E None The Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Sezzherei's Lair Portal Gem 100+ Infiltration Gateway to the Deep ACMaps
Shade Iron Mine 65.0S, 87.6W 080+, Quest Flag A Change in Tactics Shade Iron ACMaps
Shade Stronghold 73.5N, 0.2W 036+ The Child of Daralet Shadow Captain's Heaume Quest,
Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Shadow Breach 33.6N, 56.8E 100+, Quest Flag From the Darkest Depths Grael's Claw ACMaps
Shadow Lugian Stronghold 12.2N, 81.1W None Infiltration Balor's Rescue ACMaps
Shadow Vortex Dungeon 28.1S, 95.5E 180+, Quest Flag Loss Tou-Tou Blockade Wiki Map
Shadow-Infested Black Spear Temple 76.9S, 93.8E 101 - 150, Quest Flag Shattering the Dark Shadow Aspect of Grael Quest None Available
Shadowy Refuge 26.8S, 96.0E 150+, Quest Flag Retributions Geraine's Hosts Wiki Map
Shallow Hive Random Location on Marescent Plateau 060+ Dark Majesty Hea Totem Quest ACMaps
Shallow Olthoi Chasm From Olthoi Chasm 040+ Waking From the Abyss Olthoi Chasm Quest ACMaps
Shendolain Chamber Portal Gem 060+ Twilight's Gleaming Shendolain Vestibule Quest ACMaps
Shendolain Vestibule 53.8S, 59.6W,
61.3S, 39.5W
060+ Twilight's Gleaming Shendolain Vestibule Quest ACMaps
Shoushi Grotto 34.5S, 72.8E None Release Sword of Lost Light ACMaps
Shield of Isin Dule Spire 91.8S, 92.7W 55+, Quest Flag The Price of Loyalty Shield of Isin Dule Quest None Available
Shreth Clan Training Camp 5.0S, 68.0E None A Gathering of Colors Tumerok Banners Quest ACMaps
Shreth Hive 32.5S, 71.0E 01 - 20 Release Four Stones of Jojii ACMaps
Silver Legion Keep 13.8N, 0.5E 065 - 79, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Defense of Zaikhal ACMaps
Silyun Chapterhouse 85.4N, 70.4W 080+, Quest Flag A Change in Tactics Whispering Blade Infiltration ACMaps
Simple Hive Random Location on Marescent Plateau 050+ Dark Majesty Hea Totem Quest ACMaps
Simple Tower Portal 17.4N, 62.5E None Release None ACMaps
Singular Chorizite Repository 77.3S, 51.6E 035+ The Widening Gyre New Singular Repositories ACMaps
Singular Obsidian Repository 55.9S, 64.8W 045+ The Widening Gyre New Singular Repositories ACMaps
Singular Pyreal Repository 4.2S, 8.9E 024+ The Widening Gyre New Singular Repositories ACMaps
Singularity Bore 64.1S, 63.8W 050+ Lost in the New Horizon Caul Flagging,
Singularity Recall
Wiki Map
Slithis Pit 70.2S, 94.3E None Should the Stars Fall None ACMaps
Small Complex 39.1S, 53.4W 040+ Pillars Made of Sand Renegade Herbal Kits ACMaps
Small Empyrean Vault 80.4N, 74.0W 030+ Throne of Destiny Fiun Healing Machine Quest ACMaps
Small Fledgling Mukkir Nest 43.5N 36.1E,
31.3S 74.8E,
20.3S 0.2W
None Shattering the Dark Small Fledgling Mukkir Kill Task ACMaps
Small Hive Random Location on Marescent Plateau 040+ Dark Majesty Hea Totem Quest,
Enrico's Betrayal
Small Icecave 67.5N, 50.3E None Release Undead Mechanic Quest,
Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Premonitions of the Fourth Sending of Darkness
Small Mnemosyne Collection Site From Mnemosyne Collection Site 015+ Spring's Sorrows Mnemosynes ACMaps
Small Ruin 70.1S, 91.1E None Should the Stars Fall None ACMaps
Small Temple 69.3S, 93.7E,
75.0S, 97.5E
None Should the Stars Fall None ACMaps
Smugglers Hideaway 29.5S, 91.4E None Release Undead Mechanic Quest ACMaps
Son of Pooky's Den Portal Gem 100+ Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Son of Pooky ACMaps
Sotiris Dungeon 68.0S, 69.2W 030+ Hollow Victory None ACMaps
Soul Hunter's Lair 27.7S, 55.8E 060+, Quest Flag Remembering the Past Soul Hunter Quest None Available
South Gate 65.0S, 63.8W None The Beast With Many Heads Aerbax's Citadel Wiki Map
South Tumerok Vanguard Outpost 45.9S, 14.2E 050+ Lonely In The World Tumerok Vanguard Outposts ACMaps
Southern Black Claw Dungeon Kill a Southern Black Claw Raider 020+ Chains of Command Quiddity Orb Quest ACMaps
Southern Catacombs From Kor-Gursha Quest Flag Bridging the Vast Divide Guruk Kill Tasks,
Bur Mushroom Collection
ACWarcry Map
Southern Infiltrator Keep 52.3S, 24.9E 025+ Keep Your Enemies Closer Simulacra Infiltrators ACMaps
Southern Power Forge 82.2S, 3.9W 070+ The Calm Power Forges ACMaps
Southern Resonating Crystal 52.6S, 46.7E Quest Flag The Beast With Many Heads Southern Shroud Cabal None Available
Spirit Cell 26.5N, 28.5W Quest Flag Shattering the Dark Gift Box Quest ACMaps
Stable Rift 8.0N, 50.4E 020+, Quest Flag Lost in the New Horizon Shackles of Obedience Quest ACMaps
Steaming Hovel 73.1N, 65.6W 01 - 20 Throne of Destiny Thrungus Hovels,
Sanamar Starter Quests
Steamy Font 91.3S, 89.8E 060+, Quest Flag On Bended Knee Clutch of Kings (Browerk) ACMaps
Steamy Guruk Caverns From Kor-Gursha 081 - 120, Quest Flag Bridging the Vast Divide Falatacot Medallion ACWarcry Map
Stone Cathedral 34.7S, 71.2E 1 - 20 Release Nen Ai's Pet Drudge ACMaps
Strange Swamp Temple 41.7S, 49.2W None Remembering the Past Messenger's Collar Quest None Available
Subterannean Farm From Martine's Retreat 020+ A Swelling Tide Sunstone & Opal Gauntlets ACMaps
Sultry Hovel 74.0N, 61.5W 01 - 20 Throne of Destiny Thrungus Hovels,
Sanamar Starter Quests
Summoning Cave 29.2S, 95.8E 180+, Quest Flag Stirrings in the Dark Fate of Bael'Zharon None Available
Summoning Chamber From Dardante's Workshop 100+, Quest Flag Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands Whispering Blade Chapterhouse Access ACMaps
Sunken Mere See Here 01+,
Treaties in Stone The Moars ACMaps
Swamp Cavern From Eastern Catacombs Quest Flag Ancient Enemies Putrid Moar Kill Task,
Slaying Spiketooth
ACWarcry Map
Swamp Gardens 22.5S, 45.8E None Lost in the New Horizon Little Green Seeds,
Swamp Ruin 25.1S, 52.1E 06+ Release None ACMaps
Swamp Temple (Wai Jhou) 37.6S, 46.1W 015+ Release None ACMaps
Swamp Temple (Yanshi) 23.4S, 47.9E 010+ Release None ACMaps
Syliph Tower 12.3N, 11.5E None Release None ACMaps
Sylsfear Dungeon 11.1N, 14.7E 010+ Release Sylsfear Quest,
Silifi of Crimson Stars Quest


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Tactical Arena From Faction Strongholds 180+, Quest Flag Shifting Tactics Tactical Defense Game None Available
Tainted Grotto 17.8S, 50.6E None Treaties in Stone None ACMaps
Tanada Battle Burrows Portal Gem None The Beast With Many Heads Tanada Battle Burrows Quest None Available
Tanada House of Breath From Tanada House of Wind 080+, Quest Flag Remembering the Past Tanada House of Storms Quest None Available
Tanada House of Earth 66.3N, 7.6E 080+, Quest Flag Cold Tracks Tanada House of Earth Quest None Available
Tanada House of Metal From Tanada House of Stone 080+, Quest Flag Cold Tracks Tanada House of Earth Quest None Available
Tanada House of Pancakes 33.3S, 73.1E Quest Flag Ancient Enemies Tanada House of Pancakes Quest Wiki Map
Tanada House of Stone From Tanada House of Earth 080+, Quest Flag Cold Tracks Tanada House of Earth Quest None Available
Tanada House of Storms 68.1S, 45.5E 080+, Quest Flag Remembering the Past Tanada House of Storms Quest None Available
Tanada House of Water 85.3S, 5.8W 080+, Quest Flag Ancient Enemies Tanada House of Water Quest None Available
Tanada House of Wind From Tanada House of Storms 080+, Quest Flag Remembering the Past Tanada House of Storms Quest None Available
Tanada Temple of Black Water 24.2S, 57.1E Quest Flag Intelligent Designs Tanada Temple of Black Water Quest None Available
Tanada Toresen Temple 42.5S, 72.3E 200+, Quest Flag Lessons from the Past Tanada Intercept and Slaughter None Available
Targor's Cave 68.2N, 66.5E None The Price of Loyalty Necklace of the Golden Flame Quest None Available
Temple 20.7S, 07.8E Quest Flag Lost City of Neftet Slave Master Quest None Available
Temple Door 87.9S, 55.2W 180+, Quest Flag Ancient Powers Lord Test Wiki Map
Temple Entrance 84.3N 24.7E 120+, Quest Flag Dance of the Dead Lunnum's Return Wiki Map
Temple of Enlightenment 84.5S, 0.0E 025+, One Herb The Iron Coast Attribute and Skill Redistribution ACMaps
Temple of Forgetfulness 88.8N, 0.0E 025+, One Herb The Iron Coast Attribute and Skill Redistribution ACMaps
Temple of Kivik Lir Entrance 38.1S, 47.3W 060+ A Small Victory Blackmire 4 ACMaps
Temple of Mornings 22.1S, 8.6E 150+ Seeds of Hope Harvesting the Bulb of Mornings None Available
Temple of Stirring Shadows 70.2N, 65.5E 80+, Quest Flag Through Sacrifice Strength Shadowfire Weapons ACMaps
Temple of Tthuun 92.8S, 52.6W 180+, Quest Flag Ancient Powers High Priest of T'thuun Kill Task Wiki Map
Temple of Xik Minru 73.3N, 69.0E 130+ Under Cover of Night The Temple of Xik Minru ACMaps
Temple of the Black Spear 95.3N, 52.2W 130+, Quest Flag Dance of the Dead The Black Spear Ice Totem None Available
Temple of the Three From Upper Catacombs Quest Flag Rekindling the Light Saving Asheron None Available
Temple of the Three, Ritual Chambers From Temple of the Three Quest Flag Rekindling the Light Saving Asheron None Available
Temple Trial From Deep Caves Quest Flag Wayward Prince Sealing Away the Book of Eibhil None Available
Temple of Twilight 34.5S, 8.4E Quest Flag A Growing Twilight Harvesting the Bulb of Twilight None Available
Tenkarrdun Foundry 88.8N, 42.8E 045+ To Raise a Banner of Flame Lady Aerfalle Quest ACMaps
Thasali 29.3S, 24.6E 05+ Release None ACMaps
The Asteliary 10.2S, 17.5E 080+ Keep Your Enemies Closer Simulacra Infiltrators ACMaps
The Callous Heart Portal Gem 015+ Hidden Vein The Callous Heart Quest ACMaps
The Dark Lair 43.8N, 68.4W None Dark Majesty Olthoi Pincers ACMaps
The Dark Spiral 15.9N, 68.7W 126+ Down Twisting Paths The Dark Spiral Quest ACMaps
The Envoy's Chamber From Gredaline Consulate 025+ A Reign of Stone Virindi Spells Quest ACMaps
The Fazenda Caves 49.8N, 7.7E 040+ Friend and Foe Farmer Kao's Plea for Help Wiki Map
The Floating City Portal is a Random Spawn. Fixed Portal in the Golem Sanctum 150+ Hollow Victory Floating City Quest ACMaps
The Floating City (Banderling Area) From The Floating City 150+ Hollow Victory Floating City Quest ACMaps
The Floating City (Bar) From The Floating City 150+ Hollow Victory Floating City Quest ACMaps
The Floating City (Construction Area) From The Floating City 150+ Hollow Victory Floating City Quest ACMaps
The Floating City (Lost Chamber) From The Floating City 150+ Hollow Victory Floating City Quest ACMaps
The Floating City (Museum) From The Floating City 150+ Hollow Victory Floating City Quest ACMaps
The Floating City (Skyway) From The Floating City 150+ Hollow Victory Floating City Quest ACMaps
The Floating City (Tunnels) From The Floating City 150+ Hollow Victory Floating City Quest ACMaps
The Orphanage Random portal on Caul or Portal Gem 090+ Pillars Made of Sand Aerbax's Prodigal Shadow
Yaja's Reach
The Pit 64.3N, 23.4W 060+ Release Suzuhara Baijin's Care Package ACMaps
The Shadows 29.5S, 94.2E 200+ Hidden In Shadows Shadow Invasion Quest Chain Wiki Map
Thief Trail 39.8S, 81.7E 07+ Release None ACMaps
Thieves' Den 17.7N, 65E None Release Gertarh's Dagger (Retired),
Machinist's Gloves Quest,
Undead Mechanic Quest
Thieves' Galleries 57.7S, 74.1E 05+ Release None ACMaps
Throne of the Tusker King From Legend of the Tusker King 080+ The Hall of the Tusker King Bobo's Medicine,
The Legend of the Tusker Paw
Thrungal Den 79.4N, 71.6W 100+, Quest Flag Reprisals Lunnum's Disappearance ACMaps
Thrungus Hole 94.2N, 43.0W 126+ Throne of Destiny Death's Allure ACMaps
Thug Hideout 49.5S, 62.8E 05+ Old Ghosts Ries Woron and the Thugs,
Ries Woron's Story,
Rescue Fiona Woron,
Gear Knight Parts
None Available
Tiny Hive Random Location on Marescent Plateau 035+ Dark Majesty Hea Totem Quest ACMaps
Tomb of the Dead 18.4S, 9.3E None The Child of Daralet Undead Mechanic Quest ACMaps
Tower Base Dungeon 34.7S, 33.6E 115+ That Which is Ours Spear of the Given Heart Quest ACMaps
Town Network All Towns None Shifting Gears Contracts Wiki Map
Training Academy Character Creation None The First Strike Training Academy Quest ACMaps
Training Halls (Retired) From Starter Outposts None Release Training Halls Quest Retired
Treacherous Tunnels 70.2S, 93.1E, 75.0S, 90.3E None Should the Stars Fall None ACMaps
Trial of the Arm From Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart None Children of the Prodigal Lord Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian None Available
Trial of the Deep 85.4N, 57.2E 150+ The Beast With Many Heads Ithaenc Quiddity Ingot Purification None Available
Trial of the Heart From Trial of the Mind None Children of the Prodigal Lord Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian None Available
Trial of the Mind From Trial of the Arm None Children of the Prodigal Lord Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian None Available
Trial of the Vagabond From Fir Tree Quest Flag Heart of Woe Heart of Innocence Quest,
Oswald's Dirk Quest
Trialos 58.7S, 55.3E None Release None ACMaps
Trials Graduation From Trial of the Heart None Children of the Prodigal Lord Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian None Available
Trials of Kivik Lir From Haven of Kivik Lir 060 - 80,
80 - 100,
A Small Victory Blackmire 4 ACMaps
Trials of the Arm, Mind and Heart From Chambers Beneath Linvak Tukal None Children of the Prodigal Lord Aerbax's Prodigal Lugian None Available
Triumph Against the Trials From Trials of Kivik Lir 060 - 80,
80 - 100,
A Small Victory Blackmire 4 ACMaps
Trothyr's Rest 10.3N, 54.9E None Release Trothyr's Rest Quest Wiki Map
Tumerok Base 9.0N, 65.7W None Release None ACMaps
Tumerok Cave 41.7N, 82.5W None Dark Majesty Aun Tanua's War Taiaha Quest ACMaps
Tumerok Cavern 40.2N, 84.7W None Dark Majesty Aun Tanua's War Taiaha Quest ACMaps
Tumerok Chamber 81.6S, 36.6W None Release None ACMaps
Tumerok Dungeon 9.6S, 62.9W None Release None ACMaps
Tumerok Fortress 12.3N, 73.7W 020+ Release Overlord's Sword Quest ACMaps
Tumerok Mine 7.9N, 61.3W 015+ Release Overlord's Sword Quest ACMaps
Tumerok Outpost 23.7N, 36.5W 015+ Release None ACMaps
Tumerok Post 12.2N, 68.1W None Release None ACMaps
Tumideon Fortress 56.0S, 60.7W 030+ Hollow Victory None ACMaps
Tunnel of Love 94.4S, 96.6W 120+, Quest Flag Friend and Foe Tunnel of Love Quest None Available
Tunnels 24.2S, 46.3E 060+, Quest Flag From the Darkness Born Hidden Entrance Quest ACMaps
Tunnels to the Harbinger (Issk) 12.9S, 46.5E 060+, Quest Flag Verdict Harbinger ACMaps
Tunnels to the Harbinger (Vincadi) 12.6S, 46.7E 060+, Quest Flag Verdict Harbinger ACMaps
Tursh Dungeon 92.4N, 47.5W ?? Throne of Destiny Ruschk Challenger ACMaps
Tusker Abode 3.2S, 95.0E 020+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Armory 0.0N, 89.4E 050+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Assault 3.9S, 84.2E 085+ The Iron Coast The Painbringer Quest ACMaps
Tusker Barracks 0.3S, 90.8E 040+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Burrow 2.0N, 98.0E None The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Cave 0.4N, 97.4E 012+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Cavern 1.0N, 96.9E 015+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Emporium 4.3N, 95.8E None The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Encampments 4.0S, 93.5E 030+ The Iron Coast None ACMaps
Tusker Food Storage From Tusker Warrior's Lair 080+ The Hall of the Tusker King Bobo's Medicine,
The Legend of the Tusker Paw
Tusker Freehold 1.6S, 95.5E 025+ The Iron Coast None ACMaps
Tusker Gauntlet 10.0S, 86.5E 100+ The Iron Coast None ACMaps
Tusker Grotto 0.9S, 98.4E 012+ The Iron Coast None ACMaps
Tusker Habitat 0.5S, 95.9E 025+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Holding 3.5S, 85.3E 060+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Honeycombs 1.2S, 86.9E 080+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Lacuna 9.9S, 90.7E 100+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Lodge 0.2N, 98.1E 05+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Pits 1.2N, 91.8E 045+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Quarters 2.3S, 95.6E 030+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Retreat 0.7S, 97.9E 05+ The Iron Coast None ACMaps
Tusker Temple 0.7N, 68.1W 040+ The Iron Coast Access to Aphus Lassel ACMaps
Tusker Temple 10.5S, 65.6E 01 - 20 The Iron Coast Access to Aphus Lassel ACMaps
Tusker Temple 59.8N, 28.4E 020 - 40 The Iron Coast Access to Aphus Lassel ACMaps
Tusker Tunnels 0.3N, 86.4E 060+ The Iron Coast Tusker Tusks ACMaps
Tusker Warrior's Lair From Behind the Waterfall 080+ The Hall of the Tusker King Bobo's Medicine,
The Legend of the Tusker Paw
Twisted Refuge 62.7S, 64.9W 150+, Quest Flag Retributions Geraine's Hosts None Available


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Ulgrim's Basement From Ulgrim's Island None A Gathering of Colors Ulgrim's Casting Stein ACMaps
Ulgrim's Bookcase 41.9S, 16.1E None Down Twisting Paths Ulgrim's Hatch ACMaps
Ulgrim's Mysterious Hatch 94.1S, 11.2W Quest Flag Down Twisting Paths Ulgrim's Hatch ACMaps
Umbral Hall 75.8S, 83.1E 030+ From the Darkness Born Bleeargh's Gratitude ACMaps
Undead Temple 90.9N, 43.2W None Throne of Destiny Fiun Healing Machine Quest ACMaps
Under Cove Crypt 21.4S, 4.1W None Release Search for Abmim ibn Ibsar & Mad Star Investigation ACMaps
Under Drudge Fort From Drudge Fort Cave Quest Flag Prodigal Sons Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge Wiki Map
Underground Forest 31.5N, 20.8E None Release None ACMaps
Underway 24.2S, 46.3E 040+, Quest Flag From the Darkness Born Hidden Entrance Quest ACMaps
Unfinished Temple 30.1S, 9.1E 01 - 20 Release Rusted Knife Quest ACMaps
Unicorn's Grace 38.0S, 60.2E 035+, Quest Flag Mirror, Mirror Path of the Jojii Adherent ACMaps
Uninhabited Area 41.9S, 16.2E 01 - 25 Hollow Victory Gem of Impulse Quest ACMaps
Upper Catacombs From Southern Catacombs Quest Flag Rekindling the Light Kaurik's Ghost Messenger Wiki Map
Upper Chakron Flux From Chakron Gate 041+ The Child of Daralet Virindi Servant's Amulet Quest,
Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Upper Empyrean Lightning Cistern 87.1S, 9.6E 050+ Fever Dreams Empyrean Propylaeum ACMaps
Upper Empyrean Mausoleum From Empyrean Cloister 021+ The Child of Daralet Empyrean Cloister Quest,
Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Upper Heart of Darkness From Upper Shade Stronghold 026+ The Child of Daralet Shadow Captain's Heaume Quest,
Sword of Lost Hope Quest
Upper Shade Stronghold 73.5N, 0.2W 026+ The Child of Daralet Shadow Captain's Heaume Quest,
Sword of Lost Hope Quest


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Vagabond Passed From Fir Tree Quest Flag Heart of Woe Heart of Innocence Quest,
Oswald's Dirk Quest
Vault of Eternal Slumber 79.9N, 54.4E 100+ From the Darkest Depths Raising Grael's Island ACMaps
Venemous Nidus 13.1S, 91.8W 040+ Persuasion Quiddity Weapons Quest ACMaps
Venerable Mausoleum 78.1N, 48.2W 200+ The Risen Princess Hoshino Fortress Infiltration Wiki Map
Vengeance Caverns 1.9N, 93.7E 045+ The Iron Coast Tusker Guard Kill Task ACMaps
Viamont Staging Portal (High) 27.2N, 27.9E 130+, Quest Flag Through Sacrifice Strength Glenden Wood Invasion ACMaps
Viamont Staging Portal (Low) 32.3N, 29.5E 080 - 99, Quest Flag Through Sacrifice Strength Glenden Wood Invasion ACMaps
Viamont Staging Portal (Mid) 31.4N, 25.8E 100 - 129, Quest Flag Through Sacrifice Strength Glenden Wood Invasion ACMaps
Viamontian Direlands Mine 8.6N, 76.4W 100+, Quest Flag Reprisals Necklace of the Elemental Adepts Quest ACMaps
Viamontian Esper Mine 72.2N, 3.0E 100+, Quest Flag Reprisals Necklace of the Elemental Adepts Quest ACMaps
Viamontian Garrison 75.3N, 73.8W None Throne of Destiny Brewmaster Quest ACMaps
Viamontian Laboratory 39.4N, 75.3W 030+ A Change in Tactics Plateau Village Transit ACMaps
Viamontian Royal Prison 90.3N, 43.3W 080+, Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Chasing Oswald ACMaps
Viamontian Torture Chamber 69.6N, 62.6W Quest Flag Throne of Destiny Eleonora's Heart Quest ACMaps
Victory Residential Halls 48.0S, 24.5E,
54.3S, 73.1E,
3.2S, 19.1E
None Festivus Housing None Available
Vile Sanctuary 86.7S, 78.2W 100+ Assault Withered Weapons Quest ACMaps
Virindi Complex 73.8N, 25.1E Quest Flag Discoveries Frozen Fury ACMaps
Virindi Fort 61.6S, 54.1W 015+ Release None ACMaps
Virindi Research Facility 43.3N, 43.7W 150+ Noble Sacrifice Virindi Rescue None Available


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
War Room 12.1S, 92.7W 080+, Quest Flag Assault Drudge Aviator ACMaps
Ward Guardian Cave 48.3N, 57.4E None Corrupted Sovereigns Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi ACMaps
Warded Cavern Passage 21.9S, 9.3E 200+, Quest Flag Dark Deliveries Halt Dericost Ritual Quest None Available
Warded Dungeon Passage From Warded Cavern Passage 200+, Quest Flag Dark Deliveries Halt Dericost Ritual Quest None Available
Warded Portal, Into the Darkness From Burial Temple Quest Flag Masked Memories Undead Attack on Al-Jalima Wiki Map
Warehouse Speak to Lartorus at 42.6N, 62.4E Quest Flag The Slumbering Giant Crystal Minds and Shattered Souls ACMaps
Warehouse (ransacked) From Warehouse Annex Mine 040+, Quest Flag The Slumbering Giant Crystal Minds and Shattered Souls ACMaps
Warehouse Annex Mine From Warehouse 040+, Quest Flag The Slumbering Giant Crystal Minds and Shattered Souls ACMaps
Wasteland Hive 50.8N, 79.1W 070+ Dark Majesty Olthoi Queen Quest ACMaps
Water Temple 52.1S, 80.3E 040+ Release Water for Ji Ra Ping,
Exploration Society Letters
Waterfall Cave 84.0N, 75.4W None Throne of Destiny Brewmaster Quest ACMaps
Watery Grotto 23.8S, 47.2E 040+ From the Darkness Born Bleeargh's Gratitude ACMaps
Weakened Royal Vault From Weakened Vault Sewers 040+ Pillars Made of Sand Assault Quest ACMaps
Weakened Vault Sewers From Defiled Temple Lower Wing 040+ Pillars Made of Sand Assault Quest ACMaps
Web Maze 49.4S, 65.4E None Release None ACMaps
Wedding Hall Portal Gem None Darkness Ascendant Wedding Ceremony None Available
Wedding Trials Dungeon 32.8N, 55.3E None Betrayal Wedding Trials ACMaps
Western Pedestal Dungeon 67.4N, 30.5E 120+, Item Enchantment 360+ Bridging the Vast Divide Bur Portal Summoning None Available
Western Power Forge 21.9S, 43.8W 100+ The Calm Power Forges ACMaps
Western Temple Catacombs 80.0N, 54.2E 100+, Quest Flag From the Darkest Depths Helm of Isin Dule ACMaps
Whispering Blade Chapterhouse 59.9S, 87.2W Quest Flag Shining Runes and Shadowed Hands See Whispering Blade ACMaps
Whispering Caverns 14.9S, 86.0E 130+ Corrupted Sovereigns Aerbax's Prodigal Tusker Wiki Map
White Totem Temple 87.5N, 48.8W 01 - 99 Shattering the Dark Splitting Grael (Low) None Available
Wight Barrow 65.3S, 44.6W None Ancient Powers Tracing The Stone Wiki Map
Wilderness Citadel 67.9S, 62.5E None Paths of Destruction None ACMaps
Winthura's Garden 43.2S, 24.7E 08+ Release None ACMaps
Withered Atoll Lugian Mine 89.7S, 76.1W None Celebration Chunky Ore Collection,
Well-Balanced Lugian Greataxe Quest
Wiki Map
Witshire Dungeon 25.0N, 37.8E 020+, Quest Flag Flesh and Blood Elysa's Favor Quest ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Xarabydun Lifestone From Xarabydun 01 - 25 Hollow Victory None ACMaps
Xi Ru's Chapel 90.6S, 87.5E Quest Flag On Bended Knee Noble Weapons ACMaps
Xi Ru's Crypt From Xi Ru's Chapel Quest Flag On Bended Knee Noble Weapons ACMaps
Xi Ru's Library From Xi Ru's Chapel Quest Flag On Bended Knee Noble Weapons ACMaps
Xi Ru's Remembrance From Xi Ru's Chapel Quest Flag On Bended Knee Noble Weapons ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Yanshi Lower Undermine From Yanshi Upper Undermine 100+, Quest Flag Through Sacrifice, Strength Shield of Yanshi Quest None Available
Yanshi Tunnels 12.2S, 45.5E None Release Sword of Lost Light Quest,
The Writings of Jhong Mi
Yanshi Upper Undermine From Granite Quarry 100+, Quest Flag Through Sacrifice, Strength Shield of Yanshi Quest None Available
Yaraq Tunnels 24.7S, 1.4W None Release Sword of Lost Light Quest ACMaps


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Name Location Restrictions Introduced In Related Quests Map
Zabool Tower Base 21.7N 19.4E (Base),
21.1N, 18.5E (Top)
None Release Sylsfear Quest ACMaps
Zaikhal Advance Camp (Retired) 18.5N, 1.1W 012 - 25 Crests of a Turbulent Sea 2001/08 - Virindi and Tumerok Invasion (Live Event) Retired
Zaikhal Middle Guard Camp (Retired) 22.1N, 1.0W 024 - 40 Crests of a Turbulent Sea 2001/08 - Virindi and Tumerok Invasion (Live Event) Retired
Zaikhal Reinforcements Camp (Retired) 27.1N, 5.3W 036+ Crests of a Turbulent Sea 2001/08 - Virindi and Tumerok Invasion (Live Event) Retired


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