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Two Handed
Magic Casters

Related topics: Magic


Icon Name Mana Bonus Melee Bonus Damage Bonus Spells Special Props Crafted from
Banderling Wand None None None None None Banderling Mask
Darker Heart +8% None None Rejuvenation Self VI, Warrior's Vitality, Warrior's Vigor, Mana Renewal Self VI, Wizard's Intellect, Regeneration Self VI None Glowing Wisp Heart
Drudge Wand None None None None None Drudge Mask
Essence Flare +5% None None Rejuvenation Self VI, Warrior's Lesser Vitality, Warrior's Lesser Vigor, Mana Renewal Self VI, Wizard's Lesser Intellect, Regeneration Self VI None Pulsating Wisp Heart
Essence Flicker None None None Mana Renewal Self IV, Regeneration Self IV, Rejuvenation Self IV None Sickly Wisp Heart
Mosswart Wand None None None None None Mosswart Mask
Skull Wand None None None None None Skull Mask
Tusker Wand None None None None None Tusker Mask
Wand of Black Fire +3% None None Flame Volley V, Cold Protection Self IV, Lightning Protection Self IV None Obsidian Sphere
White Virindi Wand +5% None None Lightning Bolt VI, Lightning Protection Self VI None White Jewel
Yellow Virindi Wand +7% None None Flame Bolt VI, Fire Protection Self VI, Minor Flame Ward None Yellow Jewel


Transcluded tables, see Loot/Tier 8#Maximum Damages for the editable versions.

Wield Req vs Monsters vs Players
No Wield None None
355 13% 6.5%
375 16% 8%
385 18% 9%


Caster Obtained By
Salivatory Goo Olthoi Play


Name Mana Bonus Spells Sold By
Anniversary Sparkler None None Festival Vendor (Seasonal)
Aluvian Wand None None Various Archmages
Gharu'ndim Wand None None Various Archmages
Sho Wand None None Various Archmages
Buadren None None Aun Kerehanua
Orb None None Various Archmages
Pursuit Orb +5% Raider Tag, Jahannan's Boon, Saladur's Boon Black Market
Repugnant Spellcasting Staff None None Dobblar
Staff None None Various Archmages
Wand None None Various Archmages


Icon Name Mana Bonus Melee Bonus Damage Bonus Spells Special Props Quest
Academy Wand None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Other I, Focus Other I, Willpower Other I Bonded Training Academy Quest
Arena Wand +10% None None Hunter's Lash, Inner Calm, Murderous Intent, Incantation of War Magic Mastery Other, Epic Mana Conversion Prowess, Incantation of Life Magic Mastery Other, Mind Blossom Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Dropped on Death PvP Arena Quest
Assault Orb None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self IV, Focus Self V, Mana Renewal Self IV, Wizard's Greater Intellect Tumerok Slayer Tumerok Banners Quest
Asteliary Orb +5% None None Focus Self V, Mana Conversion Mastery Self V, Willpower Self V None Simulacra Infiltrators
Attenuated Awakener +7% None None Eradicate All Magic Other, Minor Creature Enchantment Aptitude None Elari Wood Bow
Audetaunga's Buadren of the Mountains +10% +8% None Greater Stone Cliffs, Greater Strength of Earth Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Awakener +7% None None Eradicate All Magic Other, Minor Creature Enchantment Aptitude None Elari Wood Bow
Banished Orb None None None Minor War Magic Aptitude, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI None Banished Weapons
Blighted Wand +1% None None Hunter's Lash, Hieromancer's Boon, Inner Calm, Murderous Intent, Harlune's Boon, Major Mana Conversion Prowess, Mind Blossom Bael'Zharon's Hate, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded Blighted Weapons
Blue Orb None None None None None Hieromancer's Armor
Bound Singularity Scepter of Life Magic +7% +7% None Mana Renewal Other VI, Focus Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Bound Singularity Scepter of War Magic +7% +7% None Mana Renewal Other VI, Focus Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Branith's Staff None None None Flame Arc IV, Mana Conversion Mastery Self IV, Mana Renewal Self IV, War Magic Mastery Self IV Biting Strike Branith's Stolen Possessions
Buadren None None None Heart of Oak Bonded Buadren Quest
Burun Slaying Sceptre +6% +9% None War Magic Mastery Other VI, Hermetic Link V, Endurance Self VI, War Magic Mastery Other VI, Invulnerability Self V Biting Strike, Burun Slayer Burun Slaying Weapons
Casting Jack o' Lantern +20% None None None None 2013/10 - Halloween
Casting Stein +7% None None Stamina to Mana Self IV None Ulgrim's Casting Stein
Caulnalain Crystal Orb None None None Item Enchantment Mastery Self IV, Wizard's Intellect, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self IV Biting Strike Caulnalain Vestibule Quest
Chilling Ebony Staff +15% None +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Cold Frost Wave, Frozen Armor, Numbing Chill, Major Flame Ward Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Cold Undead Attack on Al-Jalima
Chimeric Eye of the Quiddity +20% +15% +20%PvM, +5%PvP, Slashing Evisceration, Mystic's Blessing, Minor Focus, Minor Willpower, Major War Magic Aptitude, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Dropped on Death, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Small Olthoi Venom Sacs
Crushing Society Orb +2.5% MagicD +15% +20%PvM, +5%PvP, Bludgeoning Legendary Hermetic Link, Legendary Mana Conversion Prowess Magic Absorbing, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Gauntlet
Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery None None None Item Enchantment Mastery Self V, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Minor Willpower, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect, Life Magic Mastery Self V None Creature Lords
Delicate Bloodstone Wand +15% +20% +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP Bloodstone Bolt VII, Incantation of Life Magic Mastery Self, Incantation of Defender, Incantation of Spirit Drinker Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Acid Bloodstone Investigation
Detailed Mukkir Orb None None None Taste for Blood, Arcane Enlightenment Self VI None Faces of the Mukkir
Drudge Scrying Orb +31% +15% +20%PvM, +5%PvP, Slashing Mana Boost Other VII, Web of Deflection, Web of Defense, Major Creature Enchantment Aptitude, Major Willpower, Minor Focus, Cragstone's Will Bonded Aerbax's Prodigal Drudge
Egg Launcher None None None Egg Bonded Colored Eggs
Elysa's Wondrous Orb None None None Health to Mana Self IV None Blackmire Lore
Elysa's Wondrous Orb (Low) None None None Health to Mana Self III None Blackmire Lore
Energy Crystal +10% None None Minor Mana Gain, Minor Creature Enchantment Aptitude, Minor Item Enchantment Aptitude Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Preparation for the Ritus
Enhanced Assault Orb +15% +15% +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Slashing Battlemage's Blessing, Inner Calm, Wizard's Greater Intellect, Nuhmudira's Blessing Tumerok Slayer, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Weapon Upgrade Kit
Enhanced Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery +10% +10% None Decrepitude's Grasp, Celcynd's Blessing, Harlune's Blessing, Nuhmudira's Blessing, Moderate Willpower, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect None Creature Lords
Enhanced Eye of the Quiddity +10% +12% +8%PvM, +2%PvP, Slashing Celcynd's Blessing, Life Magic Mastery Self V, Nuhmudira's Blessing Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Weapon Upgrade Kit
Explorer Wand of Acid None None None Acid Stream III, Mana Conversion Mastery Self III, Life Magic Mastery Self III None Exploration Society Letters
Explorer Wand of Fire None None None Flame Bolt III, Mana Conversion Mastery Self III, Item Enchantment Mastery Self III None Exploration Society Letters
Explorer Wand of Frost None None None Frost Bolt III, War Magic Mastery Other III, Mana Conversion Mastery Other III None Exploration Society Letters
Explorer Wand of Lightning None None None Lightning Bolt III, Mana Conversion Mastery Self III, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self III None Exploration Society Letters
Exquisite Lense None +12% None Expose Weakness IV None Gearcraft
Eye of the Fallen None +8% +8.0%PvM, +2.0%PvP, Electrical Nuhmudira's Blessing, Moderate War Magic Aptitude Crushing Blow Fallen Weapons
Eye of the Quiddity None None None Item Enchantment Mastery Self VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Life Magic Mastery Self IV None Quiddity Weapons Quest
Fenmalain Crystal Orb None None None Item Enchantment Mastery Self III, Wizard's Lesser Intellect, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self III Biting Strike Fenmalain Vestibule Quest
Finely Crafted Lense None +10% None Expose Weakness III None Gearcraft
Finger of the Harbinger +20% +8% None Harbinger's Fiery Touch, Major Hermetic Link, Major Mana Conversion Prowess, Nuhmudira's Boon, Minor Acid Ward, Minor Flame Ward, Minor Frost Ward, Minor Storm Ward Biting Strike Harbinger Quest
Flawless Lense None +20% None Expose Weakness VI None Gearcraft
Focusing Stone None None None Brilliance, Malediction, Concentration Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Focusing Stone Quest
Glenden Wood Recall Orb None None None Glenden Wood Recall None Glenden Wood Invaders
Globe of Auberean None None None None None Hieromancer's Armor
Hafted Falcon Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self IV, Sprint Self IV Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Hafted Gromnie Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self IV, Armor Self IV Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Hafted Mask Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self IV, Wizard's Intellect Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Hafted Reedshark Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self IV, Quickness Self IV Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Hafted Serpent Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self IV, Invulnerability Self IV Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Hafted Shreth Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self IV, Warrior's Vitality Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Head of the Homunculus (Casting Orb) +6% None None Item Enchantment Mastery Other V, Minor Focus, Mana Conversion Mastery Other V, Focus Other V, Life Magic Mastery Other V None The Homunculus
Head of the Homunculus (Casting Orb - 2 Eyes) +12% None None Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI, Fanaticism, Life Magic Mastery Other VI, Consecration, Creature Enchantment Mastery Other VI None The Homunculus
Hieromancer's Orb +5% None None Focus Self VI, Willpower Self VI, War Magic Mastery Self VI None Hieromancer's Armor
Ice Wand +5% +20% +50.0%PvM, +12.5%PvP, Cold Avalanche, Mystic's Blessing, Hieromancer's Boon, Major War Magic Aptitude, Major Frost Ward, Icy Shield Unenchantable, Dropped on Death, Biting Strike, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Cold Hero Tokens
Imbued Asteliary Orb +5% None None Focus Self VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Willpower Self VI None Simulacra Infiltrators
Incomparable Lense None +20% None Expose Weakness VII None Gearcraft
Impious Staff None None None Priest's Curse Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Impious Staff Quest
Intricate Mukkir Orb None None None Taste for Blood, Aliester's Blessing None Faces of the Mukkir
Invoker +12% None None Invoking Aun Tanua, Heart of Oak Bonded, Biting Strike Invoker Quest
Ixir's Staff of the Eyes +12% None None Ward of Rebirth, Endurance Other VI, Mana Renewal Other VI, Focus Other VI, Moderate Item Enchantment Aptitude, Willpower Other VI, Rejuvenation Other VI None The Temple of Ixir Zi (100+)
Ixir's Staff of the Eyes +10% None None Minor Ward of Rebirth, Endurance Other VI, Mana Renewal Other VI, Focus Other VI, Minor Item Enchantment Aptitude, Willpower Other VI None The Temple of Ixir Zi (70-99)
Ixir's Staff of the Eyes +8% None None Lesser Ward of Rebirth, Endurance Other V, Focus Other V, Feeble Endurance, Willpower Other V, Rejuvenation Other V None The Temple of Ixir Zi (40-69)
Kithless Siraluun Stave +3% None None Life Giver, Mana Renewal Other V, Mana Conversion Mastery Other V Biting Strike Siraluun Weapons Quest
Life-attuned Shadowfire Isparian Wand +15% +15% +8% pvm, +2% pvp Mystic's Blessing, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Shadow Slayer, Unenchantable, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Shadowfire Stone Quest
Magnificent Lense None +15% None Expose Weakness V None Gearcraft
Mana-infused Acid War Staff of Aerfalle +15% +12% +12%PvM, +3.0%PvP, Acid Incantation of Acid Volley, Ar-Pei's Boon, Major Leadership, Major Life Magic Aptitude, Harlune's Boon, Incantation of War Magic Mastery Other, Epic War Magic Aptitude Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Lady Aerfalle Quest
Nearly Flawless Lense None +17.5% None Expose Weakness VI None Gearcraft
Nefane Pearl None None None None None Parfal Nefane
Nether Society Orb +2.5% MagicD +15% +20%PvM, +5%PvP, Nether Legendary Hermetic Link, Legendary Mana Conversion Prowess Magic Absorbing, Resistance Cleaving: Nether Gauntlet
Niffis Pearl None None None Focus Self IV, Armor Self IV, Willpower Self IV None Glissnal Niffis, Opor Niffis
Noble Sceptre +6% +9% None War Magic Mastery Other VI, Hermetic Link V, Endurance Self VI, War Magic Mastery Other VI, Invulnerability Self V Biting Strike Noble Weapons Quest
Opal Repugnant Staff +20% +17% None Mucor Bolt, Major Hermetic Link, Mystic's Blessing, Major Mana Conversion Prowess, Nuhmudira's Blessing, Cragstone's Will Crushing Blow Mucor Enhanced Weapons
Orb of Black Fire +3% None None Flame Volley V, Fire Protection Self IV, Acid Protection Self IV None Obsidian Sphere - Obsidian Enchanter
Orb of Eternal Frost None None None Snowball Bonded Assault on Frost Haven
Orb of Splendor +12% None None Minor Focus, Mana Conversion Mastery Other V, Focus Other V None Path of the Jojii Adherent
Orb of the Baby Bunny Booty +25% None None Brilliance, Major Focus Bonded, Attuned, Ivoryable Fuzzy Bunny Slayer Quest
Orb of the Bunny Booty None None None None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Slaying Pooky
Palenqual's Buadren of the Chase +6% +8% None Hunter's Acumen, Growth, Lesser Still Water, Lesser Cascade, Lesser Torrent, Lesser Strength of Earth, Lesser Stone Cliffs Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Buadren of the Heights +8% +8% None Lesser Hunter's Acumen, Lesser Growth, Lesser Still Water, Lesser Cascade, Lesser Torrent, Strength of Earth, Stone Cliffs Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Palenqual's Buadren of the Vortex +6% +8% None Lesser Stone Cliffs, Lesser Strength of Earth, Lesser Growth, Lesser Hunter's Acumen, Cascade, Still Water, Torrent Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Paradox-touched Olthoi Wand (Life) +15% +15% +10.0%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Pierce Shock Wave IV, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Olthoi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Paradox-touched Olthoi Wand (War) +15% +15% +10.0%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Pierce Shock Wave IV, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Olthoi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Aerbax's Prodigal Olthoi
Perfect Chilling Isparian Wand None None None Moderate Mana Conversion Prowess, Item Enchantment Mastery Self IV, Cold Protection Self VI, Focus Self VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Life Magic Mastery Self VI, Willpower Self VI, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self VI, War Magic Mastery Self IV Fire Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Coruscating Isparian Wand None None None Moderate Mana Conversion Prowess, Item Enchantment Mastery Self IV, Lightning Protection Self VI, Focus Self VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Life Magic Mastery Self VI, Willpower Self VI, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self VI, War Magic Mastery Self IV Fire Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Dissolving Isparian Wand None None None Moderate Mana Conversion Prowess, Item Enchantment Mastery Self IV, Acid Protection Self VI, Focus Self VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Life Magic Mastery Self VI, Willpower Self VI, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self VI, War Magic Mastery Self IV Lightning Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Flaming Isparian Wand None None None Moderate Mana Conversion Prowess, Item Enchantment Mastery Self IV, Fire Protection Self VI, Focus Self VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Life Magic Mastery Self VI, Willpower Self VI, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self VI, War Magic Mastery Self IV Frost Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Isparian Wand None None None Moderate Mana Conversion Prowess, Focus Self VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Willpower Self VI Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Perfect Shimmering Isparian Wand None None None Moderate Mana Conversion Prowess, Focus Self VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Armor Self VI, Willpower Self VI Elemental Slayer, Unenchantable, Bonded Isparian Weapons Quest
Piercing Society Orb +2.5% MagicD +15% +20%PvM, +5%PvP, Piercing Legendary Hermetic Link, Legendary Mana Conversion Prowess Magic Absorbing, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing Gauntlet
Plain Mukkir Orb None None None Taste for Blood, Arcane Enlightenment Self IV None Faces of the Mukkir
Polestar +10% None None Minor Mana Gain, Minor War Magic Aptitude, Mana Renewal Other VI Biting Strike Search for Gareth Dain
Poor Lense None +5% None Expose Weakness I None Gearcraft
Princely Runed Slashing Baton +15% None +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Slashing Futility, Mystic's Blessing, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Biting Strike Princely Runed Weapons
Puppeteer's Skull +15% None None Wrath of the Puppeteer, Major Mana Gain, Hermetic Link IV None Puppeteer
Quiddity Orb None None None Item Enchantment Mastery Self V, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Life Magic Mastery Self VI Attuned, Bonded,Ivoryable Quiddity Orb Quest
Red Rune Slashing Silveran Wand +20% None +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Slashing Evisceration, Mystic's Blessing, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress, Moderate War Magic Aptitude Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Tracking Grael, Grael's Summoning Chamber
Regal Sceptre +12% +10% None War Magic Mastery Other VI, Mystic's Blessing, Endurance Self VI, Life Magic Mastery Other VI, Invulnerability Other V Biting Strike, Burun Slayer, Attuned Regal Weapons
Reinforced Falcon Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self V, Sprint Self IV Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Reinforced Gromnie Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self V, Armor Self IV Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Reinforced Mask Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self V, Armor Self IV Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Reinforced Reedshark Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self V, Quickness Self IV Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Reinforced Serpent Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self V, Invulnerability Self IV Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Reinforced Shreth Banner with Symbol None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Self V, Warrior's Vitality Attuned, Bonded Tumerok Banners Quest
Renegade Buadren of the Chase +15% +12% +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Pierce Lesser Stone Cliffs, Lesser Strength of Earth, Growth, Hunter's Acumen, Lesser Cascade, Lesser Still Water, Lesser Torrent Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Buadren of the Forests +15% +12% +10% PvM, +2.5%PvP, Pierce Greater Growth, Greater Hunter's Acumen Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Buadren of the Heights +15% +12% +10% PvM, +2.5%PvP, Pierce Stone Cliffs, Strength of Earth, Lesser Growth, Lesser Hunter's Acumen, Lesser Cascade, Lesser Still Water, Lesser Torrent Attuned, Bonded, Crushing Blow, Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing, Ivoryable Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Buadren of the Mountains +15% +12% +10% PvM, +2.5%PvP, Pierce Greater Stone Cliffs, Greater Strength of Earth Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Buadren of the Rivers +15% +12% +10% PvM, +2.5%PvP, Pierce Greater Cascade, Greater Still Water, Greater Torrent Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing Renegade Living Weapons
Renegade Buadren of the Vortex +15% +12% +10% PvM, +2.5%PvP, Pierce Lesser Stone Cliffs, Lesser Strength of Earth, Lesser Growth, Lesser Hunter's Acumen, Cascade, Still Water, Torrent Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing Renegade Living Weapons
Rift Orb (Tenebrous Rift) +10% +10% None Tattercoat, Celcynd's Boon, Major Item Enchantment Aptitude, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect, Nuhmudira's Boon Pierce Rending, Biting Strike Umbral Rift Kill Task
Rift Orb (Umbral Rift) +10% +10% None Gossamer Flesh, Major Life Magic Aptitude, Harlune's Boon, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect, Nuhmudira's Boon Pierce Rending, Biting Strike Tenebrous Rift Kill Task
Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Recall Orb None None None Rossu Morta Chapterhouse Recall Attuned, Bonded Grael's Summoning Chamber
Royal Runed Slashing Baton +20% None +20%PvM, +5%PvP, Slashing Futility, Mystic's Blessing, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress, Moderate War Magic Aptitude Biting Strike Royal Runed Weapons
Saulandoi None None None Lesser Stasis Field, Minor Focus, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI, Minor Willpower, Life Magic Mastery Other VI, Moderate Life Magic Aptitude Olthoi Slayer Gaerlan's Citadel
Scepter of the Portal Currents +10% None None Return to the Keep, Celcynd's Blessing, Major Focus, Inner Calm, Major Item Enchantment Aptitude, Minor Willpower, Major Magic Resistance, Mind Blossom Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Scepter of the Portal Currents Quest
Scribe's Quill None None None Jibril's Blessing, Major Armor Tinkering Expertise None Counterfeit Writ
Scribe's Quill None None None Yoshi's Blessing, Major Item Tinkering Expertise None Counterfeit Writ
Scribe's Quill None None None Koga's Blessing, Major Weapon Tinkering Expertise None Counterfeit Writ
Scribe's Quill None None None Celdiseth's Blessing, Major Magic Item Tinkering Expertise None Counterfeit Writ
Seed of Mornings +20% +20% None Adja's Gift, Major Hermetic Link, Legendary Life Magic Aptitude, Incantation of Life Magic Mastery Self, Incantation of Mana Conversion Mastery Self Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Harvesting the Bulb of Mornings
Shadowfire Isparian Wand +12% +12% +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Fire Mystic's Blessing, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Attuned, Bonded, Shadow Slayer, Ivoryable, Unenchantable Shadowfire Stone Quest
Shadownether Isparian Wand +12% +12% +1%PvM, +0.2%PvP Mystic's Blessing, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Attuned, Bonded, Shadow Slayer, Ivoryable, Unenchantable Shadowfire Stone Quest
Shagraka +5% None None Fruit of the Oasis, Water of the Oasis, Shade of the Oasis None Decrepit Tower Quest
Shendolain Crystal Orb None None None Item Enchantment Mastery Self V, Wizard's Greater Intellect, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self IV Biting Strike Shendolain Vestibule Quest
Singularity Scepter of Life Magic +7% +7% None Mana Renewal Other VI, Focus Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Destroyed on Death, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Singularity Scepter of War Magic +7% +7% None Mana Renewal Other VI, Focus Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Destroyed on Death, Biting Strike Singularity Weapons Quest
Slicing Society Orb +2.5% MagicD +15% +20%PvM, +5%PvP, Slashing Legendary Hermetic Link, Legendary Mana Conversion Prowess Magic Absorbing, Resistance Cleaving: Slashing Gauntlet
Society Wand of Acid None None None Acid Stream II, Mana Conversion Mastery Self II, Life Magic Mastery Self II None Exploration Society Letters
Society Wand of Fire None None None Flame Bolt II, Mana Conversion Mastery Self II, Item Enchantment Mastery Self II None Exploration Society Letters
Society Wand of Frost None None None Frost Bolt II, War Magic Mastery Other II, Mana Conversion Mastery Other II None Exploration Society Letters
Society Wand of Lightning None None None Lightning Bolt II, Mana Conversion Mastery Self II, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self II None Exploration Society Letters
Solid Mukkir Orb None None None Taste for Blood, Arcane Enlightenment Self V None Faces of the Mukkir
Soul Bound Staff +15% +20% +20%PvM, +5.0%PvP, Piercing The Spike, Mystic's Blessing, Minor Focus, Minor Willpower, Major War Magic Aptitude, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing Jester's Lost Marbles
Spectral Staff +15% +20% +20%PvM, +5.0%PvP, Piercing The Spike, Mystic's Blessing, Minor Focus, Minor Willpower, Major War Magic Aptitude, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Ghost Slayer, Crushing Blow, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Piercing Jester's Lost Marbles
Staff of Aerfalle +6% +4% None Acid Volley VI, War Magic Mastery Other VI, Leadership Mastery Other VI, Life Magic Mastery Other VI Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Lady Aerfalle Quest
Staff of Clarity +6% +7% None Mana Renewal Other VI, War Magic Mastery Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI, Moderate Focus, Moderate Willpower None Arm, Mind, Heart Quest
Staff of Clarity (Enhanced) +12% +15% +15%PvM, +2.8%PvP, Bludgeoning Battlemage's Boon, Hieromancer's Boon, Nuhmudira's Boon, Moderate Focus, Moderate Willpower, Major War Magic Aptitude, Major Mana Conversion Prowess Crushing Blow, Resistance Cleaving: Bludgeoning Arm, Mind, Heart Quest
Staff of the Painbringer +6% +6% None Executor's Boon Biting Strike The Painbringer Quest
Stave of Palenqual +7% None None Avalanche, Hermetic Link VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Self VI, Focus Self VI, Mana Renewal Self VI, Timaru's Shelter Bonded, Ivoryable Hea Totem Quest
Sturdy Bloodstone Wand +15% +20% +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP Bloodstone Bolt VI, Harlune's Blessing, Cragstone's Will, Infected Spirit Caress Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Resistance Cleaving: Acid Bloodstone Investigation
Tanae's Buadren of the Forests +15% +8% None Greater Growth, Greater Hunter's Acumen Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Taulandoi None None None Lesser Elemental Fury, Minor Focus, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI, Minor Willpower, War Magic Mastery Other VI, Moderate War Magic Aptitude Olthoi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Gaerlan's Citadel
The Eye of Drageerg +3% None None Bludgeoning Vulnerability Other III, Hermetic Link III, Mana Renewal Other III, Creature Enchantment Mastery Other III None Bleeargh's Gratitude
The Healer's Heart +5% None None Heal Other VI, Life Giver, Regeneration Self VI, Healing Mastery Self VI None The Healer's Heart Quest
Tome of Caustics +15% None +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Acid Incantation of Mana Boost Self, Incantation of Mana Renewal Other, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect, Epic Mana Conversion Prowess, Incantation of Mana Conversion Mastery Other Magic Absorbing, Resistance Cleaving: Acid Small Olthoi Venom Sacs
Tome of Chill +15% None +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Cold Incantation of Mana Boost Self, Incantation of Mana Renewal Other, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect, Epic Mana Conversion Prowess, Incantation of Mana Conversion Mastery Other Magic Absorbing, Resistance Cleaving: Cold Ancient Mhoire Coins
Tome of Flame +15% None +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Fire Incantation of Mana Boost Self, Incantation of Mana Renewal Other, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect, Epic Mana Conversion Prowess, Incantation of Mana Conversion Mastery Other Magic Absorbing, Resistance Cleaving: Fire Colosseum Coins
Training Wand None None None None Training Academy Quest
Tusker Paw Wand +10% +15% +10%PvM, +2.5%PvP, Bludgeon Calming Gaze, Hieromancer's Boon, Harlune's Boon, Major War Magic Aptitude, Bolstered Will, Moderate Life Magic Aptitude Tusker Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Aerbax's Prodigal Tusker
Ultimate Singularity Scepter of Life Magic +8% +8% None Mana Renewal Other VI, Minor Focus, Focus Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest
Ultimate Singularity Scepter of Life Magic (Upgraded) +15% +15% +15.0%PvM, +3.8%PvP, Slashing Battlemage's Boon, Major Focus, Calming Gaze, Nuhmudira's Boon Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest - Weapon Upgrade Kit
Ultimate Singularity Scepter of War Magic +8% +8% None Mana Renewal Other VI, Minor Focus, Focus Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest
Ultimate Singularity Scepter of War Magic (Upgraded) +15% +15% +15.0%PvM, +3.8%PvP, Slashing Battlemage's Boon, Major Focus, Calming Gaze, Nuhmudira's Boon Virindi Slayer, Attuned, Bonded, Biting Strike, Ivoryable Singularity Weapons Quest - Weapon Upgrade Kit
Utterly Flawless Lense None +20% None Expose Weakness VI None Gearcraft
Volkama's Buadren of the Rivers None +8% None Greater Cascade, Greater Still Water, Greater Torrent Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Palenqual's Living Weapons
Virindi Implant (Purple) None None None Paralyzing Fear, Torrent None Hunt for Hea Tuperea
Virindi Implant (Red) None None None Panic Attack, Hunter's Acumen None Hunt for Hea Tuperea
War Staff of Aerfalle +10% +6% None Celdiseth's Searing, Leadership Mastery Other VI, Hieromancer's Boon, Life Magic Mastery Other VI Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Lady Aerfalle Quest
Weeping Wand +1% None None Hunter's Lash, War Magic Mastery Other VI, Moderate Mana Conversion Prowess, Focus Self VI, Murderous Intent, Life Magic Mastery Other VI, Willpower Self VI Attuned, Bonded, Bael'Zharon's Hate, Ivoryable, Unenchantable Weeping Weapons
Well Crafted Lense None +7.5% None Expose Weakness II None Gearcraft
Whispering Blade Chapterhouse Recall Orb None None None Whispering Blade Chapterhouse Recall Attuned, Bonded Tracking Grael
Winter Orb +5% +8% None Glacial Speed, Icy Blessing, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self VI, Invulnerability Self V Bonded A Huge Lump of Coal - Elijah


Icon Name Mana Bonus Melee Bonus Damage Bonus Spells Special Props Rare #
Orb of the Ironsea +18% +20% +22% Pierce The Spike, Incantation of Focus Self, Epic Mana Conversion Prowess, Incantation of Willpower Self, Incantation of Mana Conversion Mastery Self, Epic Spirit Thirst Bael'Zharon's Hate, Pierce Rending, Biting Strike 187
Deru Limb +??% +??% ??% ?? ?? 188
Eye of Muramm +18% +18% +25% Lightning Tempest, Epic Alchemical Prowess, Incantation of Mana Renewal Self, Incantation of Alchemy Mastery Self, Epic Life Magic Aptitude, Epic Mana Conversion Prowess, Incantation of Life Magic Mastery Self, Epic Spirit Thirst Undead Slayer, Lightning Rending 239
Wand of the Frore Crystal +??% +??% +??% ?? ?? 240
Wings of Rakhil +18% +18% +22.0%PvM,
Ilservian's Flame, Epic Mana Conversion Prowess, Epic Spirit Thirst, Incantation of Endurance Self, Incantation of Mana Renewal Self, Incantation of War Magic Mastery Self, Incantation of Leadership Mastery Self, Incantation of Willpower Self, Incantation of Fire Protection Self Fire Rending, Crushing Blow 278


See also: Category:Retired

Icon Name Mana Bonus Melee Bonus Damage Bonus Spells Special Props Quest
Academy Wand None None None Mana Conversion Mastery Other I, Focus Other I, Willpower Other I Bonded Training Academy Quest
Aerbax's Defeat None None None None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Aerbax's Citadel
Blue Orb None None None None None Hieromancer's Armor
Branith's Staff None None None Flame Bolt II None Branith's Stolen Possessions
Caulnalain Soul Crystal Orb None None None ?? None Caulnalain Vestibule Quest
Caulnalain Staff of the Lightbringer None None None None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Bhael'Zharon's Defeat
Dark Heart None None None Warrior's Lesser Vigor, Mana Renewal Self V, Wizard's Lesser Intellect None Glowing Wisp Heart
Dark Sorcerer's Phylactery None None None Item Enchantment Mastery Self V, Wizard's Ultimate Intellect, Life Magic Mastery Self V None Creature Lords
Energy Crystal None None None Item Enchantment Mastery Self V, Mana Conversion Mastery Self IV, Creature Enchantment Mastery Self V Bonded Preparation for the Ritus
Explorer Wand of Acid None None None Acid Stream II, Life Magic Mastery Other II, Mana Conversion Mastery Other II None Exploration Society Letters
Explorer Wand of Fire None None None Flame Bolt III, Mana Conversion Mastery Self III, Item Enchantment Mastery Self III None Exploration Society Letters
Explorer Wand of Frost None None None Frost Bolt II, War Magic Mastery Other II, Mana Conversion Mastery Other II None Exploration Society Letters
Explorer Wand of Lightning None None None Lightning Bolt II, Creature Enchantment Mastery Other II, Mana Conversion Mastery Other II None Exploration Society Letters
Fenmalain Staff of the Lightbringer None None None None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Bhael'Zharon's Defeat
Fenmalain Soul Crystal Orb None None None ?? None Fenmalain Vestibule Quest
Great Work Staff of the Lightbringer None None None None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Bhael'Zharon's Defeat
Herald's Staff of the Lightbringer None None None None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Bhael'Zharon's Defeat
Impious Staff None None None Force Bolt VI Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Impious Staff Quest
Invoker None None None Invoking Aun Tanua, Heart of Oak Bonded Invoker Quest
Nexus Staff of the Lightbringer None None None None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Bhael'Zharon's Defeat
Niffis Pearl None None None Focus Self IV, Armor Self IV, Willpower Self IV None Glissnal Niffis, Opor Niffis
Nivinzk's Sacrificial Dagger +12% +10% None Cannibalize, Major Creature Enchantment Aptitude, Major Item Enchantment Aptitude, Major Life Magic Aptitude, Major War Magic Aptitude Biting Strike Nivinizk T'thuunixis Live Event
Orb of Black Fire None None None Regeneration Other VI None Obsidian Sphere - Obsidian Enchanter
Orisis's Staff None +4% +5% Magicd None Weave of Chorizite Resistance Cleaving: Fire Undead Attack on Al-Jalima
Royal Bouquet +10% None None Blessing of Unity, Regeneration Self VI, Healing Mastery Self VI None Reception Games
Shendolain Soul Crystal Orb None None None ?? None Shendolain Vestibule Quest
Shendolain Staff of the Lightbringer None None None None Attuned, Bonded, Ivoryable Bhael'Zharon's Defeat
Society Wand of Acid None None None Acid Stream II None Exploration Society Letters
Society Wand of Fire None None None Flame Bolt II None Exploration Society Letters
Society Wand of Frost None None None Frost Bolt II None Exploration Society Letters
Society Wand of Lightning None None None Lightning Bolt II None Exploration Society Letters
Staff of Clarity None None None Mana Renewal Other VI, War Magic Mastery Other VI, Mana Conversion Mastery Other VI None Arm, Mind, Heart Quest
Staff of the Weeping Witness None None None Shock Wave V, War Magic Mastery Self VI None Asheron's Call Beta - The Fire in the Sky
Teleportation Device None None None Facility Hub Attuned, Bonded Facility Hub Quests
Training Wand None None None None None Training Academy Quest
Wand (BZ) None None None None Invisible Void of Bael'Zharon
Wand of Black Fire None None None Flame Bolt VI None Obsidian Sphere - Obsidian Enchanter
White Virindi Wand +5% None None Lightning Bolt VI, Lightning Protection Self VI None White Jewel - Jewel Collector
Yellow Virindi Wand +7% None None Flame Bolt VI, Fire Protection Self VI, Minor Flame Ward None Yellow Jewel - Jewel Collector

Creature and NPC

Icon Name Spells Special Props Wielded By
Electric Baton None Destroyed on Death Shambling Archivist, Wight Blade Sorcerer
Fire Staff None None Ayaname Chiyoko
Jester's Baton Arcane Death Attuned, Destroyed on Death Jester
Piercing Baton None Attuned, Destroyed on Death Master Mage
Piercing Wand of T'thuun Unknown Attuned, Destroyed on Death High Priestess of T'thuun


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